The forgotten figure

Norrix then explained that it seemed like he had also heard of the name Rebellion. However, he could not clearly remember the legend that was told by his father.

Lavendea then told Julia Brandt and Ling Ran about the legend of Rebellion.Lavendea explained that 300 years ago there existed a monster who was a threat to all races in Arcandria continent. This figure is known as Rebellion.

Based on the explanations of the ancestors, it is said that Rebellion is a being from another world who wants to invade life on the Arcandria Continent. They possessed far greater strength than all the races on the Arcandria Continent.

It was said that, at that time the two strongest races on the Arcandria continent united to face Rebellion. They are the blood vampire race and the dragon race, they unite to defeat the Rebellion invasion.