Memories of father and mother

"Missed me?" Adrian grinned at her as she shut the door.

Kara rolled her eyes and sat on the floor beside the couch that had been there.

"Tell me more." She requested. Her blue eyes meeting his green ones.

He came to sit before her, mimicking her position. He stared at her, saying nothing.

She felt uncomfortable but continued. "Why are you declaring allegiance on behalf of your family? What benefit am I to you?"

"I can't show you all my cards just yet princess but I will tell you of my background. Shadows and Mind weavers stay in the same realm but might as well be rivals in a way. The shadows follow the monarch system, the crown is hereditary. Currently, the realm is headed by the shadow prince who lost his parents at a very young age. Mind weavers are headed by an absolute monarch who is crowned by competition, the strongest Mind weaver wins. For centuries now, only one family has been winning, the Frosts." He explained and pulled her hand so her palm was in his laps.

Kara ignored him, she didn't want him to see the effect he had on her. It was natural to be attracted to him. A mischievous thought crossed her mind but she didn't want to distract him.

"Frosts. Let me guess, your father?" She raised her eyebrow mockingly.

Adrian grinned. "My mother actually. The most powerful mind weaver alive."

"And you come in..." she trailed off.

"Second currently. After my mother, I'll compete for the throne and win when her reign is over. But that will not for a long time."

She hummed thoughtfully and tried to picture an older woman that looked like Adrian.

"You said they were rivals... why?"

"Of all creatures, Shadows are the hardest to control and the deadliest also. Only a powerful mind weaver can control a handful of shadows and that takes a lot of concentration. My mother doesn't like the fact that she doesn't have an advantage over the shadow prince considering he is just a few years older than her son and more cocky." Adrian laughed, thinking about his mother's fuming face whenever she had to meet the prince. "The shadow prince is also the strongest she's seen in her life and she has lived long. Plus, his mother had the blood of a mind weaver. So the shadow prince, though can not manipulate minds, he can read them."

Kara tried to pull her hand away but he held on, tight. Her body tingled weirdly at the thought of the shadow prince.

"What are you doing?" She sighed.

He bent towards her with a smile and gleams in his eyes.

"Testing the currents." He mused as he stared at her lips.

Kara snatched her hand and pushed him onto his back. Unfortunately,  he grabbed her hand again and pulled her with him so she fell on his chest.

"I wonder what my mother would think if I married you." He mumbled and she felt the vibration on her cheeks.

She pushed herself off him and scuttled to another end of the room.

"I won't hesitate to hurt you if you touch me again. " She assured him, her eyes staring daggers at him. She ignored the fact that he suggested marrying her. Adrian Frost obviously had a few screws loose.

He chuckled. "That is no way to treat your informant and only true ally."

"True ally uh." She scoffed. " I don't trust you that much yet."

"I don't think I've done anything untrustworthy yet." He countered with the stupid grin still on his face.

"You are not my only true ally, Liv is. Dimitri is. Hartridge is. Klaus is." She glared at him. She really wanted to punch his stupid face.

Adrian shrugged and leaned on the legs of the desk.

"That's the important stuff for Armlad currently. The wolves are headed by the alpha, Alpha Alonzo, your father." He continued with his eyes closed.

Kara tried not to let the mention of her father get to her. But she couldn't. She unwillingly scuttled back to Adrian.

"Can I see him?" She requested.

He knew what she wanted so he nodded.

"I've met him just a few times but enough to give you a clear image." He told her as he pressed his index finger to her forehead.

Her eyes closed and she found herself by a dinning table. There were just three people there. A woman she assumed to be Adrian's mom took her breath away. With a charcoal black hair, leaf green eyes and well sculptured cheekbones, she radiated elegance. She was laughing while affectionately cutting a whiney Adrian's meat.

"You are never too old for me to take care of you." Her melodious voice told him. "Don't you agree Alonzo?"

Kara turned to the man in question and felt a tear slip from her right eye. He had brown hair and brown eyes. A lazy smirk on his face told her how carefree he probably was. He reached over and ruffled her head, Adrian's head.

"Make the most of this lad, there will come a time when you'll wish she could still do this for ya." He chuckled before devouring his own meat. With a moan, he said. "Still the best cook Andrea."

Kara came back to reality, her heart heavy. She wanted to know that man. Wanted him to ruffle her hair, to hug her and love her. She wanted things she knew she couldn't have. She couldn't change the hands of time.

Her expression went neutral. No use wishing.

"Wolves and mind weavers are allies?" She asked and scooted back.

Adrian peered at her with a frown before answering. "In a way, yes. Your mother linked my mother and your father."

Kara blanked. Her mother? It was okay hearing about her father but her mother... wasn't she supposed to be slightly invisible to the rest?

"I thought no one knew her besides my father." .. and Bob.

Adrian smiled thoughtfully. "Your mother and mine were very close before she became a 'sister'. They remained in contact after, though that relationship isn't widely known."

Kara gritted her teeth and forced herself to say. "Show me."

She grabbed his hand and was plunged into his memory. They were in a courtyard. Andrea held a long sparring stick, she had an arrogant air around her. But Kara was drawn to the other woman. She had white hair and deep blue eyes, her shape was slender and tall. She held a sword made of ice and was in a battle stance. She looked like a warrior. She emitted both calm and feral auras.

"Think you can beat me this time uh." She teased Andrea as the other woman circled her.

Andrea glared. "The prophecy Ana... you can't just pretend it doesn't exist."

Anastasia Deville attacked her. She fell back with a huff, holding her arm.

"Do not let your guard down. You know that, especially against the best." Anastasia's eyes shone, be it out of anger or out of mischief.

Andrea growled and jumped up. She attacked her friend and they sparred for a long time, although it looked like they wanted to kill each other. Finally, they both fell to the floor on their backs, bruised and bleeding. Andrea more than Anastasia.

"It hurts." Anastasia said all of a sudden, with her chest heaving up and down as she tried to calm her breathing. She laid her arm over her eyes to stop the tears.

Andrea sighed. "You understood it didn't you?"

Anastasia said nothing as she stood up and helped her friend.

"Take care of her for me if she comes to you. She WILL come." She said finally. "I can't be hers even though she is mine. Our first meeting might just be the last, if we ever meet that is."

Kara gasped as she fell back to the floor. Adrian was a bit shaken, he had no idea he had that memory. Completely drained, she said nothing and left.