Concert Of Europe

It didn't take long for the news about the russian civil war and Alexanders actions to spread throughout europe.

-Great Britain, Cabinet meeting-

The various ministers are sitting around a long green table. With the windows letting in the sunlight illuminating the place. The foreign secretary, the board of trade, prime ministers and many others attending.

The prime minister starts speaking first.

"As you have all heard currently the russian empire has entered a civil war. Due to the actions of the newly ascended tsar Alexander II. Presumably he wants to abolish serfdom and remove noble privelages. While also accusing the nobility of the assasination of the previous tsar, his father, Nicholas I.

Any thoughts gentlement?"

Viscount Melbourne, having finished talking looks towards the other ministers."

Seeing the other ministers not speaking the foreign secretary raises his voice.

"Thats good news isn't it? The russians have been eyeg central asia, if they fully controlled it they would be able to threaten india. I say, we should use this opportunity to exhaust the russians. And help both sides of the civil war."

The board of trade, dissagreeing with the foreign secretary now speaks up.

"And do you hsve any idea how much it will cost to fund it? Don't forget the russian empire is huge and both sides can field substantial amount of men. Providing assistance to both will incur immense amount of expenses. Its better to watch from the side lines and take action whem the balance of power is threatened. Meanwhile we could use the money that would be used for supporting the russians in improving our steel production. And various other economic matters."

The secretary of state for war george hamilton gordon, frowning starts speaking.

"The russians have long since been threatening to break the balamce of power in europe. The only thing thats holding them back is their lack of industry, education, infrastructure, and backwards policies. And it seems like that the tsar Alexander II understands that as well. In their current state with their immense population, double that of any other euroepean power, putting immense pressure on their neighbors, what do you think would happen if russia were to modernize?"

Hearing his words various ministers shudder in horror. If russia did actually maange to modernize, with a vast territory, resources and population. They would be able to sweep through europe.

The various ministers starts discussing on whether to intervene or not, but thanks to the secretary of state for wars speech the majority of them agree in intervening in the civil war.

The president of the board of trade, dissatisfied with how the cabinet meeting is going, decides to try and minimize the amount of support that will be given to either side of the civil war.

Now, the prime minister William Lamb satisfied in the direction in which the meeting is going starts speaking.

"May I suggest gentlemen that we only support one side of the civil war? The nobility.

It would be in out best interest if they won out. Since i'm sure that they will make sure that something like this doesn't happen again, and possibly even making even worse policies that will stunt russias ability to modernize.

Also, we could encourage the khanates of central asia to revolt against the russians, setting them back in their control of the region. Not only the khanates, but the poles as well. Having lost all their autonomy in the november uprising they must be pretty eager to rebel. Although the chances of the rebellion succeding is low, the whole point is to make the russians bleed even more. The more the merrier.

The ministers, convinced by the pm agree with him. While also starting to discuss how much support shall be given to the nobilities side of the civil war.

-Austrian Empire-

During day time, with the sun shining brightly in the garden snd beautiful flowers of various colors blooming, Ferdinand I is discussing with the german states man and diplomat Klemens Von Metternich.

A proponent of the concert of europe and the metternich system. Arguably one of the best diplomats in the world. Some even calling him the prime minister of europe.

"Metternich, the russians have entered a civil war, stopping almost all grain exports, causing food shortages in the empire. Any thoughts?"

"Your Majesty, the russians have entered the civil war due to the radical actions and policies of tsar Alexander II. And, with the unrest caused by the food shortages it would be wise to be on high alert for revolts or rebellions. Especially from the hungarians.

Also, if the tsar emerges as the winner from the civil war, it means bad news for all of us. For a strong and modern industrialized russia is not in anyones best interest."

"I see."

The emperor currently is considering deeply on wgat actions he should take in the future. Since he is caught in a predicimant.

The tsar Alexander II abolished all the privelegas of the nobility. Which contradicts the entire point of the holy alliance, meant to defend the absolute monarchies of europe and suppression ofiberal ideas.

Supporting the tsar in the civil is out of the question, cause if it succeds then it may inspire further revolutions in austria.

Direct participation is also impossible since there is a high risk of revolts due to the rising price of food and the harvest season just passed.

"We can provide support to the nobility of the russian empire, be it equipment, or even loans, in exchange for grain."

"Seems great your majesty."

And so, the emperor of the austrian empire decided to support the nobility in the civil war.

Similar talks are also taking place aming the other european powers.

After all, what Alexander has done isn't exactly on par with the french revolution, but a close second. Without all the beheadings.

The ottomans, the french, prussians, austrians, british. None of them showed a single bit of support to the tsar. After all, the balance of power in europe must be kept. Russia is incredibly strong as is. If combined with modernization the other powers are afraid they'll have no room to breath.