Chapter 5

When I got to the unit Samantha and I were two. I smiled as I walked closer to it as he was very stressed with what he was doing designing his plates. I don't think he noticed that I came.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked her. 

"What the h*ck, Roseanne?!" She shouted at me when I startled her. I'm also a bit surprised when suddenly someone speaks behind you, especially when you're alone.

"Why are you surprised? It's good that you came home as a woman. Where have you been? Why did you just go home now, huh? You went home earlier, didn't you? And as far as I know, your duty has already been done?" She asked as if she were my Mother.

But instead of answering her I smiled at her todo. The smile of success. Are you going to be with the person you want but they will give you more food.

Who out there can't smile with success? Even when this friend of mine is really OA. 

"So ... what happened and why are you smiling like that witch?" She asked me a curious question.

I didn't answer her and I just smiled at her. As I put my stuff down on our sofa. As well as the food taken out by Kj that I didn't or ate too much because I couldn't relax at those times. It's as if I said something that hurt or hurt him so that's how he is. Kj was not as silent as we ate.

I hope he doesn't get mad at me if I say something he doesn't like. huhu maybe he won't notice that. I can't do that.

"Hey! Woman, I'm asking you what happened to you?" Samantha asked.

"Hmm... do you think so, Samantha. Kj is mad at me?" I ask her.

Her forehead furrowed and her eyebrows met as she looked at me. Wondering who Kj is.

"Hey! You are a flirtatious woman. I thought you liked the school mate of our friends Ellaine and Kierra?" She asked seriously.

"Yes! I like him."

"Eh!? Who is Kj you are talking about? The more you like women. Do you want to slap you? You're flirtatious. Tss!" What is she saying? She is very serious.

"What are you saying there?" I asked in surprise. I couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Eh, because what you told our friends is that you like Kalix James, the school mate of Ellaine and Kierra."

"Yes! I like him". I replied to her.

"If you like Kalix, who is Kj then? You like a lot of men. You're flirtatious," she said.

Eh!? Flirty? Is it flirty to fall in love with a man? What does she say to the amount of men I like? Is she crazy already?

"Hey! What am I flirting with? Stup*d! Kj is Kalix. I just called him Kj because his full name is Kalix James Dela Vega." I explained to her.

It even made me a flirty friend of mine. Well, I won't deny it. She is right. It's true that I'm bored. I hope Kj.

What's wrong with flirting with someone who you like? Isn't that what a person usually does? I'm just working on a way for you to be noticed and for the two of you to be friends until he gets to the point where he can fall in love with you.

"Nice! Kj, huh?" Samantha frowned. "So... Kj is what you're going to call Kalix?" She asked. 

I nodded. "Yes, is it ugly?"

"Not at all, the cool of." She complimented me. She frowned. "Unique," she added.

The wind blew me away. I thought it was ugly. Did Kj like the nickname I called him earlier?

"Eh, what did you tell me earlier? Why? Did you do something that would make your Kalix angry with you?"

I shrugged at him and remembered what I was asking Kj. "I'm not sure but he seems to be angry or upset with me. His forehead was furrowed and his eyebrows met when I asked him why he didn't just do architecture because he's good at designing houses. That's the thing that I asked him."

"Eh, why did you ask that?" He asked as if disgusted.

"Eh, I do not know! I didn't know that he would be upset with me for that question." I was blown away by the answer.

"It's your blabbering. I told you. It's not your thing to be a doctor, it's your thing to be a lawyer. Because you're so curious about things!" She shouted.

I just sat on the sofa and laid my body down. I feel so tired today.

"Oh, eh, what is this? I thought you didn't want to spend? My gosh, Roseanne! Don't say you treated Kalix. We're your friends and we've never even tasted your free woman!" She shouted at me again.

So I laughed. He looks funny. She can react badly. Her OA but she was right. You are right what she reads. I have never spared them. Not even a peso yet.

"Your OA is too much Samantha. I did not spare him. You know I'm not as rich as you. And I have no money for free food with you. I'm not rich, I'm just poor!" I also growled at her.

This is really how the two of us are. When it's just the two of us. Samantha and I were just shouting like this.

If we don't shout, the two of us will laugh and quarrel. I don't know why we are like this. This seems to be the bonding of the two of us.

