Pushing his limits

Something about taking a bullet for someone creates a bond between two people that cannot be denied. 

"Someone wants you dead," Sienna stated with the same air of someone noting that there's no more milk left at home. 

Damon could deny it. 

He could hide it as he had been doing for what felt like an eternity. 

But he wanted to get closer to Sienna and that meant unravelling the secrets and lies around them.

He nodded. 

"You don't know who?" Sienna tilted her head, her eyes fixed on her laptop. 

After two days of resting, she had insisted on working a little and this had turned into her investigating the incident. 

"I have many enemies," Damon admitted.

She didn't seem upset or scared, she just nodded absently as if this was a logical statement. 

"I've tightened both our security details," Damon told her. 

She nodded again and swivelled in the chair to look at him.