Dragoon Rising 10

Surprisingly, Kyouya as he was called, was still conscious. For that, Yarden gave him some slight respect.

Arms shaking, the blonde Jap boy pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, Gram still in hand.

He wasn't fast enough though.

Before he could recover from the sucker punch, Yarden was upon him, delivering a powerful kick straight into his armoured torso. It felt like kicking a brick wall, but Yarded just laughed, and while the armour protected the older teen from the hit, it didn't stop the force that travelled through.

Kyouya gagged as he was lifted up into the air, and would have shot straight up, if not for Yarden clasping his hands together and bringing them down in a hammer blow straight on his back, directly opposite of where his kick landed.

Kyouya slammed back into the ground, groaning in pain, his fingers releasing the grip on his cheat blade, and as he did, all power seemed to seep from his limbs and the older boys body went almost limp.

"Don't think we're done with just that!" Yarden snarled, this guy pointed a sword at him and threatened him, he wasn't getting off with just a few love taps.

Reaching down, he grabbed Kyouya by the throat and lifted him up, before promptly back handing him.

His head rocked to the side powerfully and he just hung there. What the fuck was this?

Wasn't he supposed to be some badass hero or something that was over level thirty?

Yarden back handed him again.

Kyouya's head rocked to the other side.

This time he gave a pitiful moan.

"Where's this powerful hero shit everyone is talking about, huh?" Yarden snarled, and headbutted him.

Kyouya didn't answer, what being too busy with his eyes rolling up into his head and giving a choked splutter.

Not satisfied, Yarden let go of the blondes throat and let him fall. Not to the ground though.

Into his waiting foot where he kicked the Jappy blonde up slightly into the air, and then caught him on the other foot and repeated.

Once, twice, thrice, four times and beyond.

Yarden started doing keepy ups with his body. Despite how awkward it was using an armoured human body, it was surprisingly easy with his enhanced physical abilities, his dexterity and limberness was through the roof.

"Kyouya!" the pale blonde suddenly screamed in worry, rushing out of the hole in the guild war, only to pause and stare in horror.

Clemea was her name if he remembered right. And now that he got a good look at her, she wasn't a pale blonde at all.

But rather, she had light green hair, huh, exotic.

Her friend, Fio the more curvaceous of the two followed her out a second later and followed her lead in gaping at horror at the spectacle that became of their precious Kyouya.

"So what's this clowns deal?" Yarden asked them idly as he kept kicking the older blonde up and down like a football, "Isn't he supposed to be some super strong hero? If this is what people consider a hero around here, it won't be long before people worship me as the god I'll become in the future."

Clemea didn't respond, merely clasping and unclasping her hands, the redhead was the bolder of the two, "Well what d-do you expect you brute!" she shouted angrily at him, "Y-you attacked by surprise, and Kyouya doesn't have Gram in his hands, if you hadn't and faced him head on at full power you wouldn't be able to touch him, now stop!"

"So...he's just a weakling without Gram huh? That's sad," Yarden huffed, before shrugging as he kicked Kyouya up into the air one last time and turned away from him, towards the pair of girls, "Whatever, he's boring me now anyway, you know what happens now right?" he grinned, stalker, or rather swaggering his way over to the pair of scantily clad girls, at the same time Kyouya landed, face first on the ground, his armour clanging loudly as he did so.

"Y-you actually expect us to go through with that!?" Clemea finally spoke up, purple eyes looking at him in shock.

"If he won he would have expected me to let go of my plans, and you girls were cheering him on before he bet you both," Yarden snorted as he reached them both, "As far as I'm concerned, that's consent, you both were all for messing with me after all, so I'm gonna mess with you, or mess you both up."

He went for the green haired of the pair first, her eyes widening in shock as he boldly reached around her waist, under her tiny loin cloth and cupped her perky round ass with one hand and pulled her flush against his chest, cupping her chin with the other hand, "I don't see why you'd object," he said, looking her straight in the eyes, "He clearly doesn't care about or want either of you, while I do? I mean, what's so good about this guy anyway?" he shrugged.

"H-he's kind a-and strong," Clemea's face went beet red and she stumbled out her reply, "H-he was even able t-to choose the advanced job Sword Master right from the start."

…Wait, so he wasn't a hero class then? Then why the fuck did people keep calling him that?

"H-he's even broke multiple records, reaching over level thirty in only two months!" the green ponytailed girl added.

"That's just a facade, the guy is just putting on a nice act to make people like him more, I mean, he clearly wasn't very nice to me, if he just asked me nicely, then maybe it wouldn't have come to this," Yarden refuted her, the dude was clearing just playing the fields using the nice guy act and these girls didn't even notice, how sad, "And his accomplishments are paltry, I started off as a Dragoon class from the get go, way better than a mere Sword Master, and I hit over level ten from one in less than three hours of hunting, I'm literally superior in every way to this guy."

"Y-you-" Clemea's lips trembled as she tried to refute him.

But honestly, he was getting tired of having to wait to take what was his. This wasn't the god damn modern world, it was a fantasy world where a guy could point a sword at him and threaten him using the status as a hero because he talked about a girl he wanted to bang.

