39. Komoe receives a Blessing, Sending off and Experimental puppet

Ei and her three Subordinates are having a discussion for future plans, and currently talking about the Ogres' training.

" The training will be completed between two weeks to one month Master, with my offshoot I guarantee it." said Tomoe while grinning with a thumb up on her right hand.

Ei nodded and saw Tomoe's offshoot enters and greets her.

" I will test on giving a blessing to Komoe, is that fine with you?" Ei asked for Tomoe's agreement and Tomoe nods as she and the rest saw Ei creates a ball of lightning that looks like a plasma ball and slowly floats to Komoe, it enters in the chibi's chest and a change occur in her outer appearance. Her green hair turns blue with dark purple on the end, Ei nodded in satisfaction and says " I've only gave you minor Blessing since your body won't be able to endure a Blessing higher than that, though it doesn't mean you only get a small benefit. Your instincts will guide you how to wield the blade better Komoe and of course you'll be able to wield lightning."

This surprised all three of them as Tomoe and Mio argue each other since Komoe is a part of Tomoe and Mio didn't get Ei's Blessing, Shiki got caught in the crossfire hearing barbed words from both of them and resulting in getting depressed again.

Their argument halts as Ei simply says, " You three already had received my Blessing during the Contract ritual, why should I give you all more?" while tilting her head.

This made them realize and blushed from embarrassment, and Ei calls out to the door " You can come in now."

Her Subordinates were surprised to see a mirror copy of Ei as the Puppet enters and bows and remain standing with her eyes look dead, with no luster in it.

" This is my new experiment, I will use this puppet since I will no longer wear a mask while traveling outside. I have copied my Vessel's essence and merged it on the puppet, in order to fool that Goddess' senses."

Tomoe asks " How strong is this puppet Master!?" planning to challenge it to a spar.

" Only a fragment of my strength, but strong enough to change the topography of the world outside." Ei answered and turns to Mio and says, " Mio, you and Tomoe will go to a Port Town north of Tsilge."

Mio asked, " What about you Mistress?"

" I will remain here in Inazuma as I will control this Puppet outside while Shiki will accompany it on the way to Rotsgard. You both on the other hand will investigate the difference of Inazuma's sea products to the outside and make a comparison."

Both Tomoe and Mio nods as they accept their Master's order.

Shiki straightens as he receives both gazes of Ei and her Puppet body double and this time Puppet Ei spoke " Are you good in cartography Shiki?"

" Yes Master, I am good in drawing maps due to my skills I need in making magic circles on a surface of either an object or on the ground itself." Shiki replies in confirmation.

" Good, I need you to make a more detailed map of the outside World as we travel. You may go to the Vault to learn more on map making, just ask Ema as she has the key to access inside." Puppet Ei said to Shiki and he himself walks away immediately to inquire Ema and to escape from the malicious gazes of his two senior colleagues.

Puppet Ei tilts her head and says " You both should've known that my main body will stay here, and you both can teleport here easily."

Tomoe shivers a bit and says, " It feels creepy hearing your voice from there Master."

Puppet Ei just tilts its head.

" I will give you both these memory crystals, Tomoe yours is about Iai technique and as for you Mio it's about guns. Will these satisfy you both?" Puppet Ei asked after handing out the gifts to the two Subordinates.

And finally Puppet Ei says " Since Jean will manage the company from now on, the Dwarves, Alkeys and the Ogres will help her out in the shop in Tsilge. Mio, you will also help out from time to time understood?" and both nods and the discussion ends.