Chapter 16 - Defeat

Guys, gimme your reviews, power stones, and comments! They gives me motivation to write more chapters!



Chill ran up Jonathan's spine as Jonathon quickly distanced himself from Haru and readied himself for a possible attack. although he tried to keep his serious face, sweat poured down his face. 'W-What just happened!? I didn't even see him move!', He thought.

On the other hand, Haru acted as if nothing has happened to him. He quickly created cracked sounds as he moved his joints and said, "I'm quite astonished, Mr.Joestar. At first, I didn't understand why Lord Dio was cautious of you, but after fighting you, I can say that you were able to defeat him even when I used only 30% of my strength while Mr. Joestar had only trained for only two days! And that too when you are injured!"

"If you are given a week or two, I don't think that I will even be able to defeat you, even if I use dirty tricky! Rejoice, you will be the second person on whom I will be using my abilities!"

Saying this, Haru smiled smugly toward Jonathan and raised his hand.

As he raised his hand, Jonathan felt a sharp pain on his ankle and sole and felt something capturing his legs. Instantly Jonathan leaped in the air as the pain intensified and examined what had happened.

His whole leg below his sole was utterly destroyed by something sharp. If he lands on his soles, he will definitely lose his legs. His legs were damaged in a very critical situation. if he lands on the ground now on his leg, he can say for sure that he will never be able to use his legs again.

When he examined the ground, he was astonished to see several huge spikes rotating at a very astonishing speed. Just as looked at them, the spike suddenly blasted out of the ground at the speed of a bullet.


*Swish* *Swish* *swish*

As he was in the air, Haru laughed and said, "Hahahaha! Do you understand now how it feels like to have your legs chopped off? Surrender now, Jonathan! All your actions are futile!"

Jonathan gritted his teeth in anger and shouted, "I will never surrender to that Devil of man!", with that, Jonathan threw several Hamon-filled knives toward Haru while using his sword to slash at the spikes that were shot at him, as the sword started glowing again due to the Hamon used on it.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Jonathan could only feel his arms getting numb as he defended himself from the strikes of the spikes.

On the other side, sand and dirt suddenly started to rise over Haru's body and reached his hands and turned solid, forming an exoskeleton around his arms and which was made up of sand while also forming a strong shield. Using this shield, he defended himself from the Hamon enchanted knives.

*Clink!* *Clink!* *Clink!* *Clink!*

The knives clashed with the shield, but surprisingly, the shield was able to withstand the attacks. Although the knives were impaled inside the shield, they were not able to reach Haru's hand.

On the other hand, when Jonathan tried to use Hamon on his sword to stop himself from getting impaled by the newly formed spinning spikes which were on the ground, just as his sword tip touched the surface of the ground, the sword tip instantly entered inside the surface as if a hot knife tip was pressured on a butter.

Astonished by this, Jonathan's mind went to an overdrive mode and instinctively used Hamon to stop the sword from descending more inside the ground. This made Haru frown and the ground around the sword suddenly went away from the sword.

Joyfully for Jonathan, he got enough time to use his sword as support and push it, Jonathan used it to levitate back in the air and make a backflip, he created a distance of several meters from Haru. He created a distance of thirty meters and successfully reached the range of the wall of the Mansion, thus getting support to stand.

Doing a roll on the ground, Jonathan was barely able to save himself from injuring himself and supported himself by using Hamon to climb on the wall. Looking at the slowly walking Haru which was coming toward him, Jonathan looked down to check the condition of his leg.

'... I can't use my legs at all. The sole and ankle are crushed into a mush. Even the bones are broken and sticking out. And the blood is also flowing out too. I am able to barely able to suppress the bleeding using Hamon but just a little pressure and it will start to bleed more vigorously.'

Looking back at Haru, he thought, 'His ability is to control Earth and sand! His ability is very advantageous as the whole platform was made up of Earthy material. although now that we are on a concrete base, he will not be able to use the ability to its finest!'

Truth be told, Jonathan was nervous deep inside. He knew that Haru was not the only enemy he will be facing. There are still other possible vampires and let's not forget Dio who was more cautious. The odd to win against Dio is zero.

Jonathan knew for a fact that he will never be able to defeat Dio in his current state.

As Haru was 5 meters away from Jonathan, he stopped and said, "Mr. Joestar, why don't you just surrender? You might be able to survive longer. Isn't it better to live in cowardice than to die foolishly just for something like bravery? You are powerless against me! And let me tell you, I don't think that I will be able to defeat Dio-sama even if I use dirty tricks and also use my ability! So even if you are able to defeat me, defeating Dio-sama is impossible."

Jonathan looked back at Haru and said, "Oh! Do you really think so?" Then a smile formed on his face as he continue, "I have already discovered your ability and its weakness. You are able to manipulate and create things using sand or earthly materials! But! You are only able to do so only in the range of 5 meters or something around that distance!"

Looking gravely at Jonathan, Haru continued, "So what? Knowing my ability will give you no advantage!" And without giving any time for Jonathan to reply and waste time, he quickly rushed toward Jonathan and hit him with a fist made up of sand.

Jonathan could only use his hand to form an X with his hand and withstand the hit. Which was a bad decision. Just as the fist connected with his hand, a cracking sound was heard.



