Time to Level Up

Entering Belleza City, it can be said that it is full of people, and there are many NPCs in various occupations. The distribution of the city is simple and clear. There is a large square in the center, and it is divided into four main streets northeast, southeast, and west.

Among the four main roads, many other branches were connected, forming a distribution like a spider's web.

When entering the city Ling Ran decided to go shopping. Although Ling Ran didn't like shopping, if he wasn't familiar with the environment, it would be troublesome.

Ling Ran looked at the many shops in the city with equipment shops, drug stores, auction houses, blacksmith shops, grocery stores, etc. The equipment shop, Ling Ran deliberately went there to see that most of them were white and blue, but also red, but the price was very expensive.

In addition, there can strengthen your equipment in the workshop. All equipment grades can be constructed, but are subject to equipment requirements. After getting the materials needed, players can find out the cost of making them and can learn the craft themselves. Of course, this also costs money to learn.

However, Ling Ran felt that all he had to do now was an upgrade, so he immediately walked into the task hall. There are a lot of people here. The tasks are posted on the wall. If the players wish to take on an assignment, they must use the assignment paper on the wall and go to the reception.

A few procedures were enough to take on a quest. This process can be done in a few seconds, but the number of tasks is as large as the time it takes to choose the task that suits the players. Ling Ran looked and selected a few simple tasks to play with within the city. A while later Ling Ran decided to go to a place called the Skills Academy.

It was a place for players to learn skills, so there Ling Ran could study with mentors from various professions. The warrior skills mentor was shirtless, showing strong muscles and modest armor. The greatsword was inserted into the ground. The mage mentors and priests as well They are all wearing robes, and the archer instructor is a beautiful NPC. She looks very attractive in a leather suit.

The summoned instructor looked out of place with the other instructors, thinking that this person was sitting on the floor wearing animal skin and wearing a headband. A wolf-headed hat covered the upper part of the face, and a lion lay beside it, sitting on the shoulder of a bear, crouching a bird, with a tortoise in front of him and a monkey chewing a banana. Animals are like a small zoo.

However, most of the players here are female players. It seemed that the summoner profession was very popular among girls. At this time, I went to the mentor to see the teaching being done there.

To learn a skill need to open the conversation bar, and click on the item of learning skills.

After clicking again, Ling Ran saw several skills shining before his eyes.

[Summoning Mastery]: Passive skill, summoning beast speed and summoning beast blood recovery speed.

[Summon beast to follow]: Passive skill, makes the summon beast follow the master by default and not run around. When an enemy is found, the summoned beast will not actively attack the target without the master's command. If the master is attacked by the enemy, the summon beast will automatically attack the enemy and all Stats increase by 5% until the enemy is destroyed.

[Smashing Strike]: Caused by a heavy hit with the weapon, 2% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.

[Over Shoulder Fall]: Throws an enemy behind you, causing damage.

[Summon Beast Sacrifice]: Create a magic line in front of you and sacrifice your own summoned beast to sacrifice it to increase the attributes of other summoned beasts.

[OverSummoned]: Free at least two summoned beasts, and summon a Warcraft special to become a summoned creature to fight for yourself. The summoned beast that was set free would be lost forever. This time, Warcraft will replace the summoned beasts that have been released as new summons.

[Burn]: Throws conical flames into the area ahead, causing damage to all enemies in front.

Summoner skills can't be said much, but there are only three skills to attack, Ling Ran can't help but look at the cost of studying later!

learning the Summoning Mastery skill required 50 silver coins, while Smashing Strike required 5 gold coins each! , Burning requires 12 gold coins, and Summon Beast Sacrifice requires 1 gold coin.

Ling Ran who had 300 gold coins in his pocket was enough to learn all those skills. But Ling Ran was a bit reluctant to learn it because it took him a long time to learn everything. The 25 gold coins were reduced in an instant, and Ling Ran still had 275 gold coins and a few silver and copper coins.

Suddenly seven skills appeared in the skill bar, all of which were basic.

[Chain Of Souls]; Proficiency 20, mana consumption 100, use 5 times.

[Summon Beast Mastery] (Basic): Proficiency 0, no consumption.

[Summon Beast Follow] (Basic): Proficiency 0, no consumption.

[Crushing Strike] (Basic): Proficiency is 0, consumes 20 mana, and cools for 7 seconds.

[Over Shoulder Fall] (Basic): Proficiency is 0, consumes 30 mana, and cools for 3 seconds.

[Summon Beast Sacrifice] (Beginner): Proficiency 0, consumes 100 magic, cold 10 minutes

[Summoning Advantage] (Basic): Proficiency is 0, no consumption, cooling for 24 hours.

[Burn] (Basic): Proficiency is 0, consumes 200 magic, cools down for 5 minutes.

Looking at the personal attributes he had, he now had 1300 Mana points, which would allow him to use it multiple times without drinking MP potions, but to increase his proficiency and mana value, seemed to be considering buying some MP potions.

Ling Ran walked out of Belleza City and bought a map to know about Belleza City. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, east of the city is the Forest of Death, west is the blood desert, south is Canyon Della Tribolazione, and north is Orrore Snow Mountain According to the map.

The forest of death was suitable for players with levels 10 - 30. As for Tribolazione Canyon and Orrore Snow Mountain, it would take at least more than level 30 to enter the region. Otherwise, this is equivalent to death, but this map is rough. No other places are marked except for the four places indicated. After seeing this place, players must explore it on their own.

Ling Ran received a mission location in the Forest of Death, but at this time there were already many players on the road to kill a group of black bears. Of course, that would reduce the amount earned.

The object is an ordinary level 15 beast. It is nothing for a level 20 player. However, it is a bit difficult for a single player around level 15. At that time Ling Ran also chose a black bear to try to attack, destroy the attack and punched the black bear in the head.

-500 damage

Instantly the black bear died. The effect of leveling up was tremendous, and the attack power he generated was extremely high. Ling Ran gained 600 experience points.

The front of the forest is a level 25 poison wasp. Ling Ran, who won from level 25, instantly killed the bee with his fists. Now and then Ling Ran took out Fenrir to increase the strength of his summoned beast.

After walking far away, a vast Grassland appeared in the field of vision. There were many cows, horses, and sheep in harmony, but there was the problem that the cows, horses, and sheep in front of them all looked strangely disgusting.

Tauren, Level 24, Normal Beast

Declutter, Level 24, Normal Beast

[Ding!! After the system is updated, you can view the data without attacking]

Ling Ran saw that the beasts in front of him were the monsters named Tauren and Desutter. Apart from the two beasts, the horse in the grass field looked like a human.

Centaure Level 30, Elite Beast

Ling Ran took out Alkho there to flatten all the Centaurs that were there.

"What are your orders, sir?" Alkho faced Ling Ran after being called.

"Defeat those Centaurs, bring me their horns as proof of subjugation" Ling Ran ordered.

"Do it"

without lingering - Alkho immediately shot towards the group of Centaurs who were resting. Ling Ran looked from a distance to observe Alkho.

In just a few minutes the 10 Centaures had been defeated. Alkho who returned with 10 horns handed them over to Ling Ran.

"experience points didn't add up too much, maybe because of the difference in level" Ling Ran muttered who didn't feel the effect of defeating Centaure.

After doing some cleaning, he rose by 0.1 percent, and obtained 80 copper coins. This was quite promising even though Ling Ran still had a lot of money in his inventory. Ling Ran ended the day's hunt because he wanted to provide proof of subjugation as a condition for completing his quest.