The Snake King Jörmungandr

The Ice Golems continued to be showered with magic cast by Julia Brandt. Ling Ran took advantage of the gap to attack the Golems head-on. Ling Ran managed to deal damage to those Ice Golems. the battle was quite short, and Ling ran and Julia Brandt were able to defeat the monsters. They managed to obtain the core of the Ice Golem. However Ling ran remembered that the mission he took was to kill the Sword Fang tiger.

Ling Ran then continued their exploration through Leonhard's hidden dungeon. Di at the end of the hall not far from where they were before, they were greeted by a red bat. They clustered in the dungeon ceiling. Ling Ran and Julia Brandt approached them, there were around 100 red bats. Julia Brandt then attacks with Blazing. In an instant all the Red Bats can be defeated with one attack.