Is this how your bank treats black card users?

Just as Adams was thinking about how to bid for the land, he received an invitation from the president of the university.

Invite him to a party organized by the school in a few days.

After becoming rich, Adams' mind became a lot more active, and he immediately understood what the principal meant.

The principal did look down on him as a nouveau riche.

From his tone, it could be seen that the invitation to Adams was only a temporary intention, and he also reminded him to dress decently and not lose face of this class of students.

Inviting him is nothing more than because he took a fancy to the wealthy funds in his hands.

The outstanding alumni said that it was a party, but it was actually raising funds for the new campus.

The new campus, which has been rumored by teachers and students for several years, has become the principal's heart disease.

Presumably the principal will implement this at this excellent alumni meeting.

Adams thought this was an opportunity. The principal was paying attention to the money in his pocket.

Why didn't he want to take the opportunity to implement the idea of ​​buying land in the new district.

But before that, he had to go to the bank to get a little cash, and he didn't have any money for tips.

He didn't want to give the hotel staff a stingy bad impression, which was inconsistent with his status as a rich man.

A group of media who wanted to get first-hand interviews and reports made the water in front of the hotel's front door leak.

In order not to reveal their identities, he and the guy in the back kitchen of the hotel borrowed a work clothes and put them on, and their hair grew a lot, presumably It's hard to recognize him if you're not an acquaintance.

The taxi stopped at a Citibank branch.

Adams adjusted his greasy chef hat and walked into the bank.

Maybe it's because the dress is too weird, the security guard at the door has been staring at him, as if warning him not to mess around.

He didn't think much about it and walked straight to the general manager's office.

"I'm looking for your general manager, Tebow, how can I get there, ma'am?"

The other party gave him a polite smile, but he kept complaining in his heart.

Such sloppy men call their general manager by name.

Can the general manager be seen in his capacity?

"Sir, what kind of business do you want to handle, I can help you."

Adams still didn't think much about it, it was enough for someone to help him solve the problem, and there was no need to alarm Thibaut for tens of thousands of dollars, just a small salesman.

"I want to get some cash."

The other party pointed to the ATM next door and said, "If you want to withdraw cash, you can do it there."

Adamston was a little annoyed when the ATM spit out small 20-denomination bills, which also had a withdrawal limit.

What he wants to withdraw is tens of thousands of dollars. This guy is a guy who judges people by appearance, just like the male waiter in the hotel.

He still restrained his anger and said indifferently: "I want some cash in excess of one hundred denominations, please..."

"Then register and queue up."

The other party gave Adams a self-elegant glance, and the smile was full of neglect.

Adams smiled, he remembered the name tag on the other's chest, the account manager Martha.

In Adams heart, hethink Tebow is a liar, and any supreme service is a liar.

He also patted his chest and promised that he would try his best to meet any requirements of customers.

He was even made things difficult for him to withdraw tens of thousands of cash.

Feeling aggrieved, Adams sat aside and waited for the call, watching the stock market boringly.

Recently, the U.S. stock market index continued to rise. Adams looked at several rising stocks with a hesitant look. He found that one stock was very strange. Because the country restricted the export of tires, the trading volume continued to decline.

This company specializes in tire export trade. The company's T company has received a large order of hundreds of millions of dollars in India.

This has also led to the stock's recent sharp rise, but he always feels that something is wrong.

Adams suddenly had an epiphany, and he saw that the company was playing a fake deal nine times out of ten.

Before it was changed, he would not have doubted this listed company with a good reputation in the industry, but since he had several hundred million in his pocket, he suddenly had a deeper understanding of many things he had learned before, and instantly thought of the other party in the company. Raise the stock price.

Just when he was thinking about how to make a fortune from it, the bank exclaimed!

"Dear Adams, why are you sitting here?"

It was Tebow, the general manager of Citibank.

He walked to the door and saw Adams dressed prominently.

The more Tebow looked, the more he felt that this person was a little familiar, and after taking a closer look, he realized that the other party was their VIP user Adams.

Adams was the biggest individual user in their branch, and he was an important customer he needed to follow up, so he immediately recognized that this sloppy man dressed like a kitchen chef was Adams.