Chapter 4

Levi's clothes ended up drying.

He puts on his clothes.

When you finish putting it on, start putting the campfire out.

The only thing left around him is darkness, however, this level of darkness does not make him as nervous as there was in his little experience inside his mind, he even seemed to feel a comfort in being in the dark. Realizing its comfort, a thought comes to mind "As it is a dark inheritance, that means that I will have enough comfort when being in places with dark energy or similar, such as the element of death or poison. Although this is only my guess." He begins to walk in the forest after he stops thinking about his inheritance, by walking he discovers another benefit of inheritance, his ease in walking without light, it is as if the darkness tells him where things are. By walking Levi tries to extend his perception of the environment. His perception can barely reach a distance of 50 meters, but to make it more accurate he had to reduce it to 15 meters for the time being.

He arrives at the camp without delay, but does not leave the forest area, instead begins to circle around the camp, observing if anyone is around.

He gives 3 laps of the camp to be safe.

The only thing that worries him right now is that someone checked his backpack while he was away. When he thought about his backpack his tranquility began to disappear and what took his place were nerves, this is because Miller gave him three objects for three different situations. One of them is a potion that hides his aura and body even from a nirvana wizard or a yellow-spirited cyber-wizard, this Potion Levi had planned to use when he went to set the trap. The second object is a scroll, which could be considered the trap, which, when activated at a distance by him, would create an instant explosion of a radius of 40 meters that would make everything disappear, it could even kill a cyber-wizard of black spirit, but this scroll is used more as a trap and not as an object in a fight. The third object is a telepathic earring, with the Levi being able to tell Miller if something unexpected happened during the mission.

All are important objects for the mission. Levi cursed Miller for not giving him a space warehouse so he could always have the objects by his side.

When he finishes the laps to the camp, he begins to walk carefully to the boys' bedroom. As you advance your nerves increase.

When he was 10 meters from the entrance, something pulls Levi into the woods.

The woman watching Levi was having coffee again. Beside him you could see a stream of air.

The woman looked up and watched as Levi approached.

What I took levi, was a stream of air created by the woman.

Levi realizes that he was trapped, his nerves rising to a critical state.

The air current leaves Levi on the ground in front of the woman. Levi does not speak, he stands still with a lot of fear.

The woman realizes Levi's fear, so she decides to calm him down with a few simple words. - Miller told you about me a few days ago. I'm Mira, your stepmother.

Levi's nerves begin to disappear, but after hearing what Mira said, he doesn't know what to say. Hearing that she refers to herself as her stepmother, her baby memories begin to flash through her mind, causing him to become sad.

Mira seems to realize what's going on, approaches Levi, crouches down and rubs his head with his hand, she says. - Those memories will never disappear, you will have to learn to live with them, but that does not mean that you can not create new ones with someone else. Of course I won't force you. However, it will have to wait, right now you have a mission. He pauses for a short time. - Now answer me, will you complete your mission or will you leave it?-.

Levi says with a sad voz. - Complete it-.

Look says. - Miller was right about you. Pause. - Leave the mission, you will not be able to against the "Walkers", leave the rest to me. Your new mission will be to enjoy the camp-. Look hug Levi before he speaks. Levi cries as she feels the warmth of Mira's embrace.

The two did not last long together, Mira told Levi that she had the objects she received from Miller, so that he would calm down, she sends him in the same way she brought him, with a current of air.

Levi arriving again in front of the bedroom, what he does is go in and go to his bed and sleep immediately.

The next day he seemed to be calmer, however, he will not do what Mira told him, he is willing to fulfill his mission.

Another two days passed, until the basic magic classes began.

These days, Levi was watching the girl, the more he did it, the more he questioned whether to kill her or not, these doubts made Levi's judgment decrease, making him make mistakes in magic classes.

When the night of the second day arrived, Levi observed that the girl went out alone in the night, he saw an opportunity to end everything at once.

He watches around to see if no one is around, being sure, he begins to follow the girl at a distance of 20 meters. The girl traveled a great distance. Along the way Levi's doubts about whether to kill the girl or not grew bigger, but this disappeared instantly upon seeing the place the girl arrived.

In the place there were poles made with bones of different sizes, you could see a large circle with different inscriptions made with purple blood, what surprised Levi of all, was to see the girl with purple veins unconscious in the middle of the circle.

Levi quickly thought of something Miller told him before his trip "If you show your talent they will take your soul away and give it to someone else." Levi believed that these words were simply to frighten him. He promised to listen more often to Miller. Another thought went through his mind "If that girl is able to do that to her friend, then", Levi no longer hesitated, he decided to kill if or if the girl and rescue the one who hit him, however, apart from the blonde girl there were 6 other people. Levi recognized them, these were all those in charge of the camp.

In the distance there were two other people watching the place, these two were Mira and Miller.

Miller was happy to be by his wife's side again, not only that, now Miller is no longer a skeleton, he managed to recover his organs and skin, giving him more confidence when it comes to fighting. Instead, Mira was not happy, because she discovered that Levi was close to the place and so that they will not discover it she began to use magic to hide it, but to save strength, she slowly sent the concealment potion and being on him, she spilled the potion of concealment, Levi feeling that something was spilling on him, I panicked, but calmed down when he heard Mira's voice in his ear telling him to calm down.

