Hold myself at gun point.

And how is she to enjoy being with him for the remaining short period they had?

Ambrose didnt know why she kept reminding him of the status of their relationship. She is really serious about leaving him after valentine. He didnt want to argue with her lest she decided to withdraw from the relationship since the contract states that when the other person starts to have ridiculous feelings, the other one is allowed to end the relationship anytime. He had added the clause with the tiny possibility that she might start getting too attached andbwouldn't want to let him go but now look who doesn't want to let go?

He had never thought he would find himself in such situation. The most funny thing to him was how he had known her for three weeks yet felt so close to her.

'Okay. I understand. How are your parents?' Better to shut the topic from her. Reminding him of the status of their relationship every second is making his heart feel heavy for no reason.