Are you okay to die here?

Disregarding her own safety, Sienna plunged back in to get to Damon. 

The heat around her was suffocating, like a blanket that shrouded them.

She could hear the fire crackling as the flames licked closer and she stomped on some of them.

Grabbing a handful of Damon's shirt, she heaved him up and tried to drag him out. Damon was still conscious, but barely. 

His head hung down, and Sienna pulled her hands back to realise they were slick with blood. 

Desperate, with fear filling her heart and dread pooling in her gut, Sienna wrapped her arms around him again and guided him to the door. 

He had shielded her thus far, but now, it was her turn to use her body to block the worst of the heat as she led him out. 

A couple of times, the flames caught onto her clothes, but she batted at it, beating it out with a single-minded determination.