Dragoon And Luck - 3

"Hmm, yeah, this should do." Yarden mused to himself as he came to a stop atop the tallest hall of the plains outside the town of Axel.

"…Can you let me down now?" Chris, who had long since given up escaping the teenagers absurd physical strength asked, deadpan as she lay limp like a sack across one of his shoulders, parallel to the absurdly beautiful and stupidly heavy sword he was carrying over the other.

It had taken the idiot teenager over a minute after he walked away with Chris over his shoulder to realise he'd left Gram behind, and rushed back. To find a bunch of people crowded around it, in awe of the swords beauty.

It would have long since been pilfered if it weren't for the fact that the sword weighed an absurd amount. As it was though, Yarden grasping the stupidly heavy sword and lifting it up high into the air with one hand, while carrying a girl with his other arm over his shoulder, sent enough red flags that those crowding the sword had immediately ran away.

Chris wished she had seen such flags, alas it was too lad and currently she found herself left with no other option than to just lay across the shoulder of the most blatantly bold and unflinchingly arrogant boy she'd ever had the displeasure of coming across.

…And considering her day job, she'd met quite a lot of those.

"You sure?" Yarden asked, looking at her with a smirk, "You said you're a thief class right? Thiefs are generally pretty squishy, and you're a woman on top of that. You're not really built for fighting."

"…I'm literally over level thirty you know," Chris resisted the urge to let her eyebrow twitch, and she was far different from some normal thief class, it was a close thing though, "Also, that's so sexist."

"It's just basic biology, but then uneducated hicks from medieval fantasy lands obviously wouldn't know that," Yarden snorted, before lowering her to the ground and letting her go, "But fine, just scream my name if you find yourself in danger and I'll come save you, or just stick close by, either or."

'It's just the dragon traits, Eris, don't lose your temper. The arrogance and instincts of a young dragon are just heightening his worst traits, just let it go.' she thought to herself, "Sure…" she merely sighed and rolled her eyes.

As always Aqua-senpai was causing her horrible problems with the kind of people she sent to this world, and to think she thought she had gotten a lucky break for once with someone who hadn't picked an item that would needed to be retrieved and simply chosen a biological enhancement.

More the fool was she.

Physically, the power Yarden chose, was one of the best picks one could have taken from the list. Mentally, because of how young he was, it was also one of the worst. Especially because of the type of person Yarden was before he was reincarnated.

He was not a bad person, in fact, in contrast to the vast majority of people sent to this world, he was one of the top picks. He was above average in intelligence, he was fit, he was hard working, he was confident and brave.

But the younger and more powerful a dragon was, the greater its own instincts affected them. For someone like Yarden who wasn't even sixteen yet and had the added bonus of an adventurer card, dragoon class and level system, confidence became arrogance, humour became mockery, bravery became recklessness, even the hobby of collecting became overzealous greed.

…Like all of the cheat powers, abilities and items Aqua-Senpai had created, becoming part dragon, did not come without its drawbacks.

Ironically, the power Yarden chose, would have been better balanced with some of the more average aspects that came from Japan. The meek, physically untalented, the timid, less experienced, less hard working type that tended to die young, would have been a decent offset to the instincts of a dragon and strike a kind of balance.

Of course, there was also the option of giving it to someone who was already a grown mature adult in their thirties or forties, that was around the age dragons began to calm down a bit.

Instead, Yarden's 'stats' mentally and physically were on the upper tier of the scale compared to them, and with the aspect of a dragon, he broke the scales entirely. On top of that, he was a good twenty or more years away from the age when a dragon began to calm down a bit.

…She was pretty sure many of the older gods overlooking Aqua's choices had warned her off from letting someone that young or that mentally able choose that cheat.

Honestly, it was kind of no wonder everyone had finally lost their temper with her and sent her off down here with that Kazuma fellow. Ordinarily after all, they wouldn't have dreamed of allowing a mortal to take a god with them.

She was drawn from her thoughts by his palm squeezing her ass and Chris eeped aloud, "Don't worry, I'm just joshing with you babe." Yarden laughed, letting go of her ass and stepping forward.

'Oh yes, and how could I forget.' Chris grimaced, Yarden had a very strong libido already according to his file she'd read up on, enhanced by the dragon aspects, he was full on lustful.

It was probably a merit to his willpower and morals that he hadn't just dragged the first girl that caught his eye off by the hair and did as he pleased with her. She'd actually expected that earlier when he ha defeated Kyouya Mitsurugi and 'won' those two companions of his.

Instead he'd merely claimed Gram.

…Which actually, gave her a bit of an idea. After all, he might have the sword, but he didn't have any armour yet.

Yarden once he was a few steps away from her, stabbed Gram into the ground, before raising both hands into the air, "Force Fire!" he declared, light swirling in his palms before erupting into crackling spark of light high in the air.

After firing both off into the air, he lowered his arms, pointing at both of his sides, "Force Fire!" he fired off another pair of crackling beams of light, before beginning to rotate, "Force Fire! Force Fire! Force Fire! Force Fire! Force Fire!"