Boss monster "Black Bear"

After going through it all the three of them walked together all day without encountering any strong monsters. They completed all the final exams in two or three times. After a long period of time, everyone finally decided to go offline and return to rest after a hard day.

On the next day, Ling Ran was back online and the three of them left in time. "This damn forest, oh!" Rock started to complain.

But at that moment Ling Ran's black dog kept barking in front of the three of them, and Ling Ran started to get restless, preparing to hang his hands.

"Are there monsters? What monsters?" Huofeng asked in a low voice, cautiously.

Everything is moving forward slowly. After walking for a while, there were no monsters around, but something was blocking them in front of them. They found a place like a nest. at the same time, the atmosphere felt terrible. Koinu kept calling and hiding behind Ling Ran, he started to shiver.

Rock saw something and said nervously "Is it the BOSS, how about we avoid meeting them?."

"Maybe, but the power of the monsters is stronger when you return. There must be an unusual monster in front of you. Let's go and have a look? Maybe you can get better equipment." Ling Ran advised them for not wanting to work twice because of avoiding the boss.

Huofeng was silent for a while, and said, "I agree to avoid it. Except as a last resort, we shouldn't proactively provoke those monsters, as our current level is so far apart from theirs that we will be easily crushed." Huofeng clearly remembers how Serizawa was defeated, and it was close to the end of the mass destruction.

Then everyone saw that there were already several people in the so-called nest, and where there were five people, Ling Ran said, "Should we go and see?"

Rock quietly put the double-edged sword on his shoulder and whispered, "Come on, since there is someone else leading us, we all quietly went to the theater and said that we might not be able to pick up something cheap."

The helpless Huofeng and Ling Ran could only follow them off in any direction. Ling Ran and Huofeng looked at each other with a bitter smile. It's a big, cheap piece of equipment. Rock takes a big offer.

Then watched as the five people quietly approached from the dense forest while hiding their bodies. When they were about ten meters from the nest, they all crouched down and hid the whereabouts of their bodies. When they looked away, they could see the slope in front of them. There is a large cave in the middle of the slope, this cave is very large, with a width of three meters and a height of more than three meters, it is dark inside, and Ling Ran does not know what animal nest is, then five people spread out and quietly approach the nest.

Five were four men and one woman, the woman was a mage, whereas, one in four men was an archer, and the other three were warriors.

According to the words spoken by them, everyone's strength was similar to theirs, and there were one or two good looking equipment on their bodies. It can be said that this is a relatively strong team. Five people scattered and continued He visited the nest, but some were afraid to enter easily.

Hesitating for a while, one of the warriors decided to take a boulder from the side, challenged his courage, and threw the boulder ferociously into the boulder.

There was a very loud sound. The rock was supposed to hit the rock wall in the cave, and a loud sound broke.

Suddenly, there was a very loud animal roar. The voice came from inside the cave.

The five players tried not to panic, but all seemed excited, hid on both sides of the cave, and waited.

A black shadow flashed, and from this huge cave, two black bears about one meter tall came out.

Two black bears roared out of the cave while roaring, and the people hiding on both sides of the cave moved.

Hanguang flashed, and two soldiers, each holding a double-edged sword, screamed, and the two black bears screamed, fell, wrapped around their bodies, and the blood flowed.

But the goals of these five people are not as simple as these two black bears. After killing them, they were still hiding on both sides.

Deep in the cave, apparently because of the screams of the two black bears, he finally woke up a terrible creature, made a deafening roar, and even the top of the cave was shaken by the sound of dust.

The expressions of tension and excitement of the five men suddenly appeared on their faces. Three soldiers held knives in both hands and were ready to let go. The archer also held a bow in his hand and aimed at the center of the cave. Witches have mouths. The spell had been cast, and he waited for the target to appear and then cast magic.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The cave let out a trembling sound, the sound got closer, and then a beast finally came out.

In front of them was a huge black bear nearly three meters tall with a head the size of two blue balls. His eyes were like the shape of the fists of two babies. His whole body was round and fat. He had thick black hair on his body. The forelegs are almost like two big fans.

While the huge black bear was moving out of the cave, the three soldiers, stood still, and the three long swords sliced ​​through its massive body at the same time.

The male archer's arrows also started hitting the black bear with his arrows.

The female witch sang and sang a stick, and then she heard a cry, and a translucent wind blade about half a meter long appeared flat and hit the black bear's chest.

Just for a moment none of the five people's attacks ended, and the two-edged greatsword of the three first-order warriors was deeply sliced ​​into the black bear's body.

"Haha! This black bear BOSS was seriously injured by us!" One of the soldiers was overjoyed, and then he would draw a double-edged sword and cut it severely.

Suddenly, he realized that the greatsword stuck to the black bear's body couldn't be pulled out.

Suddenly, before igniting his mind, the black bear essence had roared, causing the eardrums to ache, and the big and thick fan-like bear claws spread out.

There was a muffled sound, and the soldier's head fanned his body, flew out like a ball, and then hit the other side far away, hitting the brain that broke and shattered into Damage.


Not far from where they were fighting, Ling Ran and Huofeng shuddered as they were hiding.

The three warriors had their weapons ready to attack the bear boss. the equipment was trapped inside the black bear's body and could not be pulled out. The black bear's giant palm was slapped like a mosquito. The head of a soldier flew away from the body and others. The soldier was photographed in the brain from above, and his head and body were instantly photographed into a pile of rotten flesh.

The last soldier had not yet removed his weapon and fled. It was only two steps before they tried to escape, when the black bear attacked them from behind, the bear hit them on the back. Suddenly, the whole body flew in the clouds and sped up, and flew into the forest tens of meters away.

When Ling Ran and Huofeng saw this, they were all cold and scared.

The three warriors couldn't lose to the boss, and they expected that the equipment produced from hunting the boss black bear was at least rare, so this black bear BOSS was definitely the most powerful monster they encountered when they came to the forest.

Three soldiers were killed in an instant when they encountered the black bear, and the female mages and male archers who had lost the soldiers in the vanguard felt cornered. It was because they had no troops in their line of attack, and they wanted to turn around and run away.

They must have regrets in their hearts, they found the lair and thought it was their luck, maybe they would meet a boss monster and expect some equipment drop items. In their imagination, five people have good equipment and levels enough to fight a dozen level boss monsters.

But no one expected that the Black Bear BOSS who suddenly appeared would be so terrifying, killing three soldiers with a raised hand.

The female witch screamed as she ran,

"Save me, save me, I don't want to be dropped by him",

The male archer ran away however, he was one step slower than the mage and suddenly made a terrible scream. The voice was suddenly cut off because he had been killed. At that moment, Ling Ran saw the male archer being caught by the black bear BOSS. Then the black bear opened his mouth and opened his mouth and listened.

The bear's target wasn't actually the sorceress as their target, but it was clear to Ling Ran that their position was found there and Ling Ran could hear a strong wind coming with the corpse, and the power of this throw was truly amazing.

"Careful!" The corpse was almost impossible to dodge when he saw its speed, so Ling Ran sighed, tried to dodge, and clenched both hands tightly to carry the corpse.

Even though Ling Ran was prepared, Ling Ran was afraid of the corpse's strength.

The black bear BOSS threw the body right into Ling Ran's body, and suddenly Ling Ran vomited blood, and it caused him to bounce and hit a small tree in the forest, and then hit the second tree. It stopped and fell to the ground.

At that time, Ling Ran's MP and HP were drastically reduced. it was reduced by 130 points, and Ling Ran thought it was still too accurate.