Chapter 20 - Turning Straizo into an subordinate.

The person had blonde hair and his red eyes were shining in the dark night.

The moon formed a halo behind his head, making the scenes so holy that if someone saw the scene, they would think that their god had descended upon the earth.

But for Straizo, the man released so much dark aura that he felt that if he face the blonde vampire, he will die instantly without any resistance!

When Noah and others heard that voice, a huge pressure descended upon them. It was as if a predator was looking at them. Sweat poured down their head. The cold look that Dio gave them was enough to make them tremble, which they did. Freezing in fear, they hold their head down.

Dio looked at these idiots coldly. Giving time to the enemy to transform into a more powerful form is like asking for death, he had told them and instructed them to finish their enemies as soon as possible but these idiots can't follow it!

But he didn't blame them. This might be something related to fate. But he will definitely take his time, educating these idiots. At least, he can say for sure that Noah will learn from his mistake.

With that, he made a small leap from the peak, landing safely on the ground. Then he walked slowly toward Straizo. As he was closing the distance, Straizo started to tremble, the manacle and feeling of death made him so frightened that he couldn't move.

He could feel that a single wrong move would get him killed.

What made it more frightening was that as Dio was closing by, the temperature started to drop slowly, making the already scary situation, turn more frightening.

Dio can come in front of Straizo and started to examine him while circling him. But for Straizo, it felt as if a predator was examining whether he was a good prey to eat. After circling a few times, he whispered calmy by his ear.

"Your name is Straizo right? Say, would you like to join our side?"

A chill rand down his spine, but Straizo asked back in confusion. He felt like scolding himself but his mind was so clouded by the fear that his body moved automatically and asked, "W-What!?"

Not minding his attics, Dio buttered his offer and asked, "Think Straizo! Think! what will you not get if you join my side? Wealth? Immortality? Women? You can get everything you want as long as you join me!"

"On the other hand, if you decline my offer, I will still let you go. But what do you think will happen if you run away while declining my offer?"

"W-W-What will happen?"

"You will return to your Hamon Temple and will tell your master about the situation that is happening here. Then there will be a huge war! But all the loss of lives will be because of your actions! We can replenish our number infinitely as long as we can while learning Hamon is not easy and it takes years for a person to become as strong as a normal Vampire. The war will end with our victory!"

"But what about you? You will die during the war! And for instance, let's say, the Hamon Clan won the war, and you will start to age slowly. You will be in eternal torture where you can only see yourself getting weaker and weaker as you grow old, and in the end, die of old age!"

Dio's voice acted as a Devil's whisper as he continued to tempt Straizo. His whisper, as if touching the deepest desire of Straizo, turned his mind into turmoil!

With a gulp, Straizo felt as if Dio was telling him his deepest desire. It was as if invisible hands were stroking his heart, making his mind go blank for an instant as his heart beat fasten up.

He was sure that he should instantly turn the offer down and take revenge for Zeppeli, but his body was not obeying his mind at all. The offer given to him was his deepest desire but he knew that it was a trap, a trap set up for him.

"I-I-I-I d-don't know! I d-don't know what to do! Agghh!", Straizo held his head as his eyes contracted and he felt as if he was an idiot for saying that, but no matter what he do, his body had already betrayed his mind. He felt like plucking out his own hair to make himself to reality.

With a thud, he fell down to the ground, while grabbing his head and trying to come out to reality.

Looking at the confused Straizo whose knees were trembling and was fighting with his inner demons, he smile a little in success. Fear, punishment, and reward system were one of the best ways to turn a confused person to his side. This was one of the techniques that he learned during his previous life.

First, due to his natural charm and evil aura, he scared Straizo to the core. Then lowering the temperature of their surroundings, he made Straizo feel a chill run down his body. Then scaring him further by telling him what would happen if he doesn't accept his offer.

