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delivery and jaill

3 months later Zane pov

Lyric has not been home at night and I'm worried. In the news that has been a crime spree and 30 people were murdered in the last 3 months were not worried but there is still a chance that they might come after us. Are babies ( nabors) were murdered.  The camera showed a femail  but that's it. Tony is asleep and I'm up. I got a shower and Jack is at work. I'm not going to school anymore so I can have time with tony. I have to go to the store yay.

I got back and put the Vegetables and fruit away. I put the wine and voca  in the cabinet and went to wake up Tony and Jack. I went into Tony room he was not in there so I went into our room and saw Jack cuddling tony. I took a picture and kissed Jack on his neck. I headed a small moan and he opens his eyes.  He smiled and kissed me again.

" morning" he said while yawning.

" let's cook naked, lyric is out she texted and said she was staying at a friend's house. Also Tony is asleep. " he smiled and put a pelow were he was so Tony would not wake up. I took off my shirt and I saw Jack drooling. I slowly took off my shorts slowly and I saw his boner. I kissed him and he moved his hand on my dick and started to pump me I let out a moan and he picked me up and took me to the living room. He put me on the couch and gave me a blow job. He lined him self up to my entrance and put it in i started to moan. He keeled thrusting and I felt him cum. I cum not short after. We got a shower and started breakfast.

After we are done eating and were dressed and Tony wakes up.

At the  buffet

"Go with your father to get some food in going to go to the bathroom. "

" ok"

I went to go to the bathroom  and I heard  screaming

At the  buffet

"Go with your father to get some food in going to go to the bathroom. "

" ok"

I went to go to the bathroom  and I heard  screaming.I went to check it out and I opened up the stall and I saw two old men fucking each other. I go to the next stall found a bloody knife and and blood on the walls. I followed the trail of blood and found lyric killing a man. I grabbed one of the of men that were in the bathroom and grabbed his used Condom and went back to lyric and slapped it on her. She looked at me and started to run but I stopped her and called the police.

A few moments later Jack and me had lyric in our hands and the police men entered the bathroom and went to cuff her but her water broke..

Zane POV

We got to the hospital and the doctor told us to sit in the lobby and 3 hours later the doctor for comes out and we follow him into a room and lyric is handcuffed to the bed and a baby boy was in a nurse arms I stared to cry and Jack hugs me. The nurse notices and she hands me the baby. Jack and I sit down on a rocking chair. We look at the baby and he was black hair and blue eyes a perfect nose and lips. Then the doctor comes in and we sign papers saying that we were the baby's parents but we decided to not put lyrics name on the birth certificate. Then we signed the adoption papers.

I looked over at Jack and asked " want to you want to name him. "

" Austen rose maxwell. "

" I like that. "

Jack POV

I texted my mom and she got the baby's room ready. Now all I have to do is take Austen home. I am going to purpose to Zane but I'm going to make it special.

Zane POV

We got our own room and Jack is happy because he is right next to Austen. I single  to him and he is asleep till Austen starts crying.  I two him go to sleep and I'll take care of it. He falls back asleep. I get up and change his diaper, and give him his formula. He falls back asleep and I put him in his crib. I get back in need and I snuggle up to Jack And I fell asleep on Jack's chest.

Jack's POV next morning

I woke up to Zane sleeping on my chest and only in boxers. God he kills me. I fell something in my leg and realise that it's his dick. I slowly get up and change. I went to the bathroom and came back. He was still asleep so I miss him and he lets out a small moan. And wakes up. " I'm going to go to the cafeteria want anything, besides me. "

He giggles and smiles " blueberry muffin and coffee. "

"Ok I will be right back."

" love you and take Austen with you. "

" ok"

I grab Austen and he is awake. He grabbed my finger and squeezed it. I grabbed a bottle and bink.

Once I got done I put him in his crib he slowly falls asleep. I look for Zane and I here the shower in and he is moaning. I open up the door and he smiles I tell him " I have your muffin on the table. And we are aloud to take Austen home today so get great I'll pack. "

Once I'm done packing I grab Austen and put him in his car seat. Zane signed the papers and were off.

At home Zane pov

We walk thru the door and we see my dad and his boyfriend and Jack mom and Tony. Tony waks up and Jack has Austen in his arms. He starts to cry and I grab a bottle. We sit down and Jack's mom asked if she can burp him I said yes. I hand him over and she is really general. Me go to our room and I see pedals and a card that says follow the pedals. So I do and they lead to the baby's room and I'm all shocked it looks beautiful. The walls are blue and black. A picture of him is big on the wall. His changing table is in the corner. A play mat in the middle and his dresser is between the crib and chasing table. And a rocking chair. Bottle wormer, Minnie fridge , formula. And I the closet is a pair of shoes and jeans, and a t shirt that says I love my boyfriend and a note taped to it. I read it and it said to go into the living room. So I enter the living room and see...

Zane POV

I walked down the isle and my father and his boyfriend were walking me down the isle. I am excited  finally getting married.  I see jack in a black tux. I got up to the podium and the priest said what he needed to say and I kissed him.

"Will you dance with me" jack asked me and we danced to the song below.

After about 6 hours I got tired and my dad wanted us to spend time together so he is watching the kids. We're going to go to Vegas for 2 weeks.