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Left With No Choice

Nadia gasped as she saw Lucas lying on the bed in an injured state with dried blood marks here and there over his body.

"Lucas!" She felt her heart twist seeing him in such a pitiful state and rushed over to him while wondering what happened or who dared to do this to her poor boy.

"Lucas, are you okay?!" Nadia asked as she placed her palm on his forehead, though he wasn't responding and seemed to have gotten knocked out from all the pain and exhaustion.

She could feel how cold and sticky his skin was, making her realize that Lucas must have been busy training when someone did this to him.

"M-Mother…" Suddenly Lucas called out upon feeling a familiar and comforting presence near him as his eyes were struggling to open and look at the person he loved most.

But his vision was very blurry, and he was even unable to see that Nadia was wearing a maid's cloth, a standard one, fortunately.

"Lucas! I am right here. Tell me who did this to you!" Nadia asked as she gritted her teeth, wanting to skin alive the one who did this to her lover.

She was already doing shameful things to keep him safe and protected but then, when these kinds of things happened, why was she still serving Yiman like a fool and betraying Lucas if things weren't any better?

What if something worse had happened to Lucas? How would she even live without him?

Even if Nadia had her cultivation sealed, she already checked Lucas' pulse and was relieved to see that his condition was stable for now, but he wouldn't get better any time soon unless he gets a powerful healing pill.

She had no idea that Celia had fed him a basic healing pill to stabilize his injuries. She had more powerful ones in her hand, but she didn't want to give them to Lucas without consulting a physician since powerful pills carried explosive medicinal power, and since Lucas' cultivation was not high, such pills could only be administered by an expert.

But before she could bring him to a physician, her brothers found her and dragged her back home on the orders of her parents. She could only hand over Lucas to the royal guards in hopes that he would get treated by someone there, and this uncertainty made her go home with a heavy heart.

Lucas didn't want to worry his lover about his troubles, especially when she was stuck here because of him.

He was feeling too guilty and angry at himself and didn't want to dump anything on her head.

Nadia pressed her lips together, seeing how Lucas was refusing to answer her, and said, "Lucas, if you don't tell me, I will be really sad. Do you want to keep me worried like this? Please…tell me so that I won't keep thinking about all kinds of bad reasons that caused you this."

Lucas' lips trembled as he forced a smile and said, "It's…really nothing, mother…I accidentally fell…when training…"

Nadia's eyes began to tear up, seeing how Lucas was still being adamant about not telling her the real reason. But she didn't have to ask anymore as she already realized what really happened after taking a careful look at his body.

She could see footprints on his body, and based on the injuries he sustained, an expert like her was able to easily determine that somebody did this. And if this happened when Lucas was busy training in the royal sect, then that would mean some of his fellow disciples must have done this to him.

She was confident that no instructors or anybody holding a respectable status in the royal sect would personally harm Lucas for no reason. So she could only think that some disciples bullied her boy for whatever reason that might be.

But she didn't care why he got bullied. All she wanted was the one who did this to die…no matter what it takes.

However, Nadia took a deep breath to calm herself down since right now, what Lucas needed was medical attention as fast as possible, but she knew none of the servants here would help her since they weren't obligated.

Otherwise, they would have already patched up Lucas the moment he was brought in.

She knew there was only one person who had the power to help her now. But dealing with that person would be no different than dealing with the devil himself. Who knows what she might have to sacrifice this time?

Just a few minutes ago, she had regained some confidence in herself, thinking that she could put up a fight against Yiman. But who would have known that right now, she would have to go to him to save her lover from suffering anymore?

Still, seeing Lucas like this helped her harden her heart as she forced a smile and said, "Lucas, sleep and take rest. Don't worry about the pain. You can leave it all to me. I will go and prepare some medicine. I will be back soon."

"M-Mother…don't leave…please…" Lucas didn't want to let her go since her presence was the real medicine for him, making him feel protected and warm.

Feeling her gentle touch and her smell, Lucas was already feeling better. All he wanted was to hug her soft body and sleep with her in his embrace.

"Don't be like this, Lucas. I will be back before you realize it. How could I let you keep enduring like this? Here, I have turned off the lights. Now think about happy things and sleep," Nadia coaxed him and caressed his head a few times to make him feel comfortable, and after seeing that he had begun to doze off, Nadia felt a heaviness in her chest as she slowly got up and left the room.

She then looked at Yiman's room, which was just barely a few meters away from her, and knocked at his door with a taut expression.

"Hmm? How surprising…Come in."