Drugs! Blackmail! Homewrecking!

The partnership announcement ceremony began with a speech by Sienna's father.

Cameras were flashing as Mr Astor thanked everyone who came, knowing with a satisfied grin that not only were all the press there, hundreds of important people in their industry were invited. 

Once they saw how powerful Astor Corp was when joined with Wright Enterprises, success would come easy for them. 

There would be nothing they couldn't conquer!

However, his speech was the usual spiel about working hard for the company and loyalty. 

Sienna wanted to laugh. Astor Corp was built on the hard work of the employees but the reason it never grew to its full potential was poor leadership. 

She had tried to raise these issues while she was still there, but all of it had been swept under the carpet. 

They couldn't wait for her to get married so that they had an excuse to fire her.