He used his grasp on her chin to pull the green haired girls head closer to his, then promptly captured her lips with his own.

She struggled, hands pressing against his chest and trying to force him away, but, despite exerting a decent bit of strength that he actually felt, he was much too strong.

And she realised that, giving up not long later, her arms almost going limp as his tongue swept into her mouth and wrestled her own into submission.

His hand left her chin, joining the other in cupping her perky backside and pulling her even tighter against him, pressing his now ever growing erection into her core.

She moaned into his mouth, and instinctively, her hands came up to wrap around his neck and she began returning the kiss.

He pulled back from her a minute or so later, letting go of her ass cheeks and the green haired girls slumped to her knees, legs giving out beneath her, cheeks stained red, eyes glossy and panting deeply.

"Good girl." he pat her on the head gently, before turning his attention to the red haired Fio who was just staring open mouthed, cheeks blazing red.

"Your turn." he declared, and promptly made his way over, copying what he did before, one hand grasping her by the chin, while the other reached under her tiny skirt and cupped her backside, it was quite a bit fuller than her green haired friends.

"Y-you brute." she stuttered out, but despite her words, didn't resist at all, she cast one glance behind him, to where he left Kyouya in a heap like the trash bag he was, before her eyes returned to his own.

He caught her lips with his own, and almost immediately, she reached up, winding her hands around his neck and submitted to him, granting him immediate access to her parted lips.

He gave her the same treatment he gave Clemea, though the redhead was much more into it than her friend, and when he pulled back a few minutes later, leaving the girls lips bruised, she didn't unwind her arms from his neck, keeping her standing.

"You changed your tune quick." he noted with a snort.

"…Your words weren't wrong," the redhead looked away, cheeks steaming a crimson red, "And…Kyouya has never shown such interest in either of us." she admitted.

"It's cuz he's Japanese." Yarden snorted.

Fio blinked and looked back at him, confused, "Japanese?" she asked.

"The country he's from, it's a place where they put big emphasis on manners and crap and doing well in work, to the point where all the males have become wimps and like to be dominated by women to escape the pressure, like they love getting dicks stomped on and shit and I hear a ton of them love being cuckolded and having their lovers stolen from them by real manly men," he explained easily, "It's not that far off from my own country, the great and powerful Scotland, you're not wrong calling me a brute really, our bloodline is that of conquering barbarians after all."

Sure their blood got weaker and thinned out because of all the times they cucked the English and stole their women, introducing English blood into their genetics.

But, even with that, the power of Scotland still ran within his veins.

"…Oh…?" Fio looked even more confused.

"Anyway, that'll do it," Yarden grasped her hands and unlinked them from behind his neck, and dusted off his hands, "I'll catch you later." he said, turning away.

"W-wait, what?!" Fio sputtered, making him pause, "W-weren't you going to claim us as your woman?"

"Sounds like a great time," he looked over his shoulder and grinned, "That there was just a taste to show you what you can have, but I'm not gonna force you, I'm not a rapist after all, and that clown doesn't own you so he can't really bet you, right?"

Honestly, he could probably just take them and they wouldn't complain. But, this was the better way. He already got his dick wet all last night, so he wasn't in much of a rush to sheathe his cock in some velvety soft pussy.

At least for a few hours.

Like this, he kept the initiative and left them to chase him, he made himself the prize, not them.

As it should be.

"If you want to become my women, the pair of you are more than welcome, I'll appreciate you far more than that clown," he nodded at the downed Kyouya, "In the meantime though, since he doesn't own you and can't wager you, I'll be taking something he does own for myself."

Grin widening, Yarden made his way over to the hella cool looking sword just laying on the ground and reached down to grab its golden handle.

"W-wait, Gram is a sentient sword, it chooses its master," Fio called after him, "Nobody else but Kyouya can use its powers, in anybody elses hands, it's just a normal sword, but weighs a ton."

Yarden grasped the handle with one hand and lifted. She wasn't kidding about the weight of it, that was for sure, it had to weigh at least five hundred pounds, probably more and with it being a sword, the centre of gravity with all that weight was really off.

Good thing he wasn't your typical shlub scrub and could handle that weight easily.

"Eh, I needed a sword anyway, powers or not." he turned back to the redhead, Gram hoisted over his shoulder with one hand.

The redheads eyes went wide with shock, "…What absurd brute strength!" she gasped.

His grin turned into a cocky smirk, and he was just about to make his epic exit, when he noticed something he hadn't paid attention to before.

A brown sack tied to Kyouya's waist, "Yoink." he grabbed it up, smirk widening when he heard the jingle of many a coin within.

Going by this clowns armour, he had to be loaded. 'Mine now.' Yarden chuckled internally.

Honestly, he'd even take the guys armour as well, but while they were of height with each other, the dude seemed to be a lot more slim than him so it would probably be too tight on him.

Clinking money pouch and legendary epic sword in hand, Yarden whistled happily as he made his way back through the hole into the guild, "Later baby cakes." he gave Fio a swat on the ass as he passed her by with hand holding the money pouch.