
"Always be careful, Mommy. Take care of your health."

I smiled a reminder to my patient Mother. I stood watching it exit the hospital. When I see a patient having difficulty coming out I approach and help them.

"Are you done with your duty?" Mary, one of my fellow doctors, asked me.

"Yes," I smiled in response to it. I'm excited to get home. "I can rest somehow," I added.

It is tiring to be on duty from 2 in the morning to 12 in the morning. I think I spent more than 8 hours in the operating room. Because there are many patients who need surgery. Then I even visited my other patients.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lorraine, another of my fellow doctors, asked me.

Like me, it also holds the medical results of our patients. We need to check the medical results of our patients. We need to make sure they are well and gradually recovering.

I smiled and shook my head in response. "Come on! Let's eat? I'll pay the bill!" She added more. She was with Mary and me.

"Pass. Mary and you just ate. I need to go home." I refused Lorraine.

"Hmm... Is that so? Oh, I see. Okay, I understand." Lorraine nodded at me.

I left the two of them and took the elevator at the same time to go to my fifth floor where my office is. When the elevator opened I got out immediately and walked to my office.

I took off the laboratory coat I was wearing that doctors always wore. I also changed my clothes and shoes. The pain in the foot is the heels I'm wearing. Especially the longer I've been wearing it. My foot is hurt.

After I tidied up my office and myself I immediately went downstairs to get out. Then I went to the parking lot as well.

"What the h*ck?!" I was annoyed and then I hit the steering wheel of my car. Why now? My car wouldn't start because I ran out of gas. Sh*t! I forgot to drain.

I got out of my car. I can't do anything because the gas station is far from here. Why did I forget to load earlier? The bad luck, oh! I still don't have the money to refuel my car. Because of the amount I still have to spend. I also need to save.

I took a taxi because my car doesn't work when there is no gas so I have no choice but to take a taxi home. I went down opposite the house of my friend Samantha.

"Oh, why did you just come today? It's midnight, ah." My friend asked when the door of his house opened.

"Sorry, I just finished my duty, eh. Where is he?" I asked here.

"Why are you wearing that? Your outfit is ugly!" She growled at me.

I rolled my eyes at her. Than notice her insult to my wearing. She just dressed nicely and then she insulted me.

I just focused myself on finding the person I was looking for. To my little prince. I'm tired. Did I work all night and work overtime? So I didn't have the strength to argue with him.

I just went straight to her room. Because I knew it was there what I was looking for. It wasn't in the living room so I knew it was there what I was looking for. I also saw there were cluttered toy cars and the TV was on.


I immediately smiled and quickly approached it to hug it tightly. I sat down so the two of us could watch. He is wearing spongebob which is his favorite cartoon.

"Shall we go home, Mama?" My prince asked. My very handsome prince.

"Yes, we can go for a walk and watch your favorite spongebob," I said with a smile while fixing his messy hair.

But I lost my smile as it was so unpleasant in my eyes that I was sure it was Samantha's plan. "Samantha! Are you feeding her candy and junk food again?!"

"What! No, ah." She refused to answer my question.

I looked at her badly still lying. It's too late! I saw as many candy skins and junk food here in the room and my prince even had amos.

"Okay." She sighed and blinked softly. "I just gave him a little and gave him a taste of that food."

"Tasted? Are you sure?" And because of my question she was speechless.

I just rolled my eyes and at the same time picked up things and toys that were scattered. To put in small bag. My prince took his small bag and he attached it to his back. When I had finished tidying up and sorting out the clutter I turned to Samantha. To say goodbye when we go home.

"Samantha, thank you! Cis, say goodbye to tita Samantha." It waved to Samantha at once from her to my son and walked to the door.

"Be careful, ah. Bye baby!" She approached me to kiss Cis on the cheek. "You don't have any duty tomorrow, do you?" She turned to me. I shook my hand at her once signaling that we were leaving. "Be careful."

When I have duty here I always leave him with his Tita-Ninang Samantha or with other friends of mine. But Samantha often watches over and takes care of Cis when I'm busy.

"Mom, will you buy me a lot of toys?" Cis asked me with a smile.

"Yes, I will buy you many, many toys, son." I also smiled back at it.

I was able to rest well for about a day and be with Cis. Then I went to Samantha. Because we are going on a medical mission. And I think we'll stay there where we're going. I work more often than I do with my prince.