Although he indeed said that he would let Straizo go, he was not an idiot and had planned to kill him if he was able to compose himself and decline his offer. After all, he doesn't want to let go of the advantage of being in the shadow of people and let the Hamon clan know about him.

But his plan worked and with that, he offered Straizo offers that will make his mind go into turmoil and make it easier to accept his offer. He then also used his Hypnosis ability to turn his situation worse.

With a smile, he continued, "You don't have to do anything. Just accept the blessing that I'm going to give you!"

As he said that, Straizo felt his body go limp and had accepted the reality. He clearly remembered how Zeppeli wished that he would survive, which he was doing now. He knew that there is almost no chance for the Hamon clan to win.

With that, Dio inserted his fingers into the confused body of Straizo and started to suck his blood.

Although he felt a bit of headache sucking the Hamon-filled blood, he successfully converted Straizo into one of his underlinings. With that, Dio gave Straizo time to collect himself and turned toward Noah and others, who were now looking at him with admiration now.

With a humph sound, Dio looked at them coldly and ordered them, "This time I'm letting you go, but remember, there will be no next time. You will not escape death next time. Now, go and collect the bodies of the ones who died. They will be of great use for some of my experiments."

With that, he jumped to the cliffs and returned to his new mansion, leaving behind the group of idiots to tend to the dead bodies.


{Noah's Side}

Noah felt ashamed of his actions. Due to his personality, he usually does not take any fights seriously as he knew that with his new body and ability, he is almost invincible. This led to him getting arrogant and letting his opponent get stronger.

With that, he had made up his mind to train his mind and change his personality as soon as he could.

On the other hand, he also felt great admiration for his lord savior, Dio. When he was fighting Dire and others, he only thought of killing them as painfully as possible, but his lord was able to take advantage of the situation and even turn it around for his advantage.

And not to forget the pressure that he felt when his Lord's eyes landed on him.

He could say for sure that he felt as if he was being stared at by a predator! Even after being a mutant stone mast vampire and not being in control, he was not sure if he would even be able to defeat his lord. According to him, to defeat his lord, it would take the effort of all the four mutant vampires working under Dio himself.

But it was just his thoughts, he had dedicated everything to his lord and he would never thought of betraying his lord.


{Jason's Side}

Putting aside the deep fear that he felt, Jason could only admire his lord. When he was fighting Zeppeli and Straizo, he only thought of killing them as soon as possible, but his lord was able to take advantage of the situation and even turn it around for his advantage.


{Natalia's Side}

Natalia can only be seen breathing heavily in the background.

The cold stare that Dio made her feel a chill run down her spine and made her wet.

She grew up in Ogre street and although she was a gang leader, she was still a virgin despite being in her early 30s. This was one of her deepest regrets. After all, she had been waiting for her prince charming.

But then she met a dragon, who in her thoughts kidnapped her heart, and soon she realized, that not all dragons are bad. And she fell in love with that dragon, named Dio. Although he was her lord and still haven't shown any initiative and advances over her, she knew for a fact that she was a beauty. And her charm increased with her new looks.

She can say for sure that one day she will make HER cold-hearted dragon melt his heart and love her back.


{Haru's Side}

Haru was feeling bored as he was instructed to stay in the new mansion that was created and to guard it during the absence of others. But he still complied as he knew that the new mansion actually contains great importance for his lord.

He learned that in the basement, his lord, Dio would usually bisect dead bodies and check what was different between a normal human and a vampire. There were other experiments regarding various plants and animals, making Haru admire his lord's mind.


Woo-hoo! This concludes the end of this arc!

To be honest, I stretched this arc too long. It was intended to end by the 15th chapter(20,000 words approx.) but it is concluded at the current 20th chapter(30,000 words approx.)! But nonetheless, thanks for all your support! Your responses filled me with joy and motivation to continue to write new chapters! For that, thank you!

I will take a small break after the 19th due to another exam (JEE) on the way. But, I will continue to write and release new chapters after the 23rd. Thanks!