Levi didn't know where Mira was. He turned his gaze to various places, however, he did not find her. He stopped trying to find her and focused on what was going on in front.

The "Walkers" began to spread a red powder through the circle.

Mira and Miller began to prepare to spring into action. Levi on the other hand began to get impatient. I try to calm down thinking about other things.

The "Walkers" stopped spreading the red dust around the circle, when they finished they began to take different things out of their space storages. Clay was the only one who didn't get anything out, instead she started directing the blonde girl to the center of the circle next to the other girl.

This was what the duo in the distance was waiting for.

Miller begins to recite a spell. - Element of death, home of the fallen, your fallen who hear my call, make your appearance-. Miller pauses for a long time in preparation.- Magic of death. Invocation of the fallen spectrum-.

A dark door begins to form over Miller. The door ends its formation and what can be seen when the darkness disappears is a door thrown only with skulls.

The door starts to open slowly. Being completely open from it, a floating figure begins to emerge, with an approximate height of 1.7 meters, covered by a black robe. You could see that he had no arms in his place this had two large blades, on his face you could feel the rotten flesh.

Miller does not immediately send him to attack, he begins to perform the spell again without letting the door disappear.

From the door comes out again another figure, this figure measures about 2 meters is covered by a heavy armor totally black, on his back you can see a large sword that is even larger than the figure.

Miller finishes making the invocation and tells Mira. - The preparations are ready on my side.

Mira says nothing and goes on the attack. Miller did not hesitate and also launched the attack with his two undead.

The "Walkers" noticed the arrival of the small group, so each began to prepare for battle.

Levi in the distance saw the onslaught of Miller's group towards the "Walkers". He didn't want to be doing nothing, so he's pondering which spell to use, inadvertently an unexpected event arises in his mind.


In the mind.

Levi could see a figure, but it was the only thing in his mind the rest was blank.

The figure turns his gaze to Levi, she tells him. - I will teach you how to use the dark soul. Behind the figure begins to emerge a dark ethereal figure, it begins to increase in size. The dark figure reaches a great height, comparable to an adult leviathan. The figure says again. - This is the dark soul. You can use it to attack physically, but this is useless, what actually makes this ability special is when you combine it with your body. By doing so you will be able to perform spells, spells and rituals simultaneously, of course this will depend on your current ability. The figure observes Levi for a moment.- With your current ability you will only be able to perform three spells simultaneously and you will only be able to use an incompatible combined spell. However, you only know how to control one element well, so the incompatible spell cannot be used, until you can control two incompatible elements as if they were your primary elements. Another feature it has is that you can only use it once in a lifetime. That's it.

The figure stops talking, the dark soul disappeared. He raises his hand. It instantly pierces Levi's heart, but he feels no pain.


Back to reality.

Levi begins to get excited about the abilities he gets with the dark soul, "With this being able to do something in this battle", his gaze is directed to the battle.

The two groups were already in a fight.

Mira faced two opponents, equally Miller, Miller's summons had their own opponents.

Mira was fighting the cyber-mage and the man in crimson armor.

Miller was facing two cyber-warriors.

Mira and Miller had the advantage in strength, but not in quantity.

On their side the two are ethereal wizards, plus the two summons where the specter has the power of a vorse warrior and the summoning with armor has the level of a great warrior.

On the other side, there was the blue-spirited leader, the man in crimson armor who is a psionic warrior. Those who fight Miller are great warriors and the last two are archmages.

Mira's fight was the most intense.

The cyber-magician used a versatile sword that could be infused with psionic energy. When Mira found a hole to hit her enemy, the crimson armor, she used pyrokinesis to keep her away from the cyber-magician.

Mira watched his enemies. She had no choice but to transform. His legs came together to form a snake tail, from his body began to come out small blue scales, his pupils became that of a snake. His arms began to tone, his teeth became sharp. Two large red horns began to sprout from his head. When he finishes transforming, Mira licks his lips as if he is about to eat something delicious.

The two sides observe each other, Mira advances first. He begins to slide like a snake, the cyber-magician can barely react to Mira's speed, he manages to put a magnetic shield around him and his companion does not remain motionless, he attacks with his spear. See what makes her body twist, causing the spear to pass through her right and fail, but that's not all, she holds the spear and begins to pull, the "Walker" of the crimson armor resists strongly so as not to lose the spear, however, he did not count on Mira to start opening his mouth, however, the cyber-mage does not stare, she makes an onslaught towards Mira with her sword in hand and without deactivating the shield. Mira closes her mouth and uses her strength to throw the guy along with her gun, when she does she immediately starts pounce on the cyber-mage.

Having gotten close enough, Mira forms a fist with his right hand.

Mira's fist and shield were about to touch. Before mira jump on the cyber-maga was touched, she did not react in time to the jump, something mira expected. She turns around quickly, in her left hand Mira was accumulating enough mana to form a wind arrow that pierced the shield and the enemy quickly. She shoots the arrow. The cyber-mage fails to dodge the arrow that

came from the rear, causing this air arrow not only to pass through the shield, but also her head.