"Hi, Dra. Buenaventura! Good morning!" Lorraine greeted me when she saw me. "Why did you just come today? You came in late, ah?"

After all, I was the one who managed to get the logbook that the doctor had just entered. And I also got to our hospital late.

"Oh, why do you look like that?" I asked Mary.

"The doctor who was with us on the medical mission seemed rude and snobbish. A beautiful young woman like me spoke to him. But I still got it without even looking at me or paying attention. He's handsome. But he's just rude and observant," Mary muttered as we walked to the airport.

I was just shaken and until we arrived at the airport the two were talking. And the two looked around as if looking for someone. I, on the other hand, wonder about the act of these two.

The two are laughing and still trembling. So I frowned at what they were doing. What's up?

"Hey! Why are you laughing like a fool and still trembling?" I asked the two in surprise.

"Eh, because. The most handsome doctor will be with us later in the van ride to the medical mission we are going to. Our luck, ah. He is the most handsome and hot of all the doctors we can be with on the medical mission," Lorraine said with a shudder. As she bit her lip..

I don't know who the doctor was with us on the medical mission we were going to do. I have no idea because I did not read the folder given to me. It states who the comrades in the medical mission that we will do are.

"Weh! Really?" I asked curiously. It's different because the two are thrilled, eh. That's why I'm curious.

"Yes! Didn't you read the folder given to you? There is a picture and a name there of who are the comrades in our medical mission, ah," said Mary.

"Our luck, Roseanne! I was going to pray earlier that we would have a handsome partner in the medical mission, it was fulfilled immediately. My ghad!" Lorraine said with another scream.

I didn't say a word and just boarded our plane. The two continued the conversation. I just go straight to the end I want to be alone and quiet. Because I want to sleep I lack sleep so I'm still sleepy.

"Roseanne! I think I'm going to faint," Mary said tremblingly against me.

"Ouch! Why?! What's that, huh?" I wondered to question her. When exactly when thrill is a mad blow? Is that required?

"The doctor is here so we can be in the van later. He talked to me. Didn't you see?" She asked.

"You fool! I was the one he talked to. Assume this woman." Lorraine argues with Mary.

I just rolled my eyes at the two of them. It's like crazy. I sat permanently in the seat I had chosen.

When I sat down. Like Mary and Lorraine, my fellow women, both nurses and doctors, were fascinated. Is the doctor that handsome we can be with on the medical mission? So that's how thrilled they are.

"Hello! Good morning, everyone! Is there nothing missing? Is there nothing to wait for? Is it complete?" I heard the question of a baritone voice of a man.

I was stunned to hear a voice that was very familiar to my hearing. It was as if I had become a rock in my seat. I feel my whole body shaking.

"Is Dra. Buenaventura is here now? The woman doctor we have been waiting for?" He asked again.

"Yes, Doc. She is already here. She was sitting at the end," replied one of our colleagues.

"W-who will we be with on the medical mission?" I asked Lorraine nervously.

"Dr. Dela Vega and other doctors from other hospitals," she replied with a giggle.

Dela Vega? Did I hear it right? Dela Vega? I know there are many surnames in the world. So I'm sure it wasn't him. There are many Dela Vega in the world. He is not the only Dela Vega in the world.

"What's his full name?" I asked again. I wanted to make sure it wasn't really him. I wasn't ready to see him.

"Hmm... I don't know his full name Dra. Buenaventura but according to what I heard his full name is Dr. Kalix James Dela Vega." I was swallowed up one after another by what he said.

It was as if cold water had been poured on me. I don't think I can do my medical mission properly. I feel heavy and I can no longer relax. I didn't even know what the announcer was saying on the speaker of the plane we were on.

"Roseanne, get up and sit down. The plane is supposed to take off," whispered Lorraine's promise. I didn't answer and sat down.

I feel my throat dry and my whole body is shaking. As I sat I didn't know what to do. It's not hot here on the plane but I feel hot.

Can I step back? I don't want anyone to go with us. I don't want to see him because I'm not ready to see him.

"All of you sit down properly and the plane will fly. Enjoy our flight on our medical mission." I heard a reminder from our colleague.

Sh*t! I close my eyes emphatically. That's him. He said that.

I think I will lose consciousness. My chest tightened as if I was having trouble breathing.

He's here! He is really here. And I can't be wrong because he's really here.

I feel a mixture of nervousness, joy, pain, anger, crying and confusion.

Here is the person I love.

My son's father is here. And I will be with him on the medical mission.