The first time-8

2 weeks later

Today I get stitches out. I'm so excited. The past two weeks were horrible the sexual energy between us has been hard but I will get some now if his son will sleep at night. I love him but he is sometimes annoying. Ever since his surgery he has been sleepy. He sleeps in my arms. 

I put on black skinny jeans and a pink shirt. " Tony you can't go with me to the doctor like that." He is shirtless. " You are just like your dad always shirtless."

I put on a shirt and shoes. We ate breakfast and I put Tomas in the car.

At the hospital

The doctor will call you in a couple of minutes. I put Tony's carrier on the floor in front of me and sat down. My phone rang. I heard my Jack's ringtone. It's him saying he loves me and how much but I had my phone turned down.

" Hi boo"

" Hi, I'm on lunch and was wondering if we could have fun later tonight my mom can watch him. "

" OK, but can we have a romantic dinner first."

" I love you, can you tell Tony and I will tell my mom."

"K love you see you tonight."

We hung up and I told Tony he was going to be at grandpas while me and daddy have fun. My name was called and I picked up the carrier and diaper bag. 

Were in the room and the doctor took out my stitches. Tony is drinking a bottle and about to Bass out. The doctor got to the stitches that are close to my private spot. He new I am gay. When we left the hospital he rubbed my leg and I wanted out of there before a boner would appear.

We are in the car and Tony woke up. I drove to his grandma's house.

At dinner

Jack's POV

Table for Maxwell. Yes sir right this way .

We sat down and saw food already there. I lit the candles and Zane was already eating his food. " Are you ok, your eating a lot more then you usually do."

" I'm fine the doctor told me to not eat till I got the stitches out. " Ok we ate and went home.

We pulled into the driveway and i ran into the house and Zane follows me. He kissed me and I kissed him are tongues were dancing with each other and he let out a moan. His hand was in the front of my pants and I was hard. I took off his shirt he took off mine. His lips were on my neck he found my sweet spot I let out a moan he sucked. I picked him up and put him on the bed he took off my pants. He was playing with it till he rolled over and was grabbing condoms and lube. He stuck a finger in my hole. He stuck another one in I moaned. He and I switched. I was thrusting he was a moaning mess but I loved him he asked what I wanted to do I said eat your dick. I sucked he moaned. He stuck his in me. We did the same for 20 minutes and we stopped I got cleaned up and he was so cute sleeping.

I got dressed and made breakfast. I went to my bed and woke Zane up he kissed me. Lyric texted me she has a doctor's appointment.

He smiled and said " were going to be there."

At the appointment

Lyric POV

I checked in and sat down I'm 3 months pregnant and my bump is not showing yet. The doctor put the cold substance on my stomach and usually he talks a lot. He did not today and I asked him " are they ok."