Chambers of the Ruthless Giant

Arriving there Ling Ran saw that Grashunid was a vast green forest area with a stretch of grassland around it. There are several hills on the left side and the ocean on the right side of the area.

This area is ideal for development because it has abundant resources. Ling Ran only needed to cultivate it to be able to make it a prosperous region. Meanwhile, the land given to Julia Brandt was on the edge of the Meadows.

"Julia, come here There's something I want to give you. This was the Blue Sapphire Ring one of the treasures of Savaytion City." Ling Ran said while giving the Ring to Julia Brandt.

"Is that okay with you Brother Ling? this is a gift you got why give it to me?" asked Julia Brandt to Ling Ran.

"No problem, I got three gifts each, one for you, and one for my sister Bai Xin. So I still have one gift. Said Ling Ran.

Ling Ran gave the ring to Julia Brandt, Julia happily accepted the gift which was quite extraordinary for her.