Folawes older cousin.

Perhaps that is why he has another sub conscious within him. He gives both his parents a suspicious stare as he thinks baout the possibility of whatbhis brother had said.

Hi parents di not notice his look but jason did and nudged his mom who was sitting next to him. His mom raises her head prepared to hit him or shout at him when she notices Ambrose suspicious look.

She swallows hard before asking. "What is wrong? How come you are looking like that?"

Ambrose sits upright and places his hands on his thighs. "Whta Jason just said, is it true?"

His mom tries to think about what her other son had said before softening the look in her eyes. "Aiya. poor Ambrose..." she hits Jason agsin. "Are you stupid? Cant you be more considerate of your brother? Ambrose, you arent evil, like your aunty said you just have a very low EQ. But are starting to grow it now that you have Folawe with you."