Chapter 3 Chef Li.

I touched that girl's chest and those people wanted me one hundred taels of silver. They thought I was a fool. I curled my lips in disdain, took a sip of jasmine and ate the freshly made mung bean cake. It's so sweet! It was different to hire a professional cook for one hundred silver coins. It was worth it! I like it! I have a lot of houses.

Bingyan pointed at my nose and scolded me for being stupid. I think he is the one who is stupid. What's so good about that naked girl. I still like the girl who hit my nose! My girl, why can't I find you!

Why is it so bitter! It's a little smelly! Ah! I put the brush in my mouth, but it smells a little fragrant. I'll smash it into my mouth.

Someone laughed.

"Who is laughing?" I asked.

Li pointed at my mouth and smiled happily. For the first time, when I saw Li laughing so happily, I poked my finger in front of the table and giggled.

"Master, are you drawing orchids?" Li asked.

I was so moved that I almost burst into tears, because no one could recognize what I was drawing. "Li, do you really know it's orchid?"

"Yes, it's not very similar, but I've finally figured it out. Olivia has some tricks!" Li picked up the brush on the table and drew a line on the edge of my rice paper.

"The leaves of orchids need to be painted like this. One long, two short." Li's hand moved left and right.

"Let me have a try." Li's words tickled me. When Li got out of the way, I grabbed the paper and started to paint. But it seemed easy but hard. I was so depressed that I started to be anxious. When I was in a fret, my right hand, which was holding the pen, was covered silently. I was stunned there. Li was already standing behind me.

"Don't be impetuous in this painting. Be quick, decisive and sure when you write. Turn the center slightly and drag it with your hand. The line must have a thick change." Li's words whispered in my ears, and my heart beat faster and faster. What's wrong with me? I just blankly let Li drag my hand and leave my best painting on the paper. There was a faint fragrance on Li's body, which was not the usual taste in the kitchen. It was like osmanthus cake, and a little sweet. My nose followed my intuition and approached the source.

"Master, please behave yourself!" Before Li went back to the case, she lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly.

"Li, your hands are so soft!" I giggled.

Li slammed the door! I smiled awkwardly. How could Li have such a soft hand at such an old age?

"omg!" I clapped my head. Do I have a love mother complex? How can I like Li? She is at the same age as my mother!

I tossed and turned in bed. I like the young girl who hit my nose! What's wrong with me! Illusion, it must be an illusion! But it smells so good. I've never smelled it before. hey! It smelled better than osmanthus cake. If only Li could be younger. But Li seemed to be in his thirties! What does Li look like? Why don't I remember? She never looked up! It was so strange! by the way! I want to eat osmanthus cake. I'm sure I can have a good sleep if I have a piece of it before I go to bed! The more I thought about it, the more hungry I was. I really wanted to eat osmanthus cake. But Li? I'm too shy to look for her! What should I do? by the way! I'll do it myself! I haven't eaten pork before, and I haven't seen a pig run away. Anyway, I can't fall asleep, so I'd better get up and have a try.

I ran to the kitchen with great interest. It was quiet in the backyard! The kitchen door was slightly closed, and there was a faint light of fire. Who didn't go to bed so late? thief! I'm going to see what's going on. The sound of running water and a comfortable groan. The huge stimulation made me stand still. There was a big bathtub behind the screen in the kitchen. It was the place where everyone usually took a shower. I shouldn't have come in. Few people were willing to take a shower especially at this late hour,! Curiosity drove me to stretch my head secretly.

beautiful girl!! The girl who hit my nose.

I was stunned! My heart beat fast like a drum, and the water vapor on the big round wooden barrel was hazy. The beautiful girl was leaning against the bucket wall with her eyes closed. Her elegant neck was slightly raised, and her attractive curve was partly hidden and partly visible!

Haha, the only sound I can make in the bottom of my heart. My head is a little dizzy, and there is a little fishy heat under my nose, as if liquid is flowing out. Is my heart beating too fast that it makes my eyes dark!

With the splashing sound of water waves, the tall and exquisite attractive curve flew in front of me! They were all gone. Bang!! I fell down and passed out.

The second day, when I woke up, my head was very painful, especially the 2/3 part of the back of my head. It was extremely painful! I'm going to cry. No, I'm crying!

"Master, why are you crying?" Cui rushed to my bed with a washbasin!

"Ouch!" I pointed at my head!

"Ah! Master, why is your head so red?" The Cui said worriedly.

"Really? No wonder I was so painful that I shed tears! By the way, I seemed to see the girl I liked last night! And then?" I still feel a little dizzy.

"Where is the girl I like?" I sat up at once. "Where am I?"

"This is your room? Did you hurt your master? I'll call uncle Zhong for a doctor!" The Cui put down the basin and was about to run away!

"I'm not stupid! Why am I here? Where is that girl?" I insist.

"Uncle Zhong, master is sick!" Cui ignored my protest!

"Cui, you didn't listen to your master's order! You are such an unruly servant!" Li said.

The Cui was stunned at the door.


"As your master, don't you know how to tame your servants?" Li asked angrily.

"It's always uncle Zhong's business!" I shrank back into the bed cowardly. Li seemed very unhappy today!

"You don't seem to realize your identity!" Li looked at me with disappointment.

"Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"You are the master! No one will listen to you!" Li said angrily.

"It seems so!" I nodded! "Anything else? Li, is there osmanthus cake in your hand? I seem to have found a treasure!"

"You are so stupid. I am playing the piano to the cow!" Li cursed angrily and left. I watched Li's receding figure. Did I say anything wrong?

Recalling the scene of the crime!

It was like this at that time! The night was dark and the wind was high! The young landlord, Xia, stood in front of the bathtub. She was stunned behind the screen, blushing and her heart beating fast! This kind of scene was rare! Besides, it was her beloved girl who was taking a shower! She only dreamed about it! Her head was bleeding!

Just as the good-looking girl stood up, the line! Her soft figure! Xia's nosebleed, gurgling flow, and Xia's blood sugar was low at midnight. She fainted as soon as she got excited. She fell on the screen and her head happened to hit the edge of the bathtub! Two drops of nosebleed fell on Heidy! The good-looking girl was shocked at first and then angry! Patting her face and chest, she couldn't wake up Xia. The beautiful girl had planned to kill her, Xia, but her conscience prevented her from killing Xia. She didn't kill innocent people, which saved the young landlord. Xia didn't die young. The beautiful girl had no choice but to take her back to her room, throw her on the bed, and help her stop the nosebleed.

During this period, our landlady even called the beautiful girl 256 times with her arm. You are so beautiful! She giggled 512 times.

In exchange for a good-looking girl 256 times' big pervert, bastard! Xia was despised from the bottom of her heart!

Everything was caused by misunderstanding!

Everyone knows how innocent our little landlord is.