Chapter 5 - What is Perfection?

Chapter 5 - What is Perfection?

Hey guys, I will appreciate it if you guys commented or write a review. Thank you~



After closing the door, Dio slowly placed the Stone mask on the table and sat on the chair just next to the table. As the window was open, bright sunlight poured into the room.

Dio closed his enjoying the warm sunlight. If someone was there, they would have started to worship Dio as their idol because of the beautiful scenery. He slowly enjoyed his leisure time as he planned more plans for the future.

Although Jonathan was very naive and kind, he was not stupid. If he played his cards right, he might even use the naive boy for his future plans as a pawn to make him do all his dirty work without him making his hand dirty.

Dio knows where his limit is and what his goals are. Just... A question was raised to him about his goal of reaching perfection... A famous quote arrived in his mind, a quote from Bleach, a famous anime that he had watched.

'The perfect being, huh? There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliché, but it's the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what's the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. A scientist must be a person who finds ecstasy while suffering from that antimony. In short, the moment that foolishness left your mouth and reached my ears, you had already lost. Of course, that's assuming you are a scientist'

{A/N: Quote by Kurotsuchi Mayuri from Bleach}

A small amused smile formed on his face as he slowly eyes as determination flashed in his eyes.

Huffing, he slowly stood up from the chair and walked to the bed, and laid down for a small nap as he was feeling sleepy.


Jojo was worse at etiquette than Dio would have expected him to be. He had almost no manners. Just looking at him gobbling his dinner, made Dio lose his appetite.

Just like in the anime, he was scolded by his father to mind his manners, making JoJo's body stiff as he awkwardly started to eat in a not-so-good 'Table Manners'.


As the original Dio had no advanced education, Dio had to act as if he was a genius, quickly absorbing all the basic knowledge given to him.

The private tutor almost lost his mind as his jaw opened wide seeing Dio absorbing knowledge as if he was a sponge.

{A/N: Economics was one of the major subjects at that time.}

Although Dio had a lot of knowledge, he didn't have much-advanced knowledge about the economy, maths, and history. Thus his speed of learning started to slow down, calming down the storming brain of the private instructor. But as a mature adult, it was not hard for Dio to catch up with JoJo on his studies within a few days.

Although he had to learn new things, who loves to study? If not for his determination and plans, Dio would rather knowledge through the practical way.

This way, although he will have a lot of setbacks, he would have gotten both the experience and knowledge but beggars cannot be choosers.

What astonished Dio was how easy and simple the Maths problems were, it was overkill for him to solve those easy questions, just he had to act a few times and ask doubts about various questions to the tutor, and boom! He could act as if he learned the knowledge and no one will question how he got the knowledge.

The private Tutor hailed Dio as a genius and praised Dio for his geniuses in front of George regularly, who felt happy for Dio's growth.

He felt that Dio's presence will spark competition between both the children and help them grow and learn faster. He felt happy learning how Dio was praised and he himself praised Dio privately a few times.


During the following days, Dio had started to train his body daily. With the help of proper guidance from private tutors, his strength started to grow up at a fast pace.

Although JoJo also started to copy his routine, it didn't bother him much.

Unlike him, who has seen and experienced a lot of tragedies, the current Jonathan had no firm will as him, so after following the same routine as Dio, he gave up and would instead spend his time playing with Danny during the time Dio would be exercising.

His actions only enraged George who usually pays a lot of attention on both of them.

That was just the basic workout of Dio. Whenever he gets the free time, he would visit the river nearby the Joestar mansion, and used it as a training place to improve his lungs capacity for future where he will get the Hamon.

If only he knew that Fate had something else reserved for him.


A/N NOTE: Should I change the plot as FATE was really a thing in JJBA. With the involvement of the Fate, the world and plot will take a huge turn which might change the whole direction of the story.

So Vote here:

1. Plot doesn't change.

2. Plot Changes.

This might probably be the last chapter of this week as my practical exams are starting from tomorrow. I'm so tired of these regular exams which are going on and on. I don't even get a break during the day. T^T

Whep, bad news is that I might probably have no writing time till June End due to my Board Exams. T_T.

Don't worry as I will try my best to generate new chapters as long as it might be possible. Thank You~
