Dragoon Rising 6

The next morning, as he awoke, Yarden couldn't keep the massively content and shit eating smirk off of his face.


Well, none other than the soft, luscious body pressed up against his side, huge breasts smooshed against his chest, long, full toned legs entangled around his own and the golden blonde hair filling his vision as Darkness slept across his chest.

And drooling all over his bare chest at that. But he ignored that, after all, he was quite used to her bodily fluids after last night.

He felt like his head had cleared a bit as well now that he'd shagged a busty blonde beauty rotten, venting out everything that was building up yesterday and getting a good nights rest.

He was perhaps…a little gung ho and on a power high yesterday. Only a little though. But man, give him a break, he literally died yesterday. Granted, not even death could keep a good Scotsman down apparently, but it still counted.

A soft, warm breath across his chest brought his attention back to the gorgeous, stacked woman sleeping with him, and his arm, wrapped around her midsection keeping her pressed up against him, trailed down to take a handful of one of her full, round ass cheeks and squeeze lightly.

Darkness shivered noticeably, familiarly.

"Oh, you're awake then?" Yarden asked.

"…For a little a while now," Darkness, red faced opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Last night….that was…" she trailed off.

"Fun?" his smirk stretched even larger somehow.

"Yes…fun….amazing even," Darkness gave him an almost awed look, "You were like an animal, I didn't think it would actually be as good as that was…even now I can barely feel my legs and I've got really high endurance."

"Considering this absurd body of yours, it's no wonder I gave you it good and proper," Yarden chuckled, giving her ass, branded with the Scottish flag and his name a squeeze, but pride filled him nonetheless, "Besides, how can you have high endurance, you're only level twenty." he couldn't help but snort.

That still amused him.

Darkness pouted, "I thought you were just playing it up a bit yesterday, but where do you get this idea level twenty isn't good? Around here, it's in the top ten percent at least!" she refuted, "And it's not like people of the same level are created equal, even with the same class, I'll have you know my stats are much higher than the average level twenty Crusader."

"Oh?" he raised an eyebrow, and said nothing else, just urging her to continue. It was true after all, that he didn't know much about this place.

"Bloodline matters you know! Nobles have much better stats on average than other people, heck, your usual level twenty Crusader would be lucky to be half as strong as me!" she continued.

His second eyebrow joined the first, "So you're a noble then?" he caught on to what she was saying.

Darkness froze at his words, before averting her gaze, "…I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't say anything like that…" she mumbled.

His grip on her ass tightened a bit, drawing a breathy moan from her, and she leaned into his hand, "Don't lie to me," he narrowed his eyes at her, "Keep in mind who you belong to now, I don't give a crap who you were before, even if you were the bloody queen of this place."

"Y-yes!" her back went ram-road straight and she nodded vigorously, "…I admit, I'm a noble…most blonde's you see around here will be nobles or have noble blood, it's not a natural hair colour of this country."

Oh, well now wasn't that interesting. He'd actually saw two blonde's in the adventurers guild yesterday. One, was some random dude he didn't give a crap about…but the other, he definitely had his eyes on, Luna.

This changed things.

"So basically, because you're a noble, you're more a like level forty or fifty rather than your standard level twenty." Yarden mused, and he felt something ignite within his chest, Darkness was worth a lot more than he realised.

"W-well I guess so if you put it like that…" Darkness nodded.

"Well, you should be grateful you let that slip," Yarden grinned, eyes glinting, "There I was thinking your only worth was fucking for fun, but you'll even make a good broodmare as well."

"B-broodmare?" Darkness gaped at him, before that familiar warped smile spread across her face, "...Oh…oh my!"

She was so easy to please, literally, all he had to do was play up the sex slave angle with her. Something he'd need to keep an eye on, but that was fine, he'd just make such an example out of the first person to hit on her now that she was his, that nobody would dare do it again.

A thought occurred, and he reached out to the side with his free arm and grabbed the gold card sitting on the bedside table, he'd sat it there after he'd fucked Darkness into a stupor last night.

"So tell me, how do I generally stack up then?" he was curious what his stats would normally reflect in level.

"Okay…" Darkness coughed and regained her composure, accepting the card as he handed it to her, before abruptly choking, "What in Eris-Sama's name is this!?" she immediately pushed herself up out of his grip and sat up, large breasts jostling on her chest tantalizingly as she stared at him wide eyed.

"My adventurer card, what else?" He rolled his eyes.

"…No, this is absurd, you're only level eleven on here, but these stats…." Darkness trailed off, utterly gobsmacked, "…A level one hundred adventurer wouldn't even reach this, few people can even reach that high in level, most cap out in the forty to fifty range, they'd need to be a noble even! And even then, a noble blooded adventurer at level one hundred would still be dwarfed by these!"

Heh, as expected. Scottish Blood + Dragon Core = Win.

"Wait," Yarden blinked, "Level cap?" People had a level cap? What kind of nonsense was that? Though, if the average person did cap out at only level forty to fifty…

It made sense then why nobles were important over here. Apparently, if what she just said was anything to go by, nobles had higher level caps, and much better than average starting stats due to their lineage.

Which meant nobles in general were just build different from the common class and just flat out better than them in every single way.

"Yes, see, right here beside your level on the card, it will mention your level cap," Darkness explained and brought the card up to show him, pointing at his level, before blinking slowly, "….Wait, that can't be right."

When he looked at it, Yarden couldn't help but burst out laughing at what he saw, understanding her confusion immediately.

Because, the stat cap reflected back?


Level eleven, out of infinity. He had no level cap!

Darkness' jaw dropped wide open and she just stared at him, mute, "What? You nobles might be built different from the general plebs around here, but I'm just built even better," Yarden laughed out cockily, "Why do you think I don't give a shit that I just took you, a noble as my personal cock ornament?" honestly, this just made his day, and his day had just started!

After all, bloodline was apparently important here.

Once he ascended to godhood, the Scottish blood he left behind would stand atop this world.

The Scottish Master Race!

"Eeep!" Darkness suddenly squealed as he moved in a flash, getting on top of her and pinning her beneath him on the bed, "Y-Yarden?" the busty blonde breathed hotly.

God, looking at her from above like this, putting out her masochistic crap, she really was gorgeous. He really could see her as some noble princess knight. And she was all his now.

His head swooped down and he captured her lips with his own, drawing a startled moan from her. She wasn't stunned long though, her hands immediately coming up to wrap around his neck, and her legs wrapping up around his hips, even as his raging hard morning wood was unveiled from the covers and pressed against her toned creamy belly.

"How old are you Darkness?" he asked when he pulled back, "Tell me about yourself, and tell me all I need to know about adventurers in this place."

"Em….Ooooh!" Darkness gave him a confused look, before squealing in place as he shifted his hips and plunged his fat, raging hard cock into her velvety pussy.

…It was quite hard to make out what she was saying between her squealing, screaming and moaning at that point. But, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.