" Ohh boys, could you come a little closer and helped a lady out. I'm just worried that I'll have to do it all alone", " Your a washed up old hag you can never be as attractive as you once where to us", " Well that's rude, so I guess this fights over. W could you get me a base darling I really need to wash this down", she said before seating down.
W suddenly appeared by changing the texture and color of his skill. He brought with him a bucket of milk and splashed in on her ... Keto just happened to be walking in the moment she was getting socked. Her sexy body basked in the glorious milks bath sending the commander down one exciting lane.
" Excuse me!", Keto said as he walked towards the door. "Ohh commander Dynasties it free of charge if you're wondering. Just let me in I promise I'll be gentle for the first ten minutes, Ugh", Shara pouted at him while rubbing her breasts together.
" Leave him along you old hag you've already had your fun with many other men. Let him go, his an important one", Garield said sending her to her room unhappy.
Keto be walked out of the building and at the gate of the Mannar, stood a group of Northwoods. Northwoods were residents of the Northern Hemisphere Republican and they considered the Heaven's Descendants as nothing, but tools. Commander Dynasties on the other hand only cared about one thing and one thing alone...Piece.
Later that evening Keto was preparing to head out and take care of an enemy camp miles down south towards the Grand River. He had forty Mech's loaded into his airship, in order to achieve a stronger bond Crest Zach had him get The Dozen Pathfinders; twelve of the most elite Soldiers the Promised Gates had to offer. Amongst them where Trinity, Anabelle, Vincent, Belgium, Craig, Lindsey, Katey, Ola, Alexander, Emmanuel, Eliot and Tiffany.
Keto wondered why this group acted so familiar with each other, " Well that's an easy Trinity and I have always been rivals, that was back in our school days... Almost everyone of these people here was my classmate. So we all kind of have each other's backs it's quite funny really", " I've never had anyone's back, I think it's because I've been stabbed in mine so many times it's something I don't wish to witness again", Keto said to Anabelle as he backed away.
They set off into the midnight sky, flouting to there destination. Everyone rested and got ready for the big battle to come. Trinity failed to fall asleep so she headed out and bumped into Keto who was are trying to catch fresh air, " You can't go out there it's really windy. What is it, Stress much?", " I just can't seem to fall asleep...I don't know maybe it is stress", Trinity said as she crossed her arms.
" When ever I feel stressed I just start counting how many times I blink in each minute and then subtract it from how many breaths I take", Keto said to Trinity who got completely confused, but then chuckled as soon as she realized what he was doing. " That's a new one... hahaha! Commander Dynasties also known as the Twin Shooting Hawk. What inspired such a name?", Trinity asked.
" Well I'm the best twin pistol sniper alive, I never miss... even when I'm up against the best I always find a way to out to the best... I herd your the Queen of lead, the most dangerous gun slinger of them all", " My life's been up and down, my family never wanted me to be a Pathfinder there said that was a job fit for Rats and yet it was a rat that made me the woman I am today...of course I'm probably sure his like fifty's or sixty's about now, I always tell myself that to stop myself from thinking of the worst case scenario", Trinity said with a sad smile.
" The story of the One eyed Angel, is that God sent one of his most powerful angels to be his hand of judgment on the land, it was merciless ending millions of lives in seconds, flaming rain, flouting buildings, breaking land and Divine light.
The one eyed Angel is said to have sinned and was banished out of heaven, stripped of each limb in order to spend eternity wondering the earth in search for them", Keto said.