This is a woman's world

This time, it wasn't an arranged marriage, it was a love match. 

As the sunlight broke through the trees, the officiator began.

"Do you, Sienna Astor, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Sienna beamed at Damon, "I do."

The officiator turned to Damon, who was holding Sienna's hands in his. 

His grip was firm, as though afraid that he would lose her again. 

"Do you, Damon Wright, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"In sickness and in health," Damon recited, looking deep into Sienna's eyes, "In good times and in bad, till death do us part."

Then he paused and frowned, "I hope even after death I can follow you, like I did before."

Tears sprang to Sienna's eyes. 

Her cold, unloving husband had followed her from one life to the next, from one hardship to another. 

Who could call him cold and unloving now?