Welcoming New Citizens

"Well, all of you have received a reward as a form of your hard work all day. Now you go back to your respective sectors, after this we will hold a welcoming ceremony for the merging of the three races into one family in Vittoria Village," said Ling Ran giving instructions to Norrix, Lavendea, and also Adamar.

The three of them then turned and dispersed themselves to their respective residences to prepare for the welcoming ceremony tonight.

"Is everything done, Ling?" Asked Julia Brandt who appeared right beside Ling Ran.

"So far everything has been resolved. We have succeeded in uniting the three races in one village. In the future, we should be able to unite and help other races to live together in Vittoria Village.

"It might be right to save them, but having them all live in one area doesn't always seem like a good idea," said Julia Brandt.

"Why is that? Isn't it our job to unite them all," Ling Ran asked curiously.