If your sister gives him the go ahead, you are gone.

Everyone was shocked. Mr and Mrs Adesanya especially. Folawe stares at Ambrose and pulls him to the side.

"What is your cousin doing?"

Ambrose didn't see anything wrong in it and told her. "What else if not making sure she wins of course."

"President Mo, are you comfortable with this?" She asks him gesturing to the family coming to visit.

He holds her gaze for sone seconds before looming away. This is the moment where he should be truthful with her. "Honestly, yes. I am very happy that the whole family is getting to know eachother."

Folawe was slightly surprised. "But President Mo, our relationship sijt real." What would happen to the family when they break up? If Folake and Fangfabg doesnt end up together it would be better nut if they do, both families would still have to meet which would make it more awkward than ever.