The date she cried daddy to get.

As he drove out of the house and turned around the street, he asks her. "My mom isn't your typical...what is it called.." she glanced at him as she fiddleed with her phone. "Ahh..your typical African magic yoruba over bearing mom, is she?"

If they ignored that she was extra dramatic and extra over bearing when it comes to her kids, she was very nice to Folawe and likes the young lady. He could feel it.

Folawe nods her head with a faint smile on he lips. "She really isn't. I thought moms of boys were generally harsh towards their sons prospective partners but she is different. She is funny and doesnt act like she has two grown ups. She still feels young." Almost like a teenager.

Not to say her age wasnt evident on her face. She looked like she was in her mid forties and Folawe could swear she was older than that.