The punch directly sent Jonathan inside the Mansion as he destroyed a 50 cm thick wall and crashed into another two walls inside the mansion.

His hands were literally bent and crushed while a cave can be seen on his chest. The punch broke both of his hands and even broke several of his ribs instantly, rendering him in a state of confusion and dizziness. he could barely able to stay conscious because of the injury. Thanks to Hamon, he was able to stay conscious but a single moment of breathing was painful for him.

Haru slowly walked toward him, passing through the rubble and avoiding them, and reached Jonathan. Looking down at him, Haru said, "Don't worry, you will not die right now. Dio sama wanted to see you once before you die." With that, Haru directly pierced Jonathan's shoulder joint and dragged him into the darkness.


Haru dragged the dazed Jonathan through the hall and reached a large door. He then proceeded to kneel and asked, "Dio-sama, I have already defeated Mr. Joestar! He is barely conscious so I dragged him to you, just as you have asked me to. Can I enter, Dio-sama?"


A cold yet calm soothing voice answered him. Just as Jonathan heard the voice, his head became a little clear. But he still was not able to move his body while trying not to injure himself more from the broken bones inside his body. Even if he would have been able to move, both his hands and legs were shredded to mush and it was impossible for him to move.

Haru then opened the huge door and entered the room. The room was covered in pure darkness. The only source of light was the few candles lit up in the room. Several red shiny eyes were looking at him greedily at him from the roof but none of them dared to attack him.

There were three more figures who were standing in front of a throne on which a certain Blonde Vampire was sitting. The blonde Vampire had wild golden blonde hair with shiny deep crimson eyes. He was 6'6 feet in height and his bulky body made him look imitating. Just like Haru, the blonde was not wearing any clothes on his torso, showing his ripped muscular torso which can put anyone to shame.

This blonde vampire was none other than Dio. Truth to be told, Dio was underestimating the powers of Stone Mask Vampires. But after training for a few hours, he acknowledged that the original DIO had the capital to be arrogant. As long as his brain is not destroyed or he was not infused with a huge amount of Hamon, he will not die.

And that was not the end. The special abilities that some vampires gains are also strong. These unique mutant vampires are several times stronger than normally converted Stone Mask Vampires or Lesser Vampires.

{A/N: Don't get confused. Stone Mask Vampires= Vampires made using a mask, Lesser Vampires: Vampires made by drinking blood. Also, Mutant Vampires are several times stronger than Stone mask Vampires which are several times stronger than Lesser Vampires.}

Of almost 100 or so people there, only 4 of them had special abilities.

The first one was Haru. He has the ability to manipulate Sand and Earthly materials and form different shapes and weapons which are as sharp as a metal object. Sadly they have very low durability.

But what makes him a formidable foe was his swordsmanship and various different fighting techniques that he had learned during his journey to find a cure for his son. He was actually 40 years old but thanks to the Stone Mask, he now looked 20 years old.

The second person was Jason, the boy that Dio converted into a lesser vampire, but his strength didn't lose to any of the mutant vampires present there. Jason's ability is to manipulate wind around the area of 40 meters. He has a height of 170 cm (5'7) height, making him the shortest of the group.

Sadly his control over this ability gets harder as the distance from the opponent increases. His ability might not be powerful against a Vampire, but he can easily defeat a Hamon user. Sadly he has very less battle experience.

Third-person was a blonde guy named Noah Grayson. He had dirty blonde hair and his look was more toward charming people instead of imitating his opponent. Sadly he still lost his charm in front of Dio who gave the aura of authority, menacing, and mystery. He had a bit bulky but lean figure and was around 176 cm in height (5'10). Still, he looked more muscular than Haru. He is 27 years old.

He was a noble but lost his wealth and family due to the greed of other nobles who took advantage of the death of his father. So he had a little bit of hate toward nobles. He was required by Dio when Wang Chan was looking for people. Dio selected him as he felt that he looked a bit unique, which in JoJoverse meant having a special ability.

And it came true as he actually acquired blood manipulation ability! Even Dio felt to be actually a bit overpowered! Sadly his ability only works when he is in contact with the opponent. But he can turn his blood into a solid object and can even use it as a water pressure cutter!

The last person was surprisingly a woman, her name is Natalia, she had a small blush and was taking a few peaks at Dio's body, still maintaining caution of possible attacks. She has raven blue hair with a few strands of blue strands of hair on the inner side of her hair and has shiny blue eyes with a snake-like pupil. She was around 172 cm(5'8 feet) in height.

She had a lean muscular body, just like Haru but still maintained her womanly looks and her new look gave her a greater charm. She was just plain. She had nothing special. She was in her early thirties, an orphan, and single. She grew up in Ogre street and was adopted by a family of two who had recently lost their child.

She grew up in Ogre street and had a rebellious nature, which led to her getting in a lot of trouble. But she grew up fighting her way through the difficulty and even formed a small gang. She once saw Dio when he was paying the people to not interfere when he would be recruiting Speedwagon.

Since then, she had been searching for a way to get in contact with Dio. So when she saw that Wang Chan was recruiting people, she applied for it with her small gang of 10 or so people.