A particular car rendezvous in his parents house...

Folawe was curious about what his mother had said. "Wht did your mom say?"

"She is fine. She is probably running around thiking of what to do. I just hope she doesn't go over the top and change the curtains or do something like replacing the cutleries with gold wares. Silverware would be better."

Folawe, the poor one, could only nod her head as he spoke. They use gold ad silver spoon to eat? Without realising it she said her thoughts out loud. "you were indeed born with a silver spoon."

Ambrose chuckles and was about to entwine his fingers with hers when he got a call from his brother.

"Yo brother, what huge surprise are you planning? Is it true you are bringing big sister in law home right now? Was it not supoosed to be tonorrow?"

"The day does not matter. Tell me why you have decided to my irritate my ears with your loud voice?"