
Sienna Astor was preparing herself to die. 

The ropes around her wrists were so tight that the skin there felt rubbed raw from all the pulling she had done. 

She was tired. 

No food or water or proper rest had led to her being completely drained. 

There was no way she was going to be able to put up a good fight at this point. 

She didn't want to die. 

But as the boat moved out into deeper waters and the men fastened a chain to her ankle that was connected to a huge weight, she suspected she didn't have a choice. 

It was a shame that after coming so far, she had to die again. 

Closing her eyes, she listened to the sound of the seagulls around her.

It wasn't too bad to die at sea, she supposed. 

She had always wondered where all the marine creatures went once they disappeared under the surface. 

Soon, she would find out. 

The sound of waves lapping against the side of the boat hid her sigh.