Chapter 25: God mode Part 2

***change of perspective: ORION***

Inside a dark room 5 people are tied to chairs and their eyes are covered by a black cloths. There surrounding is dark and gloomy with ten people around them with guns in their hand.

Franklin: "How the hell did you get caught, homie? I thought you are some gangster an shit."

Michael: "Heh, says the guy whose friend have a gang contact with him on speed dial."

Franklin: "Oy I was not disrespecting you man! and also didn't you have a gun with you."

Lemar: "Ooooo (wistel sound) good one dog, a good one there."

Michael: "Hey who the fuck are you, listen kid learn some manners quickly or you might find your head in the ground sometime."

Lemar: "You don't scare me white ass, let me get out of here and then--"


Michael: "Sweety--"

Tracy: "Shut up dad!!! Do you even realize how I am feeling right now,(teary eyes) we don't even know if we will be able to return alive or not but here you are, still blabbering out nonsense. We don't know if we will see mom, whether someone will save us or not, I.... I just want to go home. "

Michael: "Sweety..."

Tracy starts crying after that, atmosphere in the room became heavy but suddenly Michael's son Jimmy heard something.

Jimmy: "Hey, dad... did you hear that?"

Michael: "Hear what?"

A new voice entered the conversation...

ORION: " You have a really good hearing Jimmy."

Jimmy & others: !!!!!!!!

Franklin: "Wait!!! I know this voice, are you th... that old guy."

Michael: "Yeah right, this is that old guys voice... are you him??"

ORION: "hmm old guy hmm (sigh) oh well I haven't introduced myself previously, now did I ? ok my name is Orion and I am just an assistant for my master. Now let me get those ropes from you hands."

Even though all of them have many questions but they waited for their ropes and eye clothes to removed first. And when their eye cloths were taken away they get goosebumps by looking around them. Horror, shocked are some emotions they were feeling right now (Gulp).

They saw 10 bodies lying in the ground whose heads are seems to be vaporized were around them, Initially Lemar was thinking to question the old man how he get here but after seeing this, all of his confidence just washed away. Franklin and Jimmy were just silent and even Michael could not understand how it is even possible for someone to do this but among them Tracy got most terrified because she haven't seen a scene like this in her entire life.

ORION: "Oh poor child, I am sorry I haven't thought about this situation, hmm what to do ??? oh do you like chocolate? 😊 here have some..."

Tracy: "th... th... thank you."

Michael: "Ok, lets get out of this place first Mr. Orion"

ORION: "Oh yes, sure master will be waiting outside."

After this small talk all of them started to follow Orion to get out of the lower base to outside but the more they follow him the more horrified they become. Why you ask, because on their way all they could see were headless bodies lying around throughout the base.

***Everyone's inner thought***

Michael: Dear God!!!! just who is these devil!!! Please GOD can't I have a peaceful life with my family!!!!!!

Jimmy: did he use some kind of heat gun or something??

Franklin: HOLY SHIT, Just who are these people, he is fucked !! Martin Madrazo is FUCKED!!!

Lemar: .... I can't believe I was trying to interrogate this Monster, Frank just who the fuck did you accompany yourself with??

Tracy: I want to go home please God, I just want to go home from this hellhole.

***END of thoughts***

Although they all were horrified and in their mind Orion has already become a devil but just after a few minutes when they will walk outside the base they will found out what literal devil looks like.

***change of perspective: Alex ***

*** Few minutes before Orion saved them***



There was a large boom when the tank shells collied with Alex and the surrounding became covered in smoke and debris.

Martin: "HAAAAAAA YES YES , Now do you realize what you get when you mess with Martin Madrazo. HAAAAAAAAA"

Alex: "Yes I realize what you get, when you mess with Martin Madrazo, A smoke shower with a very angry mood as a bonus. "

Martin & goons: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of them who were present there were dumbfold, how can someone survive 5 tank shells to their face when the tank is almost at point blank.

Alex: "What? why you guys are standing with your mouth wide open, did you expect something else? "

Martin: "Im... Impossible IMPOSSIBLE!!! I don't believe this, everyone shoot at him with everything you have, TANKS RELOAD AND FIRE AGAIN!!!!!"

Although Martin was firing continuously but Alex mind is currently occupied with the blue status report from the system which he got after activating the cheat.


Name: Alex, Doraemon

Species/Body: Galactic Homo-superior (Temp)<>

Current capabilities with toon force: 6.97% <>

Knowledge level: Type-1.9 Kerdashev scale <<>>

Current abilities:

Information Pocket <>

Space-Time Randomize Navigator <>

Temporary Skill:

HOT HANDS << Excite state of particle upon experiencing a force of 360-440 pounds of force>>

PAIN KILLER << Make every variable of particle a constant >>

Code Used: <>


Alex: (inner thought) code ? is this the source code used by the phone to modify the fundamental law of this universe? seriously I want to see this machine that can implement a universal law. (sigh) dammit one day I will find this out.