36. The Lich, a new Subordinate and new Race to join Inazuma

This young Elder is the son of the Village Chief who seems agitated as he argued with his father about the barrier weakening and to take action about it, Ei could easily tell that this village is divided into two factions with their opinion on the barrier weakening issue.

Ei didn't care as she plans to take them all as new immigrants to Inazuma, with their abilities related to flora they can help the Alkeys who are currently lacking in manpower.

Aqua and Eris brought them to a guest room after Mio send their master flying for trying to shake hands with Ei.

"What did that scoundrel tried to do Mistress!?" asked Mio, still fuming about what happened earlier.

" He is trying to use an ability to me, quite foolish move I suppose. It seems I will apply a new Law to the Heaven's Will back home."

The Heaven's Will Ei talked about is a puppet made only for one purpose, to place Laws in the Realm. Laws are what makes a world work in a way such as how different attributes affect one another, or how the Goddess used the Laws to affect all Hyumans to become "Beautiful" through her Blessing or even the concept of "Levels" are also the work of Laws put into effect by the Heavens. Ei's Heaven's Will looks exactly like her (think of it as the Raiden Shogun puppet) and it is staying inside the Shrine and it also serves as a remote control to the Sacred Sakura when Ei wants to make some adjustments on the Realm itself, and right now Ei just gave the order to the Heaven's Will to create a Law to ensure the Forest Ogres will not be able to use this ability to turn a living being into a tree.

Then Mio who was ordered to spy on them discovers Mondo who was already healed from the damage from Mio's attack as she also noticed that he is also possessed by something.

Mio moved on and spied on the Chief's son as she finds out that he has a backing from someone in the Demon Faction. Then Mio reported everything to her Mistress and Ei nodded and thanked Mio's efforts and the woman herself is in pink clouds blushing hard as her Mistress complimented her.

And so Ei attends to the feast, but the farce has to end so she covered the whole area with her Space and said with a voice that all Forest Ogres equally hear, " This is quite enough, will you come out from that man's body?"

This confuses everyone except for Mondo who suddenly grab Adouno and suddenly a skeleton hand came out and drained Adouno to death as the skull and the rest of its body came out from Mondo's body.

" Quite perceptive, to be able to sense me means you are no ordinary person. I cannot sense anything from you, but that makes me more cautious." said the Lich and all the Ogres became terrified at his appearance.

" You killed that man, is it because of his connection to the Demons?"

The Lich answers, " Yes and a troublesome woman is the one who makes contact with him, hence he and the other spies had to be get rid of. I am after the woman in black who is with you, rest assured I will not harm you."

And suddenly everything felt heavy to the Lich and all Ogres as the weaker ones began to collapse and fainted, while the strong ones are now pale and sweating as they kneel to the ground in fright as they saw the Raiden Shogun's eyes are shining in purple light and said " Harm me? You won't be able to do anything to me, submit or Die."

And the Lich suddenly falls to the ground as the gravity around him multiplies, no matter what the Lich tries to do it can't do anything against Ei's oppressive aura. In the end the Lich says, " I surrender, please spare me."

Then the heaviness disappears quickly on everyone as the ones still awake are having a sigh of relief, and Ei calls out to Mio " Tie him up, I'll deal with him later." then turns to Tomoe who just arrived " and Tomoe you deal with the Ogres." Tomoe nodded and talks with the old Ogre who made the deal with her when she was still known as Shin. The Elders fainted as they realized that the village's benefactor now serves to Ei as her Subordinate, and they tried to kill her Master on top of that.

The Lich who was resigned to his fate was surprised that Ei offers to make a Contract as her Subordinate, and Tomoe told him what he desires cannot happen due to becoming an undead and also due to the lack of solid information on his research about "Grants".

" Why be obsessed on that when you can serve a powerful Goddess?" Tomoe said and the Lich pales realizing he was trying to pick a fight against a Goddess, more so an Elder Goddess far more powerful than the Goddess in charge of this world.

The Lich finally asked Ei as to why she wants to make a contract with him who is far weaker than Tomoe or Mio, then Ei answers " You have an aura of a scholar on you. I need someone who will handle that area for me in Inazuma."

Then the Lich agrees and Ei gave him the name Shiki after the Contract was established.

Tomoe made the offer for the Ogres to move in Inazuma , after showing them what kind of place Inazuma is they agreed immediately knowing that the Humans will no longer a problem for their village. Then Ei decided to have most of the Ogres to live in Tsurumi island and some of them including Aqua, Eris and Mondo were taken by Tomoe to have them experience on what people called "Brainwashing" or "Converting" then the hellish training starts.