Chapter 23: Only Rockstar can save Martin now...

***Scene change: Downtown alley***

???: "Hey, where the fuck do you get your new phone nigga?"

Franklin: "It's none of your business nigga, just tell me why the fuck are you here, Lemar?"

Lemar: "Hey come on man, that's not a way you talk to your homie, I m worried for you man."

Franklin: "Worried my ass, I know you nigga you came because you got fuck up in some shit and want me to clear it for you."

Lemar: "Ok, fine yes I have some drug dealer I gotta meet but I ain't know you will be chickening out like a fuck."

Franklin: "Fuck you nigga fuck you."

Just as Lemar and Franklin were talking with each other suddenly some black van came to their way and shocked both of them in surprise.

***SCREACHHHHHHHHH***(sound of breaks)

Lemar: "HEY, what the fuck man don't you see we are talking here-- hey wait -- what the fuck you are doing ."

Franklin: "Hey let us go-- who are you all-- what th--"

***bam bam*** (bat hitting the head sound)

If you guys are still thinking what just happened both Franklin and Lemar just got kidnapped by some guys in black cars.

*** Scene change: Near Vespucci beach***

In the waters of the famous Vespucci beach of GTA5 currently Michael & his daughter Tracy can be seen riding a speed boat while some other speed boats are chasing them.

Tracy: "Daddy you just killed him."

Michael: "Maybe he is just injured."

Michael fires another shot at the speedboats behind him and kills another one of the chasers.

Tracy: "AHHHHH They are both dead I can't believe this."

Michael: "Sweety just clam down I did what I have to do, Let me take you to your bother."

As both of them reach the shore, they sees something they never expected to see. Jimmy( Michael's son) who came with Michael in the beach today is currently at gun point of some men, who looks like gangster.

Michael: "Hey, what the fuck is going here, who are you peoples?"

??? (men's voice): "That's not the question here, the question is will you all get in the car silently or not."

Michael: "Look man, last person said that to me is currently inside a fucking grave."

Tracy: (worried expression)"Dad what is happening here, I want to go home."

Jimmy: (worried expression)"Yes, hey guys I think you got the wrong people--"

gangster's leader: "No, we got the right guy, ask your father who are we."

Michael got in a serious expression after hearing this, after thinking for sometime he sighed and opens his mouth.

Michael: "(sigh) Martin Madrazo. Right"

Gangster's boss: "Right, our boss wants to have a chat with you people."

Michael: "Listen, you can tell your boss that I don't know that guy, OK and leave my kids out of this."

Gangster's boss: "Sorry but all of you are coming with us."

Just as Michael was about to take his gun out, all of the gangsters pointed his gun towards him. Surrounded he don't have any other choice but to surrender. Just like that Michael, Tracy & Jimmy got kidnapped.

***Scene change: Ice-cream shop in the city***

Alex: "Yahoo!!!! Orion you should definitely try this flavour, this is awsome dude."

ORION: " Master sorry to say but I think I will go with the vanilla flavour."

Alex: "Tch boring , Orion let's go to the strip club next."

ORION: !!!!!!!!!!!!!" No, Absolutely not, You are only 5 years old master, why do you want to go to the strip club."

Alex: "IT'S GTA5 Orion!!!!!!, you want to just ignore the 'STRIP CLUB' in GTA5???"

Master: "Speaking of ignoring, when will we leave this world?? I mean we have already completed the quest."

Alex: "After having some fun and -- "

<> (mobile phone ringing)

Both Alex & Orion get curious who is calling them ? After looking at the phone the saw it's Franklin, so Alex picks the call.

Alex: " hey what are you doing homie."

??? (heavy voice): "There is no homie in here kid, only your doom."

Alex & Orion: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex: "Who?"

Alex signals Orion to quickly track the caller location as he continue to talk.

??? : "Oh, how could you forget even my voice so quickly?? I think --"

Alex: "Listen pal, I don't have all day here to play with your metaphor, get it, If I say I didn't know you then I FUCKING DON'T KNOW YOU!!!!!!!"


Alex: "Martin wh.. oh oh I remember you are Mr. 'do you know me', hmm So, (creepy smile) what are you doing with Franklin's phone."

Martin shuddered in fear for a second before getting his composure back, mean while Orion gives Alex signal that he have found the location of Martin.

Martin: "um... I..I have all your friends with me and if you want them alive come to--"

Alex: "No need I already know where you are I will come right now to remind you that I was not joking last time with my word."

Martin: "heh, yes come and see how I will disintrigate you in front of your friends. HAAAAAAA"

Alex: "Oh is that so, why so confident???"

Martin: "(smile) just think that I got something that could completely smash you."

<> (martin ends the call)

At his last statement Alex was a bit skeptical and thought to himself.

Alex: Something that can defeat me, does martin knows about cheats too?

ORION: "Sir, should we go to save them."

Alex: "Hell yeah, I can't let them get killed after changing their future so much."

ORION: "Yes you are right sir but sir, do you think Martin really have a weapon powerful than a nuclear bomb?"

Alex: "Unlikely, but if he have I would like to see that, don't forget he was very confident and he have seen our tech previously."

ORION: "Yes sir you are right."

With that said both of them went of to save Franklin, Michael and others but what they didn't know was that although Martin have seen their technology blocking bullets but he can't even imagine the shield can block nuclear weapons, Our duo is going to get a super disappointment when martin shows his weapon to them.


Guys I have created a discord, where I will take all of your opinion for future worlds , for now please vote which world to choose for the coming mini-arc and don't worry not chosen world will also appear but later.

1. Dr. Stone (manga)

2. Subnautica

3. Subnautica below zero

4. Interstellar

discord link: