Fraudulent transactions up to $2 billion

Without checking it carefully, I don't really know that there is so much insider trading in T Company.

Through some means and with the help of old friends, Jason carefully checked all three months of transactions, and the seasoned he immediately found that there were big problems in the undisclosed accounts of T company.

The accounts made by T Company are very beautiful, and ordinary accountants will not find any problems, but Jason and his subordinates are not ordinary people, some of them are elites from the Citron institution.

The fact that there is no problem with this account is the biggest problem.

From the clues, Jason found that T company also acquired a large number of assets and expanded the tire production line, but the daily production capacity decreased slightly.

These assets are not excellent assets, but the prices given are very outrageous, much higher than the market price.

"These shareholders are cashing out their money, and 90% the money bought at a premium goes into their own pockets."

"Boss, there are also problems with these transactions. There is no need for these countries in the Middle East to go around half of the Pacific Ocean to purchase tires. Their domestic tires are cheaper and have high production capacity."

Jason immediately understood that these shareholders were playing tricks.

They used these fake transactions to create good news, raise the stock price, and then naturally expand the production line and acquire some industries at a premium to extract money from the shareholders.

If no one exposes their actions, they can slowly hollow out the T company, leaving a shell company.

What even Jason has to admit is that these people are doing a very clean job.

If he hadn't gotten some detailed transaction lists through his connections, he wouldn't have been able to find the problem with T Company.

But this evidence is not enough, he still has something heavyweight to give T Company a fatal blow.

He found Robert and whispered a few words into his ear.

Robert's eyes lit up, he nodded, and hurried out the door.

Jason looked at the busy crowd, that feeling came back, he seemed to be alive again, and every member of Rust Lake was full of motivation.

"Run it all for me, our major shareholders says, as long as this order is made, everyone will have a basic bonus of one million US dollars!"

Hearing that there is a million dollar prize, the people present were more like eating Viagra and decided to keep going all night.

Jason laughed to himself, and unknowingly cheated the nouveau riche again.

On the other hand, Bol's father, Andre, visits Adams again.

At this time, the five-star presidential suite was filled with luxury goods, which surprised Andre.

The wealth of his generations was not as much as that of the nouveau riche in front of him with a single lottery ticket.

Seeing Adams unhurriedly washing his face and rinsing his mouth under the service of the beautiful waiter, Andre couldn't help but feel jealous again.

What he didn't know was that Adams had already seen through the old fox's mind and wanted to talk about "borrowing" money.

Andre came prepared, he took out several official documents, pointed to one of them and said:

"Adams, I am pulling you to become a shareholder with sincerity. My construction company has recently undertaken three key projects for the construction of the new district of the municipal government. You know how much the autonomous prefecture has invested in the new district. With these three projects in Hand, our company will be smooth sailing in the next few years..."

Although I don't know why the other party is so persistent in pulling him into a shareholding, Adams always feels that the other party is calculating him.

To blame, Andrea never hid his conduct in front of Adams before. And now he didn't want to have anything to do with this family.

So, he quietly listened to Andre's bewitching, he was smoking a new Cohiba Behike, probably influenced by the senator to fall in love with Cuban cigars, the smell of tobacco would make him clearer.

What Andre said was dry mouth, but Adams had no expression at all, thinking in his heart that this kid was getting more and more sophisticated, and he couldn't even see through any of the other's thoughts.

Adams pushed away the waitress who was massaging him, and pointed it out directly: "Uncle Andre, with my relationship with Bol, I also want to help you, and I'd be happy to invest in your construction company, but... …"

Seeing the tangled expression on the boy's face, Andre hurriedly asked: "But what, if you feel that the shares are being given less, we can still discuss it."

"No, Uncle Andrei, unfortunately, I have no money left!"

"How come? You obviously still have 600 million dollars."

"Adams, if you really don't want to invest in my construction company, no one will force you. You don't need to make up such an excuse to prevaricate me."

Andre looked angry, quite like that.

Adams simply opened the bank's APP and displayed the balance in front of Andre's eyes.


It was Andre's turn to be dumbfounded, what did this guy do.

How did this guy spend money so fast?