Chapter 19: Smartphone of the century

Both Alex and Orion went to a smartphone shop to buy a smartphone but after reaching the shop they suddenly realise something, that they don't have a single penny in their pocket.

ORION: "Umm sir , what now?"

Alex: "..."

ORION: "Should we sell something?"

Alex: "We are not in 15th century Orion."

ORION: "Then what should we do?"

Alex: "...never thought I will be saying this,(ahem ahem) umm tell the shop owner if we can pay with gold."

ORION: "...sir,....we are also not in knight era," 😒

Alex: "no comments"

As Orion was going to ask the shop owner about gold payment, Alex suddenly remember something.

Alex: "WAIT ORION!!!"

ORION: "what it is sir?"

Alex: "How did I forget , we a doraemon spare pocket."

ORION: "Are you planning to steal sir? Sir we should never steal, even though we are in GTA5 world."

Alex: "Hell no Orion , I am planning to use this."(Alex take out a black card from the spare pocket) "HAAA, Orion I present you 'THE ALMIGHTY PASS'. "

ORION: "What it does sir."

Alex: "This gadget is used to make the user pass into any place and situation, this is a super useful gadget of doraemon and I will like to see if it will work here."

ORION: "So, it's stealing but in a more secured way."

Alex: "What no no, you got it wrong Orion, its....its more like...umm...where you take something from the shop and don't have to pay- Oh shit it's stealing.... 😑 "

ORION: "....."

Alex: "(sigh) Just take the pass and get the phone Orion."

ORION: "Sure sir, I mean if you want to steal, what can I do."


After that they buy (steal) the phone and went to the outskirts of Los Santos(city in GTA5) with anywhere door (another doraemon gadget) to try whatever Alex was planning.

Alex: "Man I am definitely gonna find out how this anywhere door works."

ORION: "You mean, you can't sir?"

Alex: "No Orion, I just checked it's material to see what the hell is this is made of and you know what's the answer I got"

ORION: "What sir?"

Alex: "WOOD ,it's made of freaking wood Orion."

ORION: !!!!!!!!!!" How is that even possible, wood is not capable of withstanding the energy generated to create a man-made wormhole sir."

Alex: "Exactly Orion, that's also my point but enough discussion about doraemon gadgets , we can't figure it out with our current understanding of science."

Alex takes out the new smartphone from his pocket and opens up the dial-pad, Orion is closely watching him as he don't know what is he going to do.

Alex types a series of number in the dial-pad that looks like 1-999-266-38.

Alex(inner thought): (heavy exhale) Here goes nothing.

Alex pressed the dial button, then he and Orion waited for some time, then 2 min passed , 5 min passed still nothing happened, 10 min still nothing.

ORION: "umm sir , what are we waiting for."

Alex: "shit....I made a miscalculation Orion."

ORION: "Miscalculation on what, I am still very confused on what you are doing."

Alex: "Listen Orion, do you know what we can do with phones in GTA5."

ORION: "As far as I know sir, it's used for making calls, camera, internet access and some other general functions."

Alex: "You are correct Orion but you forgot an very important purpose of in-game smartphone."

ORION: "You means maze bank in GTA5 online?"

Alex: "No Orion, it's the cheat codes."

ORION: "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! sir you mean we can use cheat code with smartphones in GTA5???"

Alex: "Yes, we can but now it seems I thought a little extreme that I will be able to use cheat codes in real world, I mean if anyone can just buy a smartphone and use cheats then this world will be doomed."

ORION: "So, that's why you thought smartphone can be the alien tech."

Both of them were thinking what to do now, how should they complete the mission and find the alien technology. Then a idea came to Orion.

ORION: "Sir, what if you are right but you are just thinking this in a different angle."

Alex: "What are trying to say Orion?"

ORION: "I may be wrong sir but whenever you were using in-game cheats whose phone did you use."

Alex: "I was using either Micheal, Franklien or Trevo-- no way, (gulp) are you saying--"

ORION: "Yes sir, that's exactly what I am saying."

Alex: "Fuck Fuck Fuck, how the hell did I miss this, Orion launch the QC virus right now and find out where the fuck those three are."

ORION: "Already at it sir."

Alex: "Good, let's go Orion, we have a smartphone to take."