Telling her stories to keep her company in the shower.

She was still thinking that Ambrose and Jason are lucky to have such funny parents when Ambrose suddenly grabs her wrist.

"What are you doing?" she eyed the condom packet he was holding and Ambrose quickly tossed it in the bin.

"Dont think about other people too much. You should calm down. It is late. What is your bed time?" He rubs his chin and thinks for a while. "Bed time for kids should be nine right? You are right on time." He then points at the bed. "Go to sleep."

Folawe slowly removed her hand from his. "Funny joke."

With a serious face, he responds. "I am not joking though."

"I am 20 plus. I am not a kid. I dont have a bed time."

Ambrose seem to have realised something before rubbing her head. With her height and the way she looks like a little teenager, he almost thought she was still a kid that needs bed time. "Sorry. I forgot you are an adult."