The "Walker" of the crimson armor began to be afraid, not only him, the rest the same.

Mira wouldn't leave anyone alive, she begins to move towards the one in the crimson armor. He tries to resist, however, Mira dodges his attacks with ease, killing the enemy quickly at the first opportunity he appeared.

He looks as he kills his two opponents, pulls out a jar, then closes his eyes.

Levi observes his actions, begins to notice that two ethereal things begin to come out of the two corpses, this makes Levi panic.

What began to come out of the corpses, are their souls.

Look keep the souls in the jars.

The battle on the other side was not so intense, ending with Miller's victory and his summons.

The only enemy left alive was the blonde girl, she was terrified. He had the bad luck to run into these two who show no mercy.

Miller approaches the girl, she begins to tremble and falls to the ground, Miller does not take long, cuts off the girl's head and does the same as Mira, takes out a jar and puts the girl's soul in it.

The two crushed their enemies with ease, this fight gives Levi a new perspective on Miller's power. In the end Levi was only a spectator of this quick confrontation.

Miller pulls out a crystal ball, brings his face to it, and mutters a few words.

The duo finish cleaning the corpses, begins to walk towards Levi, he also begins to advance.

Being in front, the three of them look at each other. Levi turned his gaze to Miller.

Levi says in a sad voice. - So you have a lover-.

Miller, hearing him, hits him hard and says. - I'm an idiot.

Levi replies. - Lose. No one else would fight in such a pathetic way.

Mira laughs upon hearing what Levi said.

The two begin to argue, while Mira laughs.

After a few hours, a large ship is approaching his direction.

Levi asks the two of them. - Who are they? -.

Miller tells him. - My clients-.

Miller grabs the purple-veined girl who was still unconscious, summons her mount, climbs onto it, and begins to head toward the ship.


Inside the ship.

In the cockpit.

In the captain's chair, there is a gentleman who looks like a fragile old man, however, this is a false image that he gives to everyone.

This gentleman says to Miller. - I knew I could entrust you with this mission.

Miller tells him. - Of course, although I don't know what the reason would be for you not to act if you knew that your granddaughter's soul would be consumed.

The gentleman understands Miller's doubts, so he decides to tell him the details of the matter. - As you may know Miller, I have many enemies. Miller nods. - Some of them allied themselves with the "Walkers", and as you may have even learned some relatives, such as my nephew and his wife whom you killed. He remains silent for a moment, and then continues with his words. - This ritual, was a trap to attract me. When I came to rescue my granddaughter, several enemies would besiege me to finish me off once and for all, that was the reason why you had to rescue her, however, I feel somewhat guilty for using my granddaughter as bait. Sighs. - You weren't the only one who just fought. I just got rid of a few enemies on my way here, who planned all of this.

The two were still chatting about the situation.


Outside the ship.

Levi says. - Are they seriously married? -.

Mira is a little surprised by the question, she just nods in answer.

Levi asks him a question. - Why did you marry a skeleton? -.

Mila tells him. - When we got married it wasn't a skeleton. That incident happened later.

Levi curiously asks him. - What incident? -.

Mira tells Levi the details of the incident where Miller became a skeleton. Levi couldn't hold back the laughter, look either.

The two began to talk to get to know each other better. Levi seemed to be closer to Mira and observes her, then realizes that she is still with her other form, but he did not say any of that, instead he said something else since he did not know the reason for him to do it. - What they took out of the corpses were the souls, right? -. Look nod. - So why did they keep them in jars and why did they take a job to kill someone and then prevent them from taking away the soul of an unknown girl? -.

Mira answers. - Save a stranger, well, actually the mission was to protect her and kill everyone who was involved in the ritual. And the other, because for the same reason that they did the same to the girl, to be stronger. That's how simple things are.

Levi thinks of Mira's response. After a few seconds he starts talking. - I think using the souls of others is a mistake for a magician. I don't know why I believe this, but I feel it's true. So I will not depend on the talent of others to become strong, nor will I disagree in using someone else's soul to improve, however, I will take a different path from the rest.

Mira begins to caress Levi's head and tells him. - If you have already made a decision, do not regret it later-.

Levi replies. - Don't worry, I won't regret it, it's more in the future you will give me the reason-.

Mira abre is curious and says. - Serious? -. Levi nods and says. - However, first I will have to make some modifications in my body.-

Mira asks him curiously. - What kinds of modifications? -.

Levi answers. - I will need the blood of both-.

Look tells him. " Maybe it's not something like getting the talent of others.

Levi could realize the idea that was forming in Mira's mind, he decides to tell her what kind of change it will be, he feels that this does not have to be

hidden, since he will live with her in the future. - It would be like a change of species, I would cease to belong to the two species that I currently belong to and I would become of the same species as the two of you.

Mira thinks that what Levi will do will be a mistake that will torment him in the future, so he will try to make him change his mind.

As she was about to speak, Levi observes in the sky that Miller is approaching.

Watch watch Miller approach, then decides not to speak for the time being.

End of chapter.