34. Ambrosia flower and where to find them, Pent up and Relieving

The next several days after the Harvest festival, some of the Alkeys are transplanting the Ambrosia plant after Ei decides to put them as part of the merchandise of the Narukami company by transplanting them to Inazuma where the land is much more fertile and more likely to produce more than outside.

When Ei asked the Alkeys the one who can humanize for a long duration named Akina showed her the results as Mio also adds some info of her own as well, telling Ei that a race of demi-humans are acting as guardians to the plant hence the reason for its rarity.

" Let us see if they can be convinced to move in here in Inazuma Mio, we need more people to have this nation run smoothly after all." said Ei and Mio nods in agreement.

Then Ei left to teleport back Tsilge to take care some business with Rembrandt as she began to enjoy living in disguise as a rookie merchant, after having a discussion with Rembrandt and walk nearby the red light district then out of nowhere though its quite clear it was intentional a woman trying to make contact with Ei.

It turns out it was a prostitute mistaking Ei as a guy due to the cloak that gives a unisexual appearance, " Hey~ won't you like to have a good time with me? I promise it will be worth your while ufufufu~." the prostitute trying to flirt with Ei and suddenly two arms reached out on both sides of Ei as she was drag back to the Inn they were staying.

It turns out the two Subordinates have a strong female instincts as they clearly being frustrated and started to undress in front of Ei, " It appears you both need to release what's accumulating in both of you, very well then."

( this is a r18 scene so please imagine watching two mountains while listening to the flow of water and then a volcano about to erupt and boom!)

After some moans and more moans of pleasure Ei is now sitting on a chair while the two Subordinates are thoroughly exhausted and their naked bodies are covered by a blanket, and Ei says to both of them " It appears I'm more experienced than both of you, considering I have my own millenia's worth of it when goddesses want to do the deed with me."

No reaction from either of the two though they can listen clearly, still they are in need of rest as Ei returns to her meditation as if nothing happened earlier.

Both have sworn that they won't do it separately as they will receive double the exhaustion, though its quite clear from their blushing faces that they want to do it again.