
Mindy shrieked and tried to backpedal, but she was already pressed up against the wall and there was nowhere for her to go. 

Her psycho ex boyfriend bore down on her with a manic expression and the knife glinting in his hand. 

Closing her eyes, Mindy knew that this was it for her and that she should have called the police on him ages ago when he was stalking her. 

But the blade never came. 

Instead, she heard a muffled cry and her eyes shot open. 

A wedding dress had been thrown onto the man's head, blocking his vision and causing him to flail around as he tried to pull it off. 

But he underestimated how much fabric there was and how heavy a wedding dress could be. 

Mindy turned her astonished gaze to a now empty handed Sienna. 

Sienna Astor had been so quick thinking, even a wedding dress could turn into a weapon in her hands!

Although Mindy and her friend were frozen in shock, Sienna wasted no time at all.