"So, are you saying that Kalix treated you?" This question was surprising. I nodded and smiled at her.

"That's why you took so long to go home because you even dated your Kj. What? Already have a label? Or is it just getting started?"

"Nothing yet." My answer.

"Nothing yet? Does that mean you're going to continue to be naughty to him?" I nodded. "All right, push that! But I'm telling you, Roseanne. It's a different time now. Maybe in the end it's you who gets hurt and not him."

I was speechless for a few seconds at what Samantha said. "Maybe not."

"Hmm... all right, you said, eh. Just when you're hurt and when you can't. You stopped, huh? Stop it. I don't want to see you hurt because you are just new here. Of the six of us, you are the only one who does not experience a serious relationship."

I just nodded. She is right. Nowadays there are many scammers. There are a lot of people crying over the people who fall for them but maybe Kj is different, isn't he? He probably won't make me cry.

I haven't messed with Samantha yet. Because she really needs to finish the plates she's making. So I didn't bother her anymore. 

I picked up my cell phone and just scrolled through my social media. I don't know but my hands moved spontaneously and I typed on the keyboard to search for Kj's name.

Everyone is concentrating on social media already! You also knew him then, maybe he wasn't a mountain man. Hehehe, I think he has social media. I guess everyone has social media. That's why maybe he has.

I was about to search for Kj's name when suddenly my cell phone vibrated and notified 'Kalix James Dela Vega sent a request to you'. My eyes almost popped out and I suppressed my scream.

Wahhh! He sent a friend request. Oh my ghad! Oh my ghad! And my eyes widened when my cell phone notified me again because Kj also followed me on my instagram.

Oh my ghad! Oh my ghad! I'm going to die. Wahhh! And I smiled even more when my Kj suddenly chatted.

Oops! Oops! Don't be like that Kj, I might fall in love with you even more. Go ahead and you might never get away from me. Just kidding!

I read his chat while I was thrilled. This is how it feels when someone you like sends you a friend request.

It's only now that I feel like this. I'm a naughty girl but I've never fallen in love like this. Just now. And I think I was really struck by Dr. Dela Vega.

Kalix James Dela Vega: Did you get home safely?

Kyahh! Is he worried about me? Because of. He just didn't take me home. He was a very ungentlemanly man. I put his nickname as what I called him earlier, Kj.

And I put my nickname Rose she called me. Or maybe someone will call us even though we're not together yet.

Rose: Of course.

I smiled typing. Sh*t! I really get excited when he is the one I talk to or when he is with me. I have already sent my message to him but he hasn't read it yet. What the h*ck!

Is he busy? I waited a few more minutes. I was shocked when he chatted and read his message.

Kj: Good.

That's all? That's it? I waited another 5 minutes. Then this is how he will reply? He's annoying!

Isn't it still mad at me? Huhuhu, I didn't mean to ask him that question. I just want to talk to him. And we both have something to talk about. I didn't know that he would be upset.

Rose: Are you mad? Are you mad at what I asked you earlier? Sorry! I didn't know you would be angry with my question.

I frowned at the message to him. The weight of feeling that someone is angry or upset with you. You don't know how to persuade them just to get rid of the anger they feel for you.

I waited for him to watch and he would reply because he just watched and didn't reply yet. He was angry with me. How is that? He might not notice me anymore. Huhu, don't let my heart die for that. It's only now that it seems to be being crushed. Just kidding!

But the weight of how I feel is real. I just nodded and washed what Samantha and I had eaten. Then I did my usual routine every time I go to bed. But before I went to sleep I first reviewed cardiologists.

And of course I take pictures. This is what I often do while I'm reviewing. I take a picture and post it on my social media or maybe my day. Because I love to take pictures, my phone storage is full. Because taking a picture doesn't matter.

Just a joke! I just really pay attention to the person I like. I don't know of all the men I liked, he was the only one I picked up. He was the only one I flirted with. I don't know why I was so right with Kj.

But a few minutes passed and Kj didn't even view my story that I posted on my social media. He's online, ah. But he didn't even view. Is he really mad at me?

I went to Kj's story. He posted the story of the book he was reading about the neurologist. I bravely pressed the direct message and messaged him.

roseannemsb: Are you mad at me?

I will no doubt message him. I hope he iseen and he will reply. Because I'm not used to someone being mad at me. I'm nervous.

I waited a few minutes and I was somehow relieved when I saw him sineen and he was typing.

kalixjhdv: No.

I just blushed and shook. Maybe he was really angry with my question earlier. I haven't replied to him yet because he might be busy reading about the neurologist. And I just fell asleep. I have lost my appetite for reading.

The next day my friend Samantha and I were thrilled because we no longer had afternoon classes. Because all our professors have an emergency meeting, there are no classes.

A week ago. Since the last time I saw Kj. And in that one week my day didn't seem to be complete. When I can't see him or even talk to him on my cell phone.

I also don't tease him on my social media when I see him online. He goes online more often on social media called IG than on his FB.

"Shall we have a drink?" Samantha asked me. As we were now walking out of our university. And there was a smirk of french fries.

"Again? Aren't you tired of drinking, Samantha? Have pity on yourself and your liver. You want us to die early. Stop drinking that!" I preach here.

She looked at me and stopped eating french fries. "Hey! When you preach to me you think you don't drink either. I'm not the only one who drinks. You too!" My friend shouted at me back as I yelled at her.

"Excuse me! Of course it's a pity! It's still free, it's a pity if I refuse grace. And most of all, the free wine is delicious, especially if it is expensive and delicious to drink or eat." I told her with a laugh.

She winced at me and shook. "Tss! You're just saying you're stingy, you're really a girl!" She sighed.

That's why I laughed out loud at what my friend said. She really knows me. Of course! I need to save money. I'm not rich and I'm not the one struggling to earn money but my Mama.

"You are very stingy. I'm just really saving." I told her with a laugh. She turned to me and continued eating her french fries.

"But what about the plates you make? Are you done and are you ready to drink again?" I salute her plates.

Because that's what she was busy finishing after a week and I became busy with my duty.

"Of course. Will I be nice if I'm not done with my plates?" She could answer the question.

"You're stuck. It's like asking!" I was annoyed.

"Where is the one you like? How are you?" She asked suddenly.

I stopped walking and then I remembered that he must have been angry with me the last time we met. I didn't even sculpt him when he replied to me with 'No.' Because I might be bothering him with his studies. It's still a difficult part for him to study hard.

"Hey! Sachiko, are you okay?" It was only then that I came to my senses when someone shouted loudly and at the same time against me. So I almost threw away the french fries I ate.

I looked at the evil evil who knocked me hard. The pain of his resistance. I saw a man smile now I swear in my mind. You are really annoying Karl. You always mess up my beautiful day.

She was wearing navy blue t-shirts and black pants and black shoes as well. His black hair was messy. I immediately remembered Kj. What is there in black and is it a favorite of men?

"Come to my demo, ah!" He smiled at me.

"Demo? Why is it so early to demo you? Will you be able to pass your demo?" I smiled teasingly at it. Alas, I will recover from what he did against me. I don't think that's fair. I had to retaliate.

"Of course, I still am!" He proudly promised me. I was stunned by the arrogance he said.

"You're so arrogant later that you can't pass because of your bragging and when that happens I'll really laugh at you."

"You're so exaggerated! Are you mad at me? Are you still mad at me for taking your quack quack and chillin it?" He asked. But I didn't answer him yet, I just struggled.

"I think it's your trick, Karl. Why is he the only one you invite? Isn't that unfair of you?! You notice," smiling Samantha's promise.

"Why did I invite you? Do you also practice medicine? It's not, right? And one more thing you are not allowed there."

"Why will your demonstration be held somewhere?" Samantha's annoyed cry. Samantha's screams caught sight of our classmates walking out of our university.

"At HSH hospital inside the operating room. That's why you're not allowed there because what's inside is sterilized." Karl is right. Non-doctors or nurses are not allowed to enter there. Because the ones there are sterilized.

So Samantha was upset. Because every college student who studies medicine needs to be observed. They look at whether you can pass as a medicine student or not.

You need intense preparation and study in the medicine course you have taken. Karl was two years older than me.

I should have called him my brother in case he didn't want to. He said he looks old when he is called older brother. The art, right? Eh, he's really older than us.

"Hey! All right, Sachiko. Watch my demo to inspire me. I'll make sure I pass by observing whoever is going to the seminar with me." He insisted. "And then when you're watching the seminar with me we'll come out and treat you to your favorite food."

"Yes, you just stopped making noise. You're a man, you make a noise." I said this and at the same time I threw away the container of my french fries.

"Tss! Your moves Karl. That movement is rotten. Old style." Samantha teased him.

"It's good that you noticed. But this friend of yours is not at all. It's so greasy, isn't it?"

"Hahaha!" Samantha laughed. I didn't understand what Karl and Samantha were saying. What is this friend of mine saying? I think he lost his sanity again. Or maybe his madness is attacking him again.

When we got to the exit of our university. Karl left first. Because they seem to have an emergency. When I looked at my friend Samantha she was already smiling. My forehead furrowed as he grinned at me.

"What's your problem?" I ask here. He seemed crazy with his smile.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering if you're just really numb or if you're just going blind?"


"You're a numb woman." He promised me. Numb? Me? Why?

"Numb? What are you saying there Samantha?" I asked Samantha a confused question. I can't understand him. I think my friend has something wrong. It's crazy!

"I'm not saying you're just stingy. You're still a numb woman!" She yelled.

I just didn't pay attention to what my friend said. I can't understand him. Numb? I'm not a numb person. I feel so.

Samantha came home first and I told her I had to go to LS hospital. I have a duty now. When I arrived I thought of taking a picture of the LS hospital so I posted it on my social media with the caption 'Where are you on duty, doc?'.

I put on a laboratory coat and took medical histories on my desk while going to the ward. I will visit my former patients. I had to make sure they were all in order.

After a few hours I ended up visiting my patients. My shift is also sincere. My duty starts at 1 PM and it's 9:30 PM tonight. And my stomach is boiling because I feel hungry. My pet worm is already complaining in my stomach.

I went to the doctors' locker room to change. When I was ready I immediately picked up my cell phone and excitedly looked at my social media. You know he won't message or comment there. Maybe it's not bad if I pay attention to him. I haven't seen him in a week.

I smiled as I opened my phone and opened up my social media. But when I look at my posts on social media, my friends' comments there are overwhelming.

I lost the smile on my lips. They are really abnormal anytime. Fools. Annoying!

samanthamsuarez: Hey! Who is that? Huh? You're flirting with another man again?

ellainedmontemayor: Oh, hopefully everyone is waiting. Your flirty girl. HAHAHA!

kierramvaldez: You're a flirtatious girl! The rugged and hot doctor is really a type of type. Has the boy given up? HAHAHA just a joke! Love you, girl!

aaliyahcsanchez: All right, witch, push your charm. Dead to Mr. Pop Star Park. The strength of your right to Dr. DV. HAHAHA!

franchescavcorpuz: What, how are you Already scored? Have you been watered? Is pechay very much alive?

I read a few of their comments. My ghad! Are they really my friends? They are really crazy. Abnormalities. Karl's comment made my eyes widen. I don't know but I feel like he's hurting. Broken heart is what he commented.

What is going on here with this man? Why is he like that? I can't understand him. What does comment nitya mean? I can't understand him. He's getting weird these days.

Suddenly my cell phone vibrated and I saw Mark and Shawn follow a request from some of Kj's friends. There is no doubt that I accept them and followback.

I sniffed out of the doctors 'lockers room. To go home. I didn't even pay attention to my post. He is online. Numb man. It's rude to be numb.

But I stopped walking when my cell phone rang again. I saw Kj's friend Mark post his story. I looked at the story that Mark just posted today. I saw them in Pop Star Park again and stopped drinking.

My eyes widened as I looked closely at the stolen photo of a man. Sh*t! He is still handsome even though he stole the picture. It was Kj and he was holding a book and he was mirrored. His cute messy hair looks good again. 

Obviously reading that and his serious look. If you look at him, it looks like he is a professional doctor. I can't wait for him to be a successful doctor one day.

He wore blue long sleeves and folded them up to the elbow. My doctor's hot. But my two eyes widened even more and swallowed hard when I saw the caption on Mark's post 'He was busy reading'.

Sh*t! Does he know? Does Mark know? F*ck! Am I being too obvious? F*ck! F*ck! Lord can you take me now? Huhuhu it's embarrassing. I don't want to earth anymore Mom.