Bedroom secrets

"So your honeymoon must have been good," Alison teased, her hazel eyes glittering with good natured fun as she leaned over Sienna's desk. 

"It was fine," Sienna replied evenly, her eyes still on her computer screen and her fingers flying over the keyboard. 

"I see," Alison drawled, "Is that why he sends you to work, picks you up and visits you at least three times a day in between all that?"

Sienna's fingers slowed in their typing. 

No one except Dr Bernard knew about the shooting. 

She knew Alison would freak out and be extremely concerned if she told her as well so they had agreed to keep it a secret. 

Damon was just very over protective. That's the only reason why he hovered over her even after they returned and despite her heightened security detail. 

It was cute, the way he looked over at her with poorly concealed concern in his eyes. 

Without meaning to, the corner of Sienna's mouth twitched upwards.