We're in this together

"Something's wrong," Sienna said, staring at her phone screen. 

Damon craned his neck to see what she was looking at and she turned it to show him. 

The blinking dot that had been tracking Vivianne's man had stopped for a long time, which was according to plan, but then had started moving again, which was not according to plan. 

Damon's mouth thinned into a straight line, his eyes seemed worried. 

"You should go home, Sienna," He leaned forward to knock on the partition between them and the driver but his hand was stopped by Sienna's. 

"No," She pushed his hand back, preventing him from telling the driver to change direction, "I want to see this through."

"This is getting even more dangerous," Damon's voice was strained and his mouth was an unhappy curve. 

"We're just in plan B, that's all," Sienna argued lightly. 

Her hand hadn't left his and she adjusted it so that she could hold his hand.