Dragoon Piping 1

When the bright lights faded from around him and his feet touched solid ground again, a rush of information rushed through his brain and a pleasant warmth that made his body tingle with pleasure ran through his veins.

Just as Aqua said, the way to use his new power, was just there now. He could feel the new strength of his muscles, the deep power of flame within his core, the instinct deep within to roar, let loose his power, conquer and dominate.

Despite all that, he was not focused on any of it.

Rather, Yarden was opening and closing his hand, feeling the phantom sensation of that goddess ass he'd just gotten a hold of, "Jesus Christ, that arse was insane."

He'd only go a brief grope of it, but it was enough to blow all other arses he'd felt up in his young life out of the water and put them to shame. Incredibly soft, his hand just sunk right into that fleshy badonkadonk of hers, yet at the same time springy and firm.

It was an arse that was completely of his world. Truly, the fat bouncy round arse of a goddess.

"….I'm gonna destroy that arse one day." the newly born Scottish Dragon vowed.

He would make a fucking imprint of her fat goddess arse in a bed, hell in the fucking ground.

He stared at the hand that had claimed a grope of those divine cheeks that he would one day claim and clap so loud it would echo throughout the multiverse, before with supreme willpower only available to a man of true Scottish descent such as himself, he banished the thought.

He looked up and examined his surroundings. Surprisingly, he wasn't smack dab in the middle of nowhere or anything like that. He was standing in the middle of a paved road of some form of town.

He was honestly expecting something medieval, but the houses were finely constructed with well tiled roofs and windows, not really a mark on them. They were almost modern looking to be honest.

And most of the people around him, were while wearing odd clothing, actually quite modern looking clothes. Shorts, jackets, tank tops and the like.

He supposed it made some semblance of since if Aqua had been sending people from his world over for any long period of time like she had hinted at.

Granted, the oddest thing was that some were walking around with small pieces of armour or leather over their rather modern looking clothing.

And many of them were giving him odd looks, seeing as he was just standing in the middle of the road.

Who the fuck did they think they were looking at like some side show? Hadn't they ever seen a true Scotsman?

Well, he supposed not since this was a fantasy world. Really, if a Scotsman had been sent over before him, that Demon King pansy would already have his head mounted on a pike and his bitches enslaved.

"Oi, mate," Yarden called out to a big buff motherfucker walking passed him, "There some form of adventuring guild or something around here where I can get work and put the boot to some monster bitches?"

The man gave him an odd look before shrugging, "Yeah, sure there is kid, this is Axel y'know," he snorted, before pointing down the road, "Just head down the road and turn right, you can't miss it with the big flag hanging from up top."

"Alright, cheers son." Yarden thanked him graciously and moved on. Time to go register as an adventurerer and get started on this whole path to godhood thing.

"…Son!?" The man spluttered after him.

Yarden ignored him.

It didn't take Yarden long at all to find his destination. A large two story grey brick building with a red tiled roof. On the second floor, a beautiful glass-stained window reflected the shimmering light of the sun and jutting out proudly in front of it was a flag baring the emblem of what looked like a planet and a huge ass bird.


Pushing the door open, the teenager swaggered his way on inside, pausing only to take in his new surroundings as the door slammed shut behind him and drew a mass of eyes towards him.

The first thing he noticed, was the place was pretty busy. the second thing he noticed, was that the place looked like the inside of a tavern, only kind of more in a modern style. Like a pub that was trying to look like an olden tavern and not actually an olden time tavern.

"You're a new face boy." a snort drew his attention to one of the long tables set up through the down stairs area. The speaker, was a large, well built man with tan skin and a mostly shaved head beyond a small reddish brown mohawk.

'What the fuck is this plonker wearing?' Yarden wondered, completely weirded out. He was pairing a pair of really tight green pants, held up by a pair of pink suspenders leading up to dark shoulder armour and leaving his chest completely bare.

He looked a bit like some kind of stereo typical ruffian character. Only, he had switched things up by having the worlds gayest man vomit his fashion sense all over him.

Well, he did need information. 'The things I do for divine booty.' Yarden huffed internally.

"That's cause I'm new in town mate, here to put my boot to that demon king pansy," Yarden smirked and made his way over the clownish looking man and leaned over his table, "So feel like letting me in on how to sign up as an adventurer buddy ol' pal?" the teenager thumped the man on his armoured shoulder.

"Zat so?" The man mused blandly before snorted and downing the rest of the tankard sitting on the table in front of him then jerked his head to the end of the room, "Over there boy, you can sign up there at the admission desk, let's see how far that confidence takes you."

All the way to the top badly, all the way to the top.

Of course, Yarden did not say that, because he was a nice guy who wouldn't insult the guy who just helped him out.

"Cheers." Yarden thanked the man and made his way over. Interestingly, it was less a desk, and more look teller booths. He could only see someone rustling about behind one of them though, so made his way over to it.

There was a small bell sitting on the ledge of the teller booth, so Yarden quickly gave it a little hit to ring to catch whoever was inside the booths attention.

His eyes widened when they turned to him and he caught a full look at them, 'Holy shit.' he gasped.


Or rather, TITS!

"Hello, can I help you?" the woman behind the teller booth asked. She was a creamy skinned older woman looking to be in her mid twenties with wavy blonde hair tied into a bit of a bun at the back, with a pair of wavy bangs framing her face like curtains.

The reason for his shock, was because of the outfit adorning he body. She wore a pair of tiny blue denim shorts, and a white blouse with the deepest plunging neckline he'd ever seen that to bare a massive amount of deep creamy cleavage from a pair of huge tits.

Like holy shit they were massive, bigger than his head and the little white ribbon hanging from a white collar around her neck just drew even more attention to her amazing rack.

It took a supreme amount of willpower on his part to drag his gaze up to meet her eyes before she noticed where he was staring.

Hopefully, at least. Nah, she probably caught him staring gobsmacked. Well whatever, just gotta roll with it.