I'm the man for you

Sienna was in shock. 

It was almost as if her brain didn't believe what was happening. 

Eric had his arm tight around her and his lips were on hers. Eric Ramsey, the man who had hundreds of women chasing him. 

With effort, Sienna pushed him away, struggling out of his grip and stumbling backwards as she pulled free. 

Then she drew back her hand and slapped him. Hard. 

Eric reeled backwards, surprise apparent on his handsome face. 

Sienna didn't give him time to react, she shoved past him and wrenched open the door before turning back to look at him. 

"Don't let me see you again today," She snapped, "Or I'll do more than slap you."

Tossing her hair, she marched down the corridor and out of the restaurant.

The moment she rounded the corner, she broke into a jog and didn't stop until she reached her room. 

Within fifteen minutes, she was punching a bag at the gym, surrounded by pounding music and sweaty bodies.