Devil’s Eyes

"Chris... Jeanohntae has been shot"

Christian himself was stunned. All the blood drained from his face that his phone slipped from his hand.

'Am I dreaming!?? Is this really happening!?? What's going on!?? Did I hear him correctly!??" So many questions running through his head. He didn't know what to do. A single tears escaped his eye.

"Christian! Hello!?? Can you hear me!??" Joseph said only hearing complete silence.

Christian snapped out of his daze to picked up his phone and yelled. "I'll be there in five minutes." And hung up the phone. He raced out of his office and down the elevator.

He got into his Rolls Royce and sped off to the hospital. He called Ruth while driving, clearly not thinking. "Hello, Mr. Maddox!??" Ruth answered.

"Cancel every meeting for the entire month now!" With that he hung the phone without giving her a chance to respond and threw it on the passenger side and sped up.

Ruth was so stunned by her boss's sudden outburst. He has always taken his work so seriously that he has never once cancelled any meeting before. This was a shocking surprise.

'I don't understand why this has to happened to her. She has done nothing wrong. Why!?? What happened!??' Christian was questioning himself.

Tears filled up his eyes and started falling uncontrollably. "Jeanohntae, I'm so sorry. I wasn't there when you needed me most. I'll hurt everyone who has hurt you. Please be strong. Please be okay! I'm almost there. I beg you. PLEASE!" He started screaming in the car.

In less then five minutes, Christian had arrived at the hospital and started running to the front desk. "Jeanohntae Babauta! Where is she!??" Christian yelled at the same lady that Rudy yelled at, but this time, Christian had eyes so red from crying that he looked like the devil. The lady was so scared all she could do was point.

He ran in the direction the lady pointed and found his dad and Rudy. "Dad!" Christian yelled with tears in his eyes. Joseph's head looked up really fast and ran to Christian bringing him into a hug. "She's still in surgery." Joseph told his heartbroken son.

Christian and Joseph let go of the hug and walk over to Rudy who was still crying uncontrollably. "Uncle Rudy. I am so sorry." Christian said looking at his uncle's puffy face from all the crying.

Rudy looked up and started crying even more when he saw Christian. They all hugged and all started crying. That was the first time Christian had ever cried in years. But knowing that his childhood sweetheart and best friend was at a standpoint between life and death. He couldn't do anything else but cry and pray.

Officer Jay was explaining the situation while they were waiting for news. "We got a call from the neighbors that a shot had been fired. We got to the scene as soon as we could and broke down the door. The entire house was wrecked like you guys had been robbed. My guess is that Ms. Jeanohntae heard noises and went to investigate. When the robbers saw her, she tried to run but they shot at her. Her neighbors said they heard a car speed away. We'll be looking at the street footage soon.

'Jeanohntae, I will find whoever did this to you and make them pay. You don't deserve this.' Christian said to himself with a heavy heart. 'And that's a promise.' His eyes darkened even though he was still crying.

He was angry at the people who hurt her, but he was more heartbroken at the thought of Jeanohntae's life hanging in the balance of life and death.

No one knew why this all happened. 'Who would want to shoot at a girl!?? The robbers probably thought no one was home and panicked when they saw her. Please let her be okay!' Christian was thinking hard to himself.


The two masked robbers went back to their hideout.

"Is it done!??" A mysterious lady asked.

"No. We tried to destroy the house to make it look like a robbery gone wrong, but the police was there within minutes." The two masked assailants looked mortified when they saw the lady's angry face.

"WHAT! YOU MADE HER LIVE!??" The lady yelled

The men were so scared, they bowed. "Please forgive us boss. We'll get her next time."

"Forget it. I'll do it myself!" The lady stormed out.


They were all sitting outside the operating room waiting for any news they got. Christian and Rudy were praying the entire time while Joseph was trying to be strong for the both of them.

Joseph was so shocked to see Christian break down. The last time Christian had ever broke down was when he had to leave Jeanohntae to deal with her mother.

After hours of surgery, the doctor came out.

The three stood up and surrounded the doctor, scaring him. The doctor was so stunned to see all of them outside the operating room.

"How's my baby girl!?? Is she okay!??" Rudy said with pleading eyes.

The doctor was about to talk but Christian couldn't wait. He snapped. "Hurry up and talk doc. What is her condition!??"

"Son, calm down. Let the doctor speak." Joseph said trying to calm his raging son.

Christian ignored his dad's words and glared at the doctor with a murderous look.

The doctor was so scared he hurried up and said the news.
