Ch. 33 Exchange

Allison is trying her best to not laugh and mess up her drawing. She's almost done so if she laughs and messes up the drawing now she will absolutely quit drawing for at least a while. "Hey! Don't move"

"It's not my fault it's taking you 20 minutes to draw" Myrddin stretches his leg and puts it back in position.

"I didn't force you to pose like a French girl, and how long did you expect drawing you to take?" Allison continues drawing his jacket.

"I don't know, like 10 minutes. How detailed are you going?" Myrddin is reminded of her perfectionist side while she carefully draws him.

"Detailed enough" Allison finishes the details of his clothes and moves onto his face, already having drawn his head and hair as a reference to draw the body scale wise.



Someone rings the doorbell and knocks on the front door.

"That sounds urgent" Myrddin seriously looks towards her door.

Allison puts her sketchbook and pencil down. "Do you think it's Scott?"

Before Myrddin can respond she is already outside her room and going down the hallway.

"Allison! It's for you" Mrs. Argent shouts from the front door.

A second later Allison appears from the second floor indoor balcony, or mezzanine. A bright smile on her face until she sees Stiles at the front door and she disappointedly drops her hands on the railing.

Myrddin pops out from around the corner and sees Stiles who already had his mouth agape.

Stiles' mouth opens wider and his eyes practically pop out when he sees Myrddin.

"Hi Stiles, what's got you so spooked?" Myrddin asks and stands a bit away from Allison.

"N-n-nothing! I-I'm just here checking on Allison! Didn't expect you to be here Wiz-Myrddin" Stiles stutters his way through.

Allison gives the guy a consolation smile. "Thank you Stiles"

"Y-yeah! No problem! Uuuuuugh, I'm gonna get going right about now! Have a good rest of your night!" Stiles nods to Mrs. Argent and waves to Myrddin and Allison as he backs away and nearly falls off the porch before turning and going back to his jeep.

"Ok….. something is up with him" Allison points out.

Myrddin shrugs. "Might be too much adderal? But he's usually all over the place. He means well though"

Mrs. Argent closes the door and goes to sit on the couch.

"How do you know Scott and Stiles so well?" Allison tilts her head and her hair somehow doesn't cover her face.

Myrddin taps the railing with his fingers one at a time. "Last year I got beaten up and a teacher, who happens to be coach Finstock, told Scott and Stiles to help me get to the nurses. After that I bumped into them a few times at school until one day they showed up at my house. We hung out for some time after that until eventually things just got too busy and we stopped hanging out after a while"

Allison narrows her eyes. "Hmm" She says with some understanding on how the three guys got to know eachother.

"How close are you to finishing the drawing?" Myrddin asks.

"Like… maybe 5 to 10 minutes?" Allison stands up and goes back to her room.

"Back to it I guess" follows behind her as wonders what has Stiles so bugged out. Considering he came here he must have talked with Scott.

Myrddin hasn't heard a howl so that means the alpha hasn't called Scott or any other werewolves so who knows. Which is concerning in and of itself but he won't complain about a quiet night.


Myrddin waits against the wall at the beginning of his last class on Monday morning while he thinks about the weekend.

His sister is alright. She just had a really nasty hangover the next day. She also genuinely thanked him for helping and saving her. He couldn't stay mad at his sister. He told her to come to him if anything happened that she couldn't handle on her own. They also talked a little bit and patched some things up. He still doesn't like her, but she's his sister at the end of the day and he doesn't want to see her hurt or taken advantage of.

Speaking of which: He found those two bastards that were trying to pull something with his sister. They're both seniors at their school and he spent some time Friday night finding who they and their families are. He's got a plan cooking in the background. He doesn't want to do something too fast, but he doesn't want to wait too long. He will deal with Dave and Michael soon enough.

But for most of Friday night he was able to use his magic in the house more freely. Obviously nothing on too big of a scale and definitely no fire or lightning.

He found that he's able to move his mana through his body easier. And he can concentrate it on certain places now as well.

There are also some new spells he found/learned.

Tenebris and Lux

He was given information on a magic circle. He's fairly certain he knows what it is, but he hasn't had much time to mess around with it. It's like some kind of transmutation circle for use in alchemy.

The weekend was mostly spent with his mom and sister and making sure they are alright. He didn't end up going to the hospital Friday night. Ads called him and told him just to relax at home and wait for them there.

When he left Allison's house he was given the picture Allison drew of him. And it was amazing. But to Allison it still wasn't good enough. She basically forced him to take it or else she would end up tossing it with the others.

Myrddin wonders what else she drew that she didn't think was perfect. If this was so good, what was perfect to her.

And before he left he exchanged numbers with Allison. It was more her asking for him to listen when she needs to vent. He didn't mind listening every now and then. He considered Allison a friend at this point. She didn't lie or try to hide anything from him, which he wishes he could say the same to her. But it was more that he left out the whole truth. He plans on telling her about Scott being a werewolf soon enough, if she's gonna be pining for the guy like she is she should know.

Not knowing could be much more dangerous… and yes. He is a bit of a hypocrite in this regard. But at least as a mage he doesn't lose control on a full moon and get urges to kill and maim others. Ignoring his extra lust and libido, he can keep that under control.

Concerning his part-time job… he will still be working there. Mostly at nights or on the weekends. He doesn't want to quit, but he might end up having to. Deaton is understanding and is willing to help work around Myrddin's schedule.



Myrddin comes out of his thoughts and sees a very nervous looking Erica. She has her hair in a pony tail and a hairband to make sure her hair doesn't cover her face. "Hey Erica, how was your weekend?"

"It… I'm sorry Myrddin…" She looks down at the ground. Unable to look him in his eyes.

"Erica, what's wrong?" Myrddin asks as he walks up to her.

"I… wasn't able to… watch your match Friday night… something came up…" Erica tightly holds her left hand in her right.

Murddin squats down to where he is basically sitting on his heels and looks up at Erica. "Don't feel bad about that. It wasn't even a real game"

"But…" Erica looks at Myrddin's face and tears form at the edge of her eyes.

"How about this" Myrddin can tell that she's really beating herself up about this. So he comes up with something. "The next game you go to you have to promise me you'll cheer twice as hard for me, alright? I made first line, so when you and my mom cheer for me I'm sure I'll be the best player on the field"

Erica sees his bright smile and his light green eyes that calm her worries. She smiles a little and nods. "I can do that"

"Great" Myrddin pushes up off his thighs and stands up. "Now back to how your weekend went"

"Nothing really interesting happened… I went for a checkup at the hospital…" Erica tilts her head and her smile fades away.

It doesn't take a genius to notice she wasn't given good news.

"I don't want to pry, you don't need to tell me. But if something really bad is happening let me know. I don't need to know specifically what. Just know that if you need something you can talk to me and I'll do what I can" Myrddin doesn't know what to do with his hands so he just puts them on his hips.

Eric's smiles. "That'll be a little hard if all we do is talk in gym class"

Myrddin opens his mouth slightly then shuts it. "Fair"

They still haven't exchanged phone numbers. Both of them just never got around to asking the other.

"After class I'll give you my number" Myrddin remembers he has a piece of scrap paper in his locker he can write on.

Erica blushes slightly and nods. "I'll text you so you can add my number after your practice…"

She knows that Myrddin leaves his things in his gym locker when he goes to practice.

The teacher then has them run for 5 minutes and gets started with their class.


Myrddin wanders towards the lacrosse field after giving Erica his number. She will be watching his practice, but she needs to stop by her locker first.

He spots Scott and Allison talking and catches a glimpse of Mr. Argent before continuing towards the field. He's not sure what has Scott so bugged out, it's like the guy is absolutely terrified of Allison's dad.

Maybe it's the fact Scott is 'dating' the guy's daughter?

Myrddin isn't sure if Allison is giving him the second chance, but his money is on yes.

At the field he sees only a few guys already out on the field. And coach Finstock is off to the side.

"Merlin! Get your ass over here!" Bobby yells.

Myrddin runs over. "What is it coach?"

"I need you. To go into my office. And grab something for me" Bobby slowly explains. "Think you can handle that?"

"I hope so" Myrddin responds. If he couldn't handle this it would be concerning.

"Excellent!" Bobby slaps his shoulder and rembers why he shouldn't do that as his hand tingles a bit. It's like this kid is made of bricks or something. "In my office there are a few long sticks. Grab them and set them on that bench"

Bobby points towards where he wants them.

"Be right back coach" Myrddin sets his helmet and stick down as he goes back to the locker room.

Inside he sees Scott leaning back against his locker shirtless with Stiles next to him. Myrddin just goes to Bobby's office, apparently unnoticed.

He overhears Scott and Stiles talk. Apparently Chris Argent is a hunter? But not the normal kind. The werewolf kind of hunter. And he shot Scott with a crossbow.


A coach blows his whistle just outside the locker room to get the few stragglers out.

Myrddin jogs out of the locker room, and considering he has his cleats on he isn't unnoticed this time. He wanted Scott and Stiles to hopefully realize they shouldn't be talking about this kind of thing out in the open like this. But it benefits him since he learned something very valuable.

A few thoughts and ideas pop into his head on how this can be spun in his favor. Specifically a plan where he understands the unnatural side of this world.

Myrddin runs back and sets the sticks on the bench.

"Hey Merlin!" Finstock shouts. "Have you considered using a long stick before?"

"Aren't they primarily used for defense?" Myrddin asks while grabbing his helmet.

"And one midfielder" Bobby points out. "Try one for today and see how it feels"

Myrddin nods and grabs one of the long sticks and leaves his original stick on the bench.

Finstock tells Jackson to grab one as well, but his is for a different reason.

*Short Whistle!*

"Let's go~! One-on-one from the top!" Finstock yells.

Jackson takes his long stick and goes to his position as defender. Behind him about 30 or so feet is the net with Danny as goalie.

Basically Jackson will be defending and another person will be attacking, ie. trying to get past Jackson and score a goal. And it's one after another.

Everyone in group one and two line up, basically first line and the replacements.

Myrddin finds his spot in the middle of the line, and just so happens to be behind Scott. He shakes his head, figuring this will only end well for everyone involved.

When Myrddin plays he doesn't just have to worry about how hard he hits someone, he also has to worry about how hard someone is trying to hit him. He's not going to let himself be knocked over, but he doesn't want to break the other guy's bones. Especially if that other guy is a teammate, even if it is Jackson.

The first few guys get slapped by Jackson. Almost literally. Jackson is a very good player. He either body checks the other player or uses his stick to know the ball lose from the other guy's stick. But it's mostly Jackson just colliding into the other guy with his shoulder.

"That's how you do it Jackson, that's how you do it" Bobby watches from the side. "Greenberg~, take a lap. Let's go…"

"FASTER Greenberg, Faster!!" Bobby shouts to make the kid actually run.

Scott is up next but he's looking off to the side at Allison sitting next to Lydia.

"McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go" Bobby points towards Jackson, Danny, and the goal.

Myrddin watches as Scott half-asses this drill and gets absolutely laid out by Jackson. Coach Finstock walks over to the guy and proceeds to taunt him. Saying that the lifeless dead corpse of his grandmother can move faster than Scott and forcing the guy to do the drill again, but this time taking it seriously.

Scott gets back in front of Myrddin and stares down Jackson.

Myrddin grabs Scott's shoulder and turns him around after tossing his stick on the ground. "Scott, relax a little. Take a deep breath for me alright?" He whispers while buckling the straps on Scott's helmet that the idiot didn't do before.

Scott glares at Myrddin, doesn't say a word and turns back around.

'I tried' Myrddin shrugs as he picks his stick up off the ground. Who knows, maybe he got through to Scott who had glowing yellow eyes.


Scott takes off and leads with his shoulder.

*Crash!* *Sch-lock!"

"Ughhh!!!" Jackson gets lifted up into the air and falls heavily onto his shoulder as he grunts in pain.

After hitting Jackson, Scott grabs the sides of his helmet and falls to his hands and knees.

"Shit…" Myrddin runs to Jackson's side before coach can get there.

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Everyone stay back" Bobby tries to stop Myrddin but isn't fast enough.

Myrddin looks at Jackson's shoulder and sees that it's dislocated, which is what that pop sound was.

"Gaahh!!" Jackson groans through his clenched teeth.

"Jackson, you dislocated your shoulder" Myrddin says and grabs his arm with his right hand and Jackson above his collar bone.

*Sound of Jackson's arm going back into place!!!*

"Arrgghhhhh!!!!" Jackson shouts.

"And now it's back in place" Myrddin says. "Wooaaah~!"

Bobby pulls him back by the back of his white jersey. "What in the devils asshole do you think you're doing?! The fuck did you even do?!"

"I popped his shoulder back in coach, it would have hurt more and worse if it stayed out" Myrddin explains while taking his helmet off. He also was able to test something out mana wise as well.

"Yeah… well… Next time leave it dislocated! You aren't some doctor or medical professional are you?" Bobby kneels down next to Jackson who is still holding his shoulder, but his groans of pain have lessened a little.

"I might be in the future" Myrddin shrugs as the rest of the team moves around Jackson, but they don't crowd him. They stay back a bit and look at their team captain whose just received a possible season ending injury.

As Jackson writhes on the ground, Myrddin watches Stiles drag Scott off the field. And far off near the end of the bleachers close to the woods Myrddin spots Derek Hale watching Scott be escorted away.

"That isn't suspicious" Myrddin comments in a whisper that gets drowned out by the other players around him. But Derek turns and stares directly at him, which confuses Myrddin even more.

There's no way Derek heard him unless he was… unnatural himself. Could he be another werewolf? It doesn't make sense for him to be the alpha, or does it?

Just another thing Myrddin gets to look into. But this one he isn't quite sure how to test. How do you find out if someone is not only a werewolf but also an alpha?

Myrddin figures he will just have to move up his Argent plans.