Ch. 17 Easy? Answers

When Myrddin investigated the Student Council he found that most of its members are Seniors.

The only positions not held by seniors are the ones dedicated to the different years. There is a Class President and Class Vice President for each year, something to do with representation from each year.

But the other positions that aren't required to be filled by younger students are all filled by seniors. Some examples are: Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, Student Body Reporter (head of the school newspaper), etc…

Fishy right? But the student council doesn't particularly hold all that much power in the grand scheme of things. Nearly everything they do must be revised and approved by an adult. Mainly a teacher, like Ms. Christin.

Myrddin's trail has gone a little cold. But that might be because it's Christmas break and school is out until after New Years.

Finals went by without a hitch for Myrddin. However, the same can't be said for Gwen. He overheard his mom having a talk with Gwen about what will happen if her grades don't get picked up. Mainly the fact she will not be able to graduate from middle school. Her suffering does bring a small smile to his face, she made fun of him for reading and studying all the time. Now look at her. At least Lydia keeps her grades up, and Lydia only pretends to play dumb.

He was worried Erica would become even more secluded than she already was after the incident. She was immensely self-conscious and her self-esteem was already low before this. But she returned after only missing one day of school. He talked with her a bit more during their P.E. class after that.

Just because he saved her doesn't mean he got through that incident fine. It was hard seeing a girl like Erica go through a seizure. It'd probably be hard watching anyone go through a seizure. He didn't constantly ask her if she's continuing to take her medication, but he made sure to watch out for the signs if she did. If all he needed to do was talk with her for a little bit each day to make sure she didn't do something drastic, it wasn't the hardest decision he's made in his life.

After Christmas break they would be getting a new classes for the second half of their school year. They already received their new schedules before they even took their finals. He and Erica shared the same P.E. Class this semester as well. Except now it was at the end of the day instead of at the beginning.


His 'visions' happened a little more frequently. But he couldn't figure out why he would have them in the first place.

He would see the vision in the third person. Like watching a scene unfold in person but have nobody see him. He would watch himself act in the scene sometimes. And boy was that weird. Watching yourself do something that you haven't done. And then going through what you already saw. Talk about deja vu. He was able to confirm that his visions all were of the future, or the ones that he could confirm. But they haven't gone past a year or so in the future. In fact, they're more like short glimpses into the near future besides the first 2.

One vision in particular was lucky and important. It was of Ms. Christin, Myrddin was able to find enough clues about where and when the vision took place in the few seconds he had the vision and was able to take a picture of what was happening when the actual event happened.

He doesn't receive visions too often. But he's seen enough of them to get a rough idea about them. The visions seem random. They don't happen on a schedule or anything. Their durations are random. And their contents are definitely random.

So it's lucky he had the vision about Ms. Christin, or maybe the visions do hold a significance but he just hasn't found it yet.

Either way, it's not like he can train this 'super power'. There isn't a trigger or anything so they happen when they happen. And even if he trained this power, the visions take real time as he watches them. So he couldn't use it to become untouchable in a fight.


Sebastian video chatted Ada, Myrddin, and Gwen on Christmas morning.

It was a nice rest of the day after that as well.

Myrddin didn't have anything else to do the rest of the day. He didn't particularly want to study human biology more or spend this day on finding out who 'Carrie-ed' him because that's what he's been doing in his free time anyway. So he plays some games since it's been a while since he had a chance to.


It was New Year's Eve when Myrddin connected the last few dots about the 'Carrie incident'.

And since school would start back up a few days later he had some time to prepare a few things. Like get multiple copies of a photo.

It was a bit obvious but the mastermind behind this ridiculous thing was the Student Council President.

Was it cliché? Yes!

Myrddin didn't force the President to do this. The guy did this on his own. His name is Zack Damian and he's a real piece of work.

Now Myrddin might be able to hit him where it hurts, but he wants to make sure of Ms. Christin's role in this. Because if she did play a major role then he would toss her into the pit along with Zack and the others who didn't get in trouble initially. And their sentence would be much worse.

What still puzzles Myrddin is why Zack would have done this in the first place. Myrddin just learned the guys name before Christmas break started.

Since it's taken so long to find him, Myrddin doesn't mind waiting a little longer to make sure he finds the most opportune time to strike back.


Myrddin walks into his first class after returning from break and he can't help but wonder how fate works.

Sitting in the center of the front row is Zack Damian, the Student Council President.

He has to give it to Zack. He can act.

It's the same teacher teaching the second semester of this class, so Myrddin just goes to the back of the class as usual. It's not Calc 2, but most of Myrddin's teachers leave him be since he doesn't disturb the class and gets excellent grades.

After the class ends, Zack walks back to Myrddin's desk and greets him. "You're Murthin Welt right? I'm terribly sorry about what happened during homecoming. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. My name is-"

Myrddin drops a book onto the floor. "Sorry, it slipped. And my name is Myrddin Wyllt. It's hard for certain people to pronounce so you can just call my Myr. And I know who you are Zack"

"Ah, my bad. It's hard to remember everyone's name. And I guess my reputation exceeds me. It's good to meet you Myr. Sorry I didn't make more of an effort to meet you before" Zack apologizes with a smile.

Myrddin picks his book up off the ground and puts his things into his backpack. "By the way Zack, I don't think you put any effort into meeting me before. I don't think it would be hard for you to find me in the school. My hair is kind of a dead giveaway. And you'll be leaving in a few short months right? Don't Seniors leave early?"

"We do" Zack gives a short response before walking away. "See you around Myr"

There isn't much to say about that interaction other than it was weird in a bad way. Myrddin wasn't sure why Zack would randomly talk to him. Maybe for his public image? But wouldn't that have been best to do right after the incident?

It really doesn't change much. He just has to check a certain teacher before he finalized anything.


Myrddin says his goodbye to Erica after their last class and goes towards the art area of their school. It's like how all the science classes are grouped together. The math classes are grouped together. And the art classes are also grouped together.

He finds the classroom with a bunch of empty easels and walks in. He sees Christin sitting behind a desk with a student asking questions in front of the desk. So he goes for a walk around the room.

There are a bunch of painting hung on the walls. Most are students, but there are some done by Christin herself.

"Myrddin? How can I help you?" Ms. Christin asks as she walks up beside the student. She's a little bit taller than him.

"Hello Ms. Christin, I just have a few questions to ask" Myrddin doesn't turn to face her but continues glossing over the paintings.

Christin raises a brow. "What do you want to know? Thinking about taking painting? You can change classes for the next two weeks"

Myrddin shakes his head. "I'm satisfied with my current classes. I already have my highschool scheduled out for the next 3 years as well. My Junior and Senior year will be when I take electives like painting"

"Then why are you here?" Christin looks at Myrddin.

"To ask questions"

Christin squints. "What questions?"

"The ones I am going to ask after you get whatever this is out of your system" Myrddin shrugs.

"Teenagers…." Christin mutters beneath her breath.

Myrddin sets his backpack on the ground. "So you told the police that the voting box was tampered with?"

Christin focuses back into the conversation. "Is this what you're here for? Look, what happened to you was-"

"Horrible, traumatic, unfortunate. I know. I've heard that before. But can you just humor me?" Myrddin asks.

Christin already spent so much of her time answering the police's questions. "Sure… what was your question again?"

"I wanted to confirm what you told the police. You said the voting box was tampered with right?" Myrddin turns to face her.

"It was tampered with. I don't know how but someone did it" Christin puts her hands on her hips.

"If I remember correctly you personally visited every class over the course of a week to collect all the voting slips. And you even counted them yourself at the end, correct?" Myrddin questions the teacher.

"I collected the slips with the head of the homecoming committee but I didn't count them myself. I supervised the committee as they counted" Christin corrects the youth.

"So how and when could it have been tampered with? If you watched the students submit the slips and then watched the committee tally who was voted for?" Myrddin begins trying to corner her.

"I'm not sure. And I don't know what you're hoping to find" Christin walks back over to her desk and sits down.

"So what you're saying is that you knew my name before you read it on the homecoming king letter?" Myrddin takes his bag and sits in front of her desk.

"No. Before that day I didn't know who you were. It was after homecoming when I realized that you were the same student who got into a fight on your first day aid school" Christin takes out some paperwork and begins to look through them.

"Well that raises a few questions. So when the students were counting the slips they weren't shocked by my name? I don't think many people knew me enough to expect me to win homecoming king" Myrddin tries to find the chink in the armor of this story. And he's surprised the police didn't find it.

"They might have talked about it. But that was so long ago, I can't really remember that well" Christin puts the permission slips down and looks at Myrddin. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'll cut to the chase then" Myrddin leans back in his chair while looking at her body language. "How did you know how to correctly pronounce my name on your first try if you didn't even know me before? And I already know you don't know welsh so don't try to overplay your hand Ms. Christin"

"It was…" Christin looks to the side.

Myrddin follows her gaze but it leads to a corner of the room. He looks back and sees her sweating a little bit. "You've got to be kidding me. Seriously? Nobody bothered asking you this question? Maybe I'm giving the police WAY too much credit"

Before Christin can say or do anything Myrddin continues. "You know I could have been seriously hurt during that little stunt. What was done was illegal and charges were given to the 5 members that were caught and they were underage, what would happen to the teacher that allowed that to happen? Now I want you to tell me what Zack Damian specifically did and why he did it"

"Zack Damian? H-he didn't do anything. He just approved of the homecoming committee and what are theme was among some other things" Ms. Christin recovers her cool.

"Oh, you thought I meant what he did in relation to what happened to me? That's funny" Myrddin reaches into his jacket's pocket and pulls out a picture and sets it on the desk. "I thought things like this only happened in porn"

There's a picture of Zack and Ms. Christin getting freaky with some paint.

Myrddin smirks. "I thought the school had a 'no purpling' rule? Or maybe that was my last middle school. Either way, I don't think the school would appreciate something like this happening between a student and a teacher"

The photo shows Zack pressing Ms. Christin against the wall of the classroom they are currently standing in. Zack is kissing the teacher and exploring with his hands.

When Myrddin was looking around the classroom he was experiencing deja vu since he hadn't actually been inside the room aside from his vision. When he took the photo he was outside the window of the classroom.

"What the hell is-?!" Christin jumps to her feet and grabs the photo. She crumpled it in her grip. "How did you-?!"

"Calm down. I don't think you want the rest of the school knowing about this" Myrddin points over towards the open door.

Christin glares at him. "W-what do you want?"

"I just want you to answer a few questions" Myrddin grins sinisterly. "And if I think you are telling me a lie… We both know I made copies of that photo. And do you remember what else you did that day? I had to leave when things got too graphic at one point. And before you try to defend or cover for Zack, do you think he will defend you when this gets exposed?"

Ms. Christin's world comes crashing down on her. "He… he forced me-"

"Really? That's what you're going with? It looked like you enjoyed it way more than him from what I saw, or should I say heard? Why is everybody in this school so damn loud? It's like everyone wants their secrets to be known" Myrddin takes some more photos out of his bag and throws them across the desk.

Christin's eyes widen when she sees all of them. She turns towards the window and realizes how they were taken. Even when the blinds close, there farthest left corner doesn't fully drop down all the way.

Myrddin's eyes narrow to slits behind his red-tinted glasses as his smirk grows. "I do have to ask, is it really a turn on if you have sex when there's a chance of getting caught? Hope that euphoria you reached after the first 3 minutes was worth it"

Christin collapses back into her seat as her face goes red. Either from anger or embarrassment, Myrddin's guess is probably a mixture of both and more.

"What are you going to do with these…" Christin asks as she loses hope.

"That depends on what you tell me. Remember, no lies" Myrddin takes out a slip of paper. "Now the police didn't find out where the students got the materials for the device used to drop the red concoction. I don't suppose you would know?"

Christin clenches her fists before relaxing her grip. "If. IF, I answer your questions. These photos never see the light of day?"

"You have my word Ms. Christin that these photos won't see the light of day if you answer my questions truthfully. In fact, if I'm satisfied by your answer I'll even help you drag Zack down for 'forcing himself on you'. How does that sound?" Myrddin convincingly offers.

There is a major debate battle waging war inside Christin's mind. But after a few moments she answers. "The device was made by some of the students with some items they found in their homes. They knew not to but anything from a store. Or maybe they were afraid they would get caught if they did…"

As Myrddin listens he understands why the police didn't get anywhere with this information. And Myrddin himself couldn't do much because it was considered confidential evidence or whatever.

"Alright. Now write the names of everyone involved. And if you write their roles down this will go much better for you" Myrddin takes out a piece of paper.

After a while Myrddin gets the complete list of names. And it's a little longer than the one he had made himself. And they're almost all Seniors. This makes getting revenge very easy.

After Christin answers the rest of his questions Myrddin stands up and picks his bag up.

"If you tell anyone about this our deal about keeping the photos a secret becomes null. I would recommend leaving Beacon Hills just to be safe. Unless you want to risk showing up on a Sex Offender and Pedophile list. I'd say see you around, but I really don't want to" Myrddin walks out of the room.