" I've scouted the entre land, only three words; Disgusting, Rubbish, Cesspool", Ragnarok said. "I can't believe you lived here how was the weather and the women, any you still remember or have you always been unattractive all great brother Raggy", Omnison said.
" There's something I need to check on before we get what we came for... remember do not engage no matter what they aren't our meal", Jace told him team.
" What ever you say Überlebende! ", all seven of them said to there leader.
The group lowered to the ground, before Jace raised his right hand which attracted six magnetic spheres from the sky and he gave them to his three brothers, Omnison, Ragnarok and Alpha. The remaining four of his team were Cassandra, Jack, Iho and Tiho.
" Cassandra let's go, the rest move out", Jace said as everyone split up into direction. Cassandra was a long haired brunette with beautiful spectrum eyes... she was just and straight forward. Most people might even call her rude, but towards Jace she acted like a little excited child.
" This is one hell of damp, did that jerky hot head have to burn so much. Our newbies never came out of the ship, did you kill the?", " We should reach the librarian home", Jace said to Cassandra completely ignoring her question.
" That's my Überlebende always cold hearted, but they were still really young and had room to grow...we promised them protection, shelter, freedom and independence....", " I mate them", Jace cut her short as stopped running. "Your passed has came back to haunt you, we well, tried to discuss this, but it was more of me just talking to you.
Hey I know it's hard, but I have no idea how your feeling right now and I can't help you don't talk to me. Please just tell me what your feeling, I couldn't careless about your feelings, love, sorrow, griff and rage or even sadness", Cassandra said to Jace as she placed her hands on his face.
Jace smiled and said " your methods always get. I'm fine now just make sure you always keep me in check". Jace kissed her forehead, " No lip this time huh, I'll be waiting", Cassandra said to him as the continued there search. After a few moments running up and down Jace finally found a blind old man.
" That's the smell of blood and ashes, the signature sent of despair. If it isn't the, One eyed Angel the most terrifying team of genocide psychopaths...to what do I owe this daring endeavor", " where here looking for old man Hendrickson's Novel, but let's forget about that for now... tell me everything you know about synthetic blood and please be really discreet with explanation, because if you lie about even one simple factor, we will kill you", Jace said as he knelt down to get closer to the old man.
" If your that serious about it I can tell you everything", Omnison said as he walked towards them " Your our truth detector if he lies even once tell...", " Ohh wow that was an expected", " What is it now?", Jace asked Omnison why he interrupted him. " This synthetic blood your looking for, it flows inside of him and everyone in his family has it too", Omnison said with a smile.
" Commander Dynasties Keto, you've really been a big help. Tighten your jaws and then drink some of this, tonight we feast", Jace said as he pulled out test tubes containing some YSW of his own creation.
They attacked the man like Lions to game feed off his body savagely. Jace manipulated the old man's spilt blood with his arm before they're drank it all up.
All eight of them dropped to the ground in agonizing pain as blood slowly dripped out of there eyes, ears and noses. " Damn this disease! We only have six more months, well we do, but...", " I have four", Jace finished Alpha's statement. "You all chose to stay with me even if it meant you'd all get infected, I just don't understand why", Jace said.
" Well it's because we're family, all of us. You can't be the only one who allowed to carry our sins, let us carry your's too", Omnison said.
"Alright then, I promised to save you and that's exactly what I'll do, I know of a stubborn old man whom I believe can cure us, but doing so would mean going back to where my journey started. I'm not promising a smooth and genital ride, we might have to us force, but I do promise you this we will stop Farther", Jace said